Artificial Intelligence

AI in Robotics

As costs come down and robot capabilities increase, small business is poised to benefit in several ways from adopting automation. Uncover the future of robotics, and discover how robots emerging from the labs, algorithms and AI are becoming a part of our everyday lives.

Monthly report: June 2022

This month, The Essentials Report, has curated & analyzed the content published by 138 influencers like Frontiers in Robotics & AI and Erico Guizzo, discussing hashtags such as #AI , #Robotics and #ICRA2022.
Read our monthly report or learn more about Essentials.

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What matters to our readers VS what matters to the rest of the world in June 2022

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Best articles in June 2022

@ericoguizzo shared
On Jun 17, 2022
Video Friday: Baby Clappy

Baby Clappy

Your weekly selection of awesome robot videos

@ericoguizzo shared
On Jun 17, 2022
Video Friday: Baby Clappy
Baby Clappy

Baby Clappy

Your weekly selection of awesome robot videos

@ericoguizzo shared
On Jun 10, 2022
Video Friday: Robot Soccer Finals

From the Archives: Xerox Parc’s Engineers on How They Invented the Future

Your weekly selection of awesome robot videos

@ericoguizzo shared
On Jun 10, 2022
Video Friday: Robot Soccer Finals
@AutomatonBlog shared
On Jun 3, 2022
Video Friday: ICRA 2022

video friday

Your weekly selection of awesome robot videos

@AutomatonBlog shared
On Jun 3, 2022
Video Friday: ICRA 2022
video friday

video friday

Your weekly selection of awesome robot videos

@Robotiq_Inc shared
On Jun 23, 2022
Neura: The New Kid On the Block You Need to Know About @ Automatica

Neura: The New Kid On the Block You Need to Know About @ Automatica

The "new kid on the block" here at Automatica 2022 is Neura, a brand new robotics company. Theirs is one of the biggest booths in Hall B4 here at the show.

@Robotiq_Inc shared
On Jun 23, 2022
Neura: The New Kid On the Block You Need to Know About @ Automatica
Neura: The New Kid On the Block You Need to Know About @ Automatica

Neura: The New Kid On the Block You Need to Know About @ Automatica

The "new kid on the block" here at Automatica 2022 is Neura, a brand new robotics company. Theirs is one of the biggest booths in Hall B4 here at the show.

@RobotLaunch shared
On Jun 12, 2022
svrobo: Read my latest: “News from Automate 2022 and more”

News from Automate 2022 and more

Just a short news round up this week. Where tech startups are suffering in the investment downtown, robotics startups that historically have always had a tougher time are doing quite nicely thank you.

@RobotLaunch shared
On Jun 12, 2022
svrobo: Read my latest: “News from Automate 2022 and more”
News from Automate 2022 and more

News from Automate 2022 and more

Just a short news round up this week. Where tech startups are suffering in the investment downtown, robotics startups that historically have always had a tougher time are doing quite nicely ...

@MistyRobotics shared
On Jun 10, 2022
“Robotics agenda, educating Misty and a fine week for chicken robots”. It’s not a headline we thought we’d ever read, but @TechCrunch has again taken a look at the #MistyRelaunch ahead of their TC Session: Robotics 2022 on July 21st.

Robot, chicken

If you’ve visited our site at all in recent months, you’re probably aware that we’ve got a couple of big events coming up. We’ll be in Berkeley in a couple of weeks for our first climate event, which will feature Amp Robotics CEO Matanya Horowitz discussing the role of automation in ...

@MistyRobotics shared
On Jun 10, 2022
“Robotics agenda, educating Misty and a fine week for chicken robots”. It’s not a headline we thought we’d ever read, but @TechCrunch has again taken a look at the #MistyRelaunch ahead of their TC Session: Robotics 2022 on July 21st.
Robot, chicken

Robot, chicken

If you’ve visited our site at all in recent months, you’re probably aware that we’ve got a couple of big events coming up. We’ll be in Berkeley in a couple of weeks for our first climate ...

@TonyBelpaeme shared
On Jun 1, 2022
RT @IanSHoward1: Martin's company is doing well!

World’s first raspberry picking robot cracks the toughest nut: soft fruit

Developed in Britain, the fruits of the automated harvester with a delicate touch are now in a supermarket near you

@TonyBelpaeme shared
On Jun 1, 2022
RT @IanSHoward1: Martin's company is doing well!
World’s first raspberry picking robot cracks the toughest nut: soft fruit

World’s first raspberry picking robot cracks the toughest nut: soft fruit

Developed in Britain, the fruits of the automated harvester with a delicate touch are now in a supermarket near you

@FastCompany shared
On Jun 11, 2022
Mind-reading technology is closer than you think

Mind-reading technology is closer than you think

Companies and governments are getting closer to mind-reading technology, and right now, no laws prevent the NSA from spying on our brains or from companies collecting brain data and selling the information to third parties.

@FastCompany shared
On Jun 11, 2022
Mind-reading technology is closer than you think
Mind-reading technology is closer than you think

Mind-reading technology is closer than you think

Companies and governments are getting closer to mind-reading technology, and right now, no laws prevent the NSA from spying on our brains or from companies collecting brain data and selling ...

Top Influencers

Picture of @FrontRoboticsAI

The official Twitter Feed for all the latest open-access peer-reviewed articles in Frontiers in #Robotics & #AI.

Follow 2.7k Followers

Picture of @ericoguizzo

Writing, coding, building things at @IEEESpectrum. Co-creator of @RobotsApp. @MIT_Sciwrite alum. Engineer. Journalist. Husband. Dad. [email protected]

Follow 8.1k Followers

Picture of @AutomatonBlog

@IEEESpectrum's award-winning coverage of robots, drones, AI, and more, led by robotics editor @botjunkie

Follow 21.9k Followers

Picture of @BotJunkie

Senior editor at @IEEESpectrum. I hug robots. [email protected]

Follow 14.3k Followers

Picture of @RobotLaunch

Bringing robots into the real world, startup by startup, event by event, deal by deal. @svrobo @robogard @robohub #robotlaunch

Follow 12.7k Followers

Picture of @svrobo

Supporting the innovation and commercialization of robotics technologies in Silicon Valley - sign up for news

Follow 13.9k Followers

Picture of @Robohub

Robohub is an online platform that brings together leading communicators in robotics research, start-ups, business, and education from around the world.

Follow 23.3k Followers

Picture of @Robotiq_Inc

Robotiq frees human hands from repetitive tasks. Our tools and know-how simplify collaborative robot applications, so factories can start production faster.

Follow 9.0k Followers

Picture of @FastCompany

Inspiring readers to think beyond traditional boundaries & create the future of business. Subscribe to our daily newsletter:

Follow 2.3M Followers

Picture of @WIRED

Where tomorrow is realized.

Follow 10.3M Followers

Picture of @TonyBelpaeme

Professor in Robotics at Ghent University, Belgium and Plymouth University, UK. Loving social cognition, Belgian beer, and the social interaction that it fuels.

Follow 1.4k Followers

Picture of @j2bryson

Prof of Ethics & Technology; Artificial & natural intelligence, culture, evolution, & governance. Vaguely professional tweets—for more @j2blather fewer @j2breve

Follow 28.2k Followers

Picture of @Tribotix

Tribotix is a Newcastle based company developing and selling robots to educational institutions

Follow 1.7k Followers

Picture of @singularityu

Our global community empowers leaders to leverage exponential technologies to solve global grand challenges. For tech news: @SingularityHub

Follow 138.4k Followers

Picture of @RoboticBusiness

Market Intelligence for the Global Robotics Industry. Breaking News, Research, Analysis, Financial Transactions, and more!

Follow 11.7k Followers

Picture of @KUKA_Americas

Official Twitter account of KUKA Robotics USA, Canada, and Mexico - one of the world’s leading suppliers of industrial robots.

Follow 24.4k Followers

Picture of @MistyRobotics

The Misty robot enables researchers, innovators and educators to explore an advanced social robot in a fun & easy way! Newsletter:

Follow 2.3k Followers

Picture of @engadget

Engadget is the original home for technology news and reviews.

Follow 2.4M Followers

Picture of @drfeifei

Prof (CS @Stanford), Co-Director @StanfordHAI, CoFounder/Chair @ai4allorg, Researcher #AI #computervision #ML AI+healthcare

Follow 403.0k Followers

Picture of @MatthewGombolay

Professor at GaTech. Robotics; Machine Learning; Human-Robot Interaction. Tweets are my own.

Follow 1.6k Followers