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AI Research

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Monthly report: August 2022

This month, The Essentials Report, has curated & analyzed the content published by 162 influencers like Stanford NLP Group and Nenad Tomasev, discussing hashtags such as #AI , #Baidu and #groovylang.
Read our monthly report or learn more about Essentials.

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Best articles in August 2022

@demishassabis shared
On Aug 4, 2022
RT @stevenbjohnson: I love this idea from @demishassabis in the new TED Interview: the measure of true AI creativity is not whether it can come up with new strategies for chess or Go, but whether it can invent a new game that is as captivating as Go.

DeepMind's Demis Hassabis on the future of AI The TED Interview

‎Show The TED Interview, Ep DeepMind's Demis Hassabis on the future of AI - Jul 28, 2022

@demishassabis shared
On Aug 4, 2022
RT @stevenbjohnson: I love this idea from @demishassabis in the new TED Interview: the measure of true AI creativity is not whether it can come up with new strategies for chess or Go, but whether it can invent a new game that is as captivating as Go.
DeepMind's Demis Hassabis on the future of AI The TED Interview

DeepMind's Demis Hassabis on the future of AI The TED Interview

‎Show The TED Interview, Ep DeepMind's Demis Hassabis on the future of AI - Jul 28, 2022

@MSFTResearch shared
On Aug 10, 2022
"...we have to help invent techniques to mitigate climate change," says @RanveerChandra, managing director of Research for Industry and CTO of Agri-food at Microsoft. That's where AI and data modelling are being used to address carbon capture and storage:

Using AI and machine learning to kickstart climate change fightback

Fighting climate change with carbon capture or geoengineering means harnessing the power of AI and sophisticated data modelling

@MSFTResearch shared
On Aug 10, 2022
"...we have to help invent techniques to mitigate climate change," says @RanveerChandra, managing director of Research for Industry and CTO of Agri-food at Microsoft. That's where AI and data modelling are being used to address carbon capture and storage:
Using AI and machine learning to kickstart climate change fightback

Using AI and machine learning to kickstart climate change fightback

Fighting climate change with carbon capture or geoengineering means harnessing the power of AI and sophisticated data modelling

@pabbeel shared
On Aug 23, 2022
RT @TheOfficialACM: In this week's People of ACM profile, we feature @pabbeel, a Professor at @Berkeley_EECS, Co-Founder of the AI robotics company @CovariantAI, and recipient of 2021 ACM Prize in Computing. Read the full interview here:

People of ACM - Peiter Abbeel

A People of ACM interview with Pieter Abbeel, a Professor at the University of California, Berkeley

@pabbeel shared
On Aug 23, 2022
RT @TheOfficialACM: In this week's People of ACM profile, we feature @pabbeel, a Professor at @Berkeley_EECS, Co-Founder of the AI robotics company @CovariantAI, and recipient of 2021 ACM Prize in Computing. Read the full interview here:
People of ACM - Peiter Abbeel

People of ACM - Peiter Abbeel

A People of ACM interview with Pieter Abbeel, a Professor at the University of California, Berkeley

@fastml_extra shared
On Aug 17, 2022
RT @Bieber: Today we published "A Library for Representing Python Programs as Graphs for Machine Learning", a technical report about the python_graphs library. Report: GitHub: PyPi: Install: pip install python_graphs

A Library for Representing Python Programs as Graphs for Machine Learning

Graph representations of programs are commonly a central element of machine learning for code research. We introduce an open source Python library python_graphs that applies static analysis to construct graph representations of Python programs suitable for training machine learning ...

@fastml_extra shared
On Aug 17, 2022
RT @Bieber: Today we published "A Library for Representing Python Programs as Graphs for Machine Learning", a technical report about the python_graphs library. Report: GitHub: PyPi: Install: pip install python_graphs
A Library for Representing Python Programs as Graphs for Machine Learning

A Library for Representing Python Programs as Graphs for Machine Learning

Graph representations of programs are commonly a central element of machine learning for code research. We introduce an open source Python library python_graphs that applies static analysis ...

@stanfordnlp shared
On Aug 15, 2022
RT @colinraffel: This semester I'm teaching a role-playing paper-reading seminar on Large Language Models, covering 57 (!) papers on the good, bad, and ugly of LLMs. Follow along here:

COMP790-101: Large Language Models

Seminar on Large Language Models (COMP790-101 at UNC Chapel Hill, Fall 2022) - GitHub - craffel/llm-seminar: Seminar on Large Language Models (COMP790-101 at UNC Chapel Hill, Fall 2022)

@stanfordnlp shared
On Aug 15, 2022
RT @colinraffel: This semester I'm teaching a role-playing paper-reading seminar on Large Language Models, covering 57 (!) papers on the good, bad, and ugly of LLMs. Follow along here:
COMP790-101: Large Language Models

COMP790-101: Large Language Models

Seminar on Large Language Models (COMP790-101 at UNC Chapel Hill, Fall 2022) - GitHub - craffel/llm-seminar: Seminar on Large Language Models (COMP790-101 at UNC Chapel Hill, Fall 2022)

@fchollet shared
On Aug 27, 2022
New tutorial on pretraining BERT with 🤗 Transformers

Pretraining BERT with Hugging Face Transformers

Keras documentation

@fchollet shared
On Aug 27, 2022
New tutorial on pretraining BERT with 🤗 Transformers
@jure shared
On Aug 1, 2022
RT @LogConference: Excited to announce our call for tutorials! We welcome virtual proposals from areas broadly related to learning on graphs and geometry. Deadline: October 10 AoE! Details:

Call for Tutorials

October 10th, 2022: Deadline for tutorial proposals October 31st, 2022: Tutorial acceptance notification December 5th, 2022: Deadline for final tutorial materials due for posting online December 9th, 2022: Tutorial Presentations Call For Tutorials We welcome virtual proposals from areas ...

@jure shared
On Aug 1, 2022
RT @LogConference: Excited to announce our call for tutorials! We welcome virtual proposals from areas broadly related to learning on graphs and geometry. Deadline: October 10 AoE! Details:
Call for Tutorials

Call for Tutorials

October 10th, 2022: Deadline for tutorial proposals October 31st, 2022: Tutorial acceptance notification December 5th, 2022: Deadline for final tutorial materials due for posting online ...

@michael_nielsen shared
On Aug 27, 2022
I wrote a little riff on this: (Frustratingly shallow, in part due to lack of expertise, but perhaps mostly a length constraint.)

The Rise of Computer-Aided Explanation

Computers can translate French and prove mathematical theorems. But can they make deep conceptual insights into the way the world works?

@michael_nielsen shared
On Aug 27, 2022
I wrote a little riff on this: (Frustratingly shallow, in part due to lack of expertise, but perhaps mostly a length constraint.)
The Rise of Computer-Aided Explanation

The Rise of Computer-Aided Explanation

Computers can translate French and prove mathematical theorems. But can they make deep conceptual insights into the way the world works?

Top Influencers

Picture of @stanfordnlp

Computational Linguists—Natural Language—Machine Learning @chrmanning @jurafsky @percyliang @ChrisGPotts @tatsu_hashimoto @MonicaSLam @Diyi_Yang @StanfordAILab

Follow 117.5k Followers

Picture of @weballergy

Staff research scientist at DeepMind. Opinions are my own. Re-tweets and favorites not to be considered as endorsements.

Follow 4.9k Followers

Picture of @kastnerkyle

computers and music are fun

Follow 3.4k Followers

Picture of @michael_nielsen

Searching for the numinous 🇦🇺 🇨🇦, now home in 🇺🇸 Researcher @AsteraInstitute Thinking out loud at

Follow 77.1k Followers

Picture of @hardmaru

prompt engineer at google brain 🧠 in tokyo🗼 former fixed income ape at goldman sachs 🦧

Follow 149.4k Followers

Picture of @xamat

Cofounder-CTO @CuraiHQ. Former Quora VP Eng. Led ML algos at Netflix. ML, AI, eHealth, Recsys, Software. Catalan in the Valley. Runner & Ironman - amatriain.eth

Follow 20.9k Followers

Picture of @demishassabis

Founder & CEO @DeepMind @IsomorphicLabs - working on General AI & modelling biology #AlphaGo #AlphaFold. Trying to understand the fundamental nature of reality

Follow 266.7k Followers

Picture of @MSFTResearch

Founded in 1991, Microsoft Research is dedicated to conducting both basic and applied research in computer science and software engineering.

Follow 541.3k Followers

Picture of @rsalakhu

UPMC Professor of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, ex-Director of AI research at @Apple, co-founder Perceptual Machines (acquired by Apple)

Follow 92.3k Followers

Picture of @deliprao

AI Research and Strategy, Applied Math, Teaching, Writing, Running || Art: #NLProc, Vision, Speech, Machine Learning, #DeepLearning || Life: 道元, improv

Follow 19.7k Followers

Picture of @fchollet

Deep learning @google. Creator of Keras. Author of 'Deep Learning with Python'. Opinions are my own.

Follow 314.4k Followers

Picture of @kchonyc

An Associate Professor at @nyuniversity & @CILVRatNYU. A Founder & Senior Director @PrescientDesign @genentech Research and Early Development (gRED)

Follow 39.1k Followers

Picture of @abursuc

Research scientist at on computer vision and machine learning; Inria alumni; PhD from Mines ParisTech. Opinions are my own

Follow 5.8k Followers

Picture of @jeremyphoward

🇦🇺 Co-founder: @FastDotAI; Hon Professor: @UQSchoolITEE; :wq

Follow 149.5k Followers

Picture of @etzioni

CEO, AIlen Institute for AI (AI2). Professor Emeritus, UW; Venture Partner, Madrona.

Follow 26.6k Followers

Picture of @TEDchris

Head of TED. Dreamer. Most days an optimist. TED = free talks on the web in Technology, Entertainment, Design & ideas worth spreading

Follow 1.6M Followers

Picture of @pabbeel

Professor at; Founder of,,; Podcaster

Follow 66.6k Followers

Picture of @fastml_extra

Everything related to machine learning and data science in general. Follow @fastml for notifications about new posts and @fastml_viz for data visualizations.

Follow 6.8k Followers

Picture of @hugo_larochelle

Google Brain researcher, machine learning professor, ex-Twitter Cortex, father of 4, wine/music/comedy enthusiast

Follow 104.6k Followers

Picture of @tqchenml

AssistProf @mldcmu and @CSDatCMU. CTO @OctoML. Creator of @XGBoostProject, @ApacheMXNet, @ApacheTVM. Member of Member of @TheASF.

Follow 10.5k Followers