Essentials Mediapost

Advertising & marketing industry

Advertising & marketing industry - Essential News is your daily digest curating the most insightful news hand-picked by top trusted experts in the industry.

Top news of the week: 28.12.2022.


@traackr shared
On Dec 23, 2022
"The next frontier is brands’ ability to build a creator experience and incentivize their teams for retention, so creators stay engaged and keep talking about the brand." - Pierre-Loïc Assayag, Traackr @Econsultancy shares what else is in store for 2023!
Influencer marketing in 2023: What do the experts predict?

Influencer marketing in 2023: What do the experts predict?

What’s in store for influencer marketing in 2023? Experts discuss the cost-of-living crisis, potential regulation, live shopping, and more.

@Kimota shared
On Dec 22, 2022
RT @CMIContent: Myth: Creative inspiration strikes out of nowhere. Reality: It takes a series of fortunate events – and a lot of brain strain, says @Kimota.
5 Content Marketing Articles From 2022 That Deserve Another Look

5 Content Marketing Articles From 2022 That Deserve Another Look

Most marketers tout the top content performers and scrutinize the biggest duds. But what about the content assets that did OK but didn’t quite get all the love you think they deserve? We ...

@YvesMulkers shared
On Jan 28, 2022
RT @AlbertoEMachado: #MWC22 #Barcelona Top #influencers: @Khulood_Almani @GlenGilmore @MWCHub @EvanKirstel @AlbertoEMachado @REALITYBTCZ @facsdepa @JimHarris via @DailyDOOH @rwang0 @KanezaDiane @Sharleneisenia @paula_piccard @CatherineAdenle @chboursin @AkwyZ
Top Ten:

Top Ten:

Digital Place Based, Digital Outdoor and AV Twitter Statistics

@Adweek shared
On Dec 27, 2022
VOICE | Adweek's chief content officer, Ann Marinovich, reflects on the path ahead for the marketing community.
An Inflection Point for Marketers—and Adweek

An Inflection Point for Marketers—and Adweek

My reflections on the path ahead for our community and our business.

@jeffsheehan shared
On Dec 23, 2022
Marketing Strategies That Worked In 2022 Via @TechCabal #marketing #marketingstrategies
Marketing strategies that worked in 2022

Marketing strategies that worked in 2022

2022 saw a significant shift in the marketing landscape, with social media's rise and online presence's increasing importance

@MarketingWeekEd shared
On Dec 23, 2022
.@markritson’s top 10 marketing moments of 2022 From Elon Musk and BrewDog to brands’ Russian exodus and brand purpose, Marketing Week’s trusty columnist reveals his biggest marketing moments of the year.
Ritson’s top 10 marketing moments of 2022

Ritson’s top 10 marketing moments of 2022

From Elon Musk and BrewDog to brands’ Russian exodus and brand purpose, Mark Ritson reveals his biggest marketing moments of the year.

@jeffsheehan shared
On Dec 22, 2022
17 Awesome Examples Of Social Media Marketing By Anna.Bredava @anna_bredava Via @sejournal #marketing #socialmedia
17 Awesome Examples Of Social Media Marketing

17 Awesome Examples Of Social Media Marketing

Successful social media campaigns have one thing in common: They provide value to their audience. Here are 17 examples to inspire you.

@kathpay shared
On Dec 23, 2022
RT @HolisticEmail: We're thrilled Holistic's Kath Pay contributed to the Halon Email Trends Report for 2023! Check it out and stay ahead of the curve in email marketing. Read the full report here: #emailmarketing #trendreport2023 #industryexpert #halon
Email Trend Report 2023

Email Trend Report 2023

This report covers 30+ trends for email 2023 across seven email marketing disciplines.