
Cybersecurity Data Privacy News

Get the latest headlines about data protection, including data privacy laws & more. These issues are symptoms of a profound shift in the world of data privacy & security that have major implications for organizations. With the rise of big data & machine learning, privacy & security are now converging.

Biometrics, Closed-circuit television, Privacy, Face perception, Crime prevention, Surveillance

@SecurityExpert shared
On Jul 26, 2022
Convenience store spy cameras face legal challenge - BBC News

Convenience store spy cameras face legal challenge

Big Brother Watch campaigners says the "Orwellian" cameras at Southern Co-op shops breach people's rights.

@SecurityExpert shared
On Jul 26, 2022
Convenience store spy cameras face legal challenge - BBC News
Convenience store spy cameras face legal challenge

Convenience store spy cameras face legal challenge

Big Brother Watch campaigners says the "Orwellian" cameras at Southern Co-op shops breach people's rights.

U.K. Organizations Warned Over Live Facial Recognition

U.K. Organizations Warned Over Live Facial Recognition

In a formal opinion, Elizabeth Denham says that the use of live facial recognition (LFR) can't be justified for reasons of efficiency or cost reduction alone.

New rules on police use of facial recognition don't go far enough, experts say

New rules on police use of facial recognition don't go far enough, experts say

The UK government has updated its code of practice on the use of surveillance cameras. Will it be enough to protect citizens' rights?

Facial Recognition an Ultimate Guide

Facial Recognition an Ultimate Guide

Facial Recognition is on the rise. Discover everything you ever wanted to know in this colossal guide that covers every aspect of this invasive technology.

How facial recognition technology threatens basic privacy rights

How facial recognition technology threatens basic privacy rights

As adoption of facial recognition systems continues to grow worldwide, there is increasing concern that this technology could undermine fundamental privacy rights and how it can be kept in ...

King's Cross facial-recognition plans revealed by letter

King's Cross facial-recognition plans revealed by letter

The developer intended to identify known offenders and "high-risk missing persons".

Facial recognition technology in schools

Facial recognition technology in schools

In October 2021, some schools began taking payments for lunches using facial recognition technology (FRT). In response, the Information Commissioner’s Office and some privacy campaigners ...

How London became a test case for using facial recognition in democracies

How London became a test case for using facial recognition in democracies

The police hope the software can solve and prevent crime, but can citizens ever give their consent?

Met police deploy live facial recognition technology

Met police deploy live facial recognition technology

Cameras used at east London shopping centre despite experts warning against them

PROFESSOR NOEL SHARKEY says facial recognition cameras sweeping the UK should worry us all

PROFESSOR NOEL SHARKEY says facial recognition cameras sweeping the UK should worry us all

PROFESSOR NOEL SHARKEY: The Orwellian surveillance of facial recognition cameras is worryingly inaccurate. A think-tank showed they are correct in only five per cent of cases at best.

Facial Recognition Has Its Eye on the U.K.

Facial Recognition Has Its Eye on the U.K.

As the U.S. government and the U.S. public consider the potential future use and regulation of facial surveillance, the debate in the U.K. can help to inform the U.S. discussion, ...

Facial Recognition in the Public Sector: The Policy Landscape

Facial Recognition in the Public Sector: The Policy Landscape

This brief is one of two presenting strategies for addressing challenges associated with facial recognition. These briefs provide policymakers concrete options for setting guardrails and ...

Brexit is already shaping facial recognition surveillance in the U.K.

Brexit is already shaping facial recognition surveillance in the U.K.

U.K. experts say Brexit has already shaped facial recognition policy, leaving the E.U. will bring more change, and legislation is needed instead of a ban.

Activists Worldwide Face Off Against Face Recognition: 2019 Year in Review

Activists Worldwide Face Off Against Face Recognition: 2019 Year in Review

We’ve all heard the expression, “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.” We might hope that what we do and where we go will only be known to those who were there in person. Yet maintaining ...

Surveillance cameras will soon be unrecognisable – time for an urgent public conversation

Surveillance cameras will soon be unrecognisable – time for an urgent public conversation

If you thought police surveillance was mere CCTV, it's time to catch up on what's happening on the other side of the lens.

How facial recognition technology is bringing surveillance capitalism to our streets

How facial recognition technology is bringing surveillance capitalism to our streets

Facial recognition cameras are bringing the datafication of the internet to the real world, threatening our right to privacy and public space.

Get out of my face! The activists who took action against face recognition in 2019

Get out of my face! The activists who took action against face recognition in 2019

In 2019, governments were quick to adopt face recognition technologies for use in public spaces; read about how activists worldwide have responded, demanding transparency and winning ...

Exclusive: Half London councils found using Chinese surveillance tech linked to Uighur abuses

Exclusive: Half London councils found using Chinese surveillance tech linked to Uighur abuses

At least half of London's boroughs have bought and deployed China-made surveillance systems linked to the abuse of Uighurs, according to data exclusively given to the Thomson Reuters ...

Macau Police Testing 100 Face and Vehicle Recognition Cameras

Macau Police Testing 100 Face and Vehicle Recognition Cameras

Macau police have announced plans for a facial and object recognition trial that leverages the city’s extensive network of CCTV surveillance cameras

EXCLUSIVE-Half London councils found using Chinese surveillance tech linked to Uighur abuses

EXCLUSIVE-Half London councils found using Chinese surveillance tech linked to Uighur abuses

UK councils' reliance on Chinese surveillance tech has sparked concern among privacy advocates and lawmakers