What the Blog? is an Essentials video series discussing what’s next for the cybersecurity industry and the newest cyber threats. Editors Isabella Moulton and Martin Jacobsz bring you a snappy summary of articles directly from our expertly curated Cybersecurity Essentials Newsletters.

In our first article we explore that while we're always talking about the newest cybersecurity trends originating from far off places, the biggest, most imminent cyber threat is actually lurking inside our home: it’s our own family. While we aren’t saying your family will maliciously try and sabotage you-- there’s an episode of Dr. Phil for that-- and if that’s the case, you’ll need a lot more than this article to help you. However, without knowing, family members could be sharing sensitive information overheard at the dining table without realising, thus causing an unintentional data leak. Read our blog here.

Our second article on the topic of data privacy news, examines how Spotify has failed to protect the victims of stalking, by not allowing them to block followers. Because of how the platform is set up, it’s possible for users to follow account holders by searching their name, without permission. From here, they can see who their other followers are and who they’re following, as well as what they’re listening to and their public playlists. Considering virtually every other platform has a block function, it’s about time Spotify did the same. Want more of the latest cybersecurity news? Check out the article here.