With a title like that, I better deliver right? OK, hear me out on this one. These days, we’re always talking about the newest cyber threats originating from far off places, but what if the biggest, most imminent threats were already lurking inside our homes? No, your TV isn’t spying on you (well actually it might be, but that’s a different article), but the biggest *cybersecurity threat* in your home is actually your family.

That’s right, with sensitive discussions now taking place outside of the boardroom, our family members are privy to a lot of private company matters they wouldn’t be before. I’m not saying your family will maliciously try and sabotage you-- there’s an episode of Dr Phil for that-- and if that’s the case, you’ll need a lot more than this article to help you. What I am saying though, is that without knowing, family members could be sharing this information out of sheer boredom or just because they weren't thinking of the consequences, thus causing a data leak.

Can minors sign an NDA?

While making your kids sign an NDA might be taking it a step too far-- although it would make for a great opportunity to teach them about how to protect themselves in business, it’s still important to explain the importance of keeping sensitive information private. Next to this, if your kids are too young to understand these concepts, perhaps it’s better to have certain conversations with the door shut.

Next to this, though minors can legally sign non-disclosure agreements, they aren’t really enforceable. For this reason, and perhaps a reason to not alienate your family dynamic, it’s better to discuss why it’s important to not tell others what they may overhear. However, when it comes to data protection and real-life data breaches, adult family members, roommates and nannies are all fair game when asking to sign NDAs.

Talk to us: Do you trust your family members, roommates or household staff, to not speak about your private business matters with others (accidentally or on purpose)? Let us know in the comments below, we would love to hear from you!

Read the original article here.

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