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Hellenistic philosophy, Scientific method, Socrates, Ethics, Tenure, Diogenes of Sinope

@JonEntine shared
On Feb 7, 2022
Can what we eat change the world? via @GeneticLiteracy

Can what we eat change the world?

How should we live in relation to food and our food system? In this article I suggest a return to ideas that were prevalent in ancient times to find a new way to live with food, one that does not negatively impact the world or is at odds with basic morality.

@JonEntine shared
On Feb 7, 2022
Can what we eat change the world? via @GeneticLiteracy
Can what we eat change the world?

Can what we eat change the world?

How should we live in relation to food and our food system? In this article I suggest a return to ideas that were prevalent in ancient times to find a new way to live with food, one that ...

Robosexuals: How close are we to the inevitable era of artificial intelligence-driven sex robots?

Robosexuals: How close are we to the inevitable era of artificial intelligence-driven sex robots?

Robosexuals eagerly await the promised arrival of sophisticated sex robots: talking, walking dolls that can carry a conversation, discern what a user

Lovers of Wisdom

Lovers of Wisdom

Diogenes Laertius compiled the sole extant work from antiquity that gives anything like a comprehensive picture of Greek and Hellenistic philosophy. He may have been a flaming mediocrity. ...

An interview with Martha Nussbaum on Neo-Stoicism

An interview with Martha Nussbaum on Neo-Stoicism

She’s done a great deal to revive academic and general interest in Hellenistic philosophy and virtue ethics, and to show their relevance to the contemporary politics of well-being, through ...