
Biotechnology & Sustainability

Biotechnology & Sustainability Essentials publishes only the best Biotech news and links, carefully hand-picked and curated by top biotech experts.

Economics, Reuse, Sustainability, Textile, Economy, Recycling

@Jon Entine shared
On Sep 19, 2023
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10 Ways to Promote a Circular Economy

Architects can help to promote a circular economy by reusing materials, prioritizing green energy, and practicing regenerative design.

@Jon Entine shared
On Sep 19, 2023
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10 Ways to Promote a Circular Economy

10 Ways to Promote a Circular Economy

Architects can help to promote a circular economy by reusing materials, prioritizing green energy, and practicing regenerative design.

A Simple Road Map For Sustainable Development

A Simple Road Map For Sustainable Development

Now is the time to develop a thoughtful strategy for sustainable housing and commercial spaces.

Sustainable Furniture—Top Brands and What to Consider When Purchasing in 2023

Sustainable Furniture—Top Brands and What to Consider When Purchasing in 2023

Sustainable furniture designs in 2023 include these top brands. Here's what to consider before making your next purchase.

Circular Economy in Urban Design: Sustainability and Community Involvement

Circular Economy in Urban Design: Sustainability and Community Involvement

The following explores the strategies used in circular urban environments providing a glimpse into what a fully-fledged circular economy might look like.

IoT in Sustainability and Circular Economy

IoT in Sustainability and Circular Economy

How will the IoT support sustainability and a circular economy?

Optimizing the Reverse Supply Chain to Adopt a Circular Economy

Optimizing the Reverse Supply Chain to Adopt a Circular Economy

As of August 2, humanity has been using ecological resources beyond what the earth is capable of regenerating for the year. Known as Earth Overshoot Day, this annual mark serves as a ...

Internet of Things, Environmental Sustainability, and the Circular Economy

Internet of Things, Environmental Sustainability, and the Circular Economy

Multiple industries are progressively investing in Internet of Things environmental sustainability initiatives to improve recycling and reuse of materials while safeguarding natural ...

What Is the Circular Economy?

What Is the Circular Economy?

A circular economy is a business model in which goods and services flow in a regenerative cycle that reduces environmental impact and redefines economic growth.

Circular economy a choice for sustainable development

Circular economy a choice for sustainable development

Amidst worsening environmental pollution and natural resource exhaustion, the circular economy model emerges as a visionary solution for the society and economy.

Quick Question: What is Circular Fashion?

Quick Question: What is Circular Fashion?

What is circular fashion? Why is circularity the future of fashion and what are some examples of circular fashion brands? If the concept of circular fashion has got you stumped, we've got ...

Pathways towards circular plastics in Europe — good practice examples from countries, business and citizens

Pathways towards circular plastics in Europe — good practice examples from countries, business and citizens

Plastics play an essential role in modern society. However, their value chain is currently unsustainable, contributing to the generation of climate changing emissions and increasing waste ...

Why is the circular economy important?

Why is the circular economy important?

A circular economy is a business model in which goods and services flow in a regenerative cycle that reduces environmental impact and redefines economic growth.

Circular Economic Practices in Argentina

Circular Economic Practices in Argentina

How the post-COVID economy can change from a line into a circle

How the post-COVID economy can change from a line into a circle

Technology is ready to help us get a lot more out of fewer resources, and make waste less. But can the economy adapt?

Circular economy important for India

Circular economy important for India

Indian Union Minister Mr Bhupender Yadav last week stressed on the importance of circular economy in the country in which waste is reused to create wealth needed to prevent degradation of ...