AI Essentials


As costs come down and robot capabilities increase, small business is poised to benefit in several ways from adopting automation. Discover how robots emerging from the labs, algorithms and AI are becoming a part of our everyday lives.

Uncanny valley, Human, Masahiro Mori, Robot, Robotics, Android

@IEEESpectrum shared
On Nov 4, 2021
#TBT: Why humanoid robots creep us out.

The Uncanny Valley: The Original Essay by Masahiro Mori

“The Uncanny Valley” by Masahiro Mori is an influential essay in robotics. This is the first English translation authorized by Mori.

@IEEESpectrum shared
On Nov 4, 2021
#TBT: Why humanoid robots creep us out.
The Uncanny Valley: The Original Essay by Masahiro Mori

The Uncanny Valley: The Original Essay by Masahiro Mori

“The Uncanny Valley” by Masahiro Mori is an influential essay in robotics. This is the first English translation authorized by Mori.

Uncanny valley

Uncanny valley

The concept of the uncanny valley suggests that humanoid objects which imperfectly resemble actual human beings provoke uncanny or strangely familiar feelings of eeriness and revulsion in ...

Uncanny valley: why we find human-like robots and dolls so creepy

Uncanny valley: why we find human-like robots and dolls so creepy

It seems obvious that the more human robots are, the more familiar we find them. But it’s only true up to a point – then we find them disturbing

The Star of This $70 Million Sci-Fi Film Is a Robot

The Star of This $70 Million Sci-Fi Film Is a Robot

The strangest part of Matthew Helderman’s video call came when he bit into an apple. Or rather, what followed. “What

An Uncanny Mind: Masahiro Mori on the Uncanny Valley and Beyond

An Uncanny Mind: Masahiro Mori on the Uncanny Valley and Beyond

An interview with the Japanese professor who came up with the uncanny valley of robotics

Click here to read the article

Click here to read the article

01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Very mechanical Very humanlike 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...

Why robots and artificial intelligence creep us out

Why robots and artificial intelligence creep us out

People tend to accept robots with humanlike characteristics up to a point. Then, things get strangely uncomfortable.

The scientific reason you find that Momo picture so creepy

The scientific reason you find that Momo picture so creepy

The human brain is wired to read faces and Momo doesn't fit the patterns.

IEEE Ranks Robot Creepiness: Sophia Is Not Even Close to the Top

IEEE Ranks Robot Creepiness: Sophia Is Not Even Close to the Top

Since its first appearance in 2016, the humanoid bot Sophia has become something of a celebrity. Sophia’s android body and face are…

Why we like a good robot story

Why we like a good robot story

We have been telling stories about machines with minds for almost three thousand years. In the Iliad, written around 800 BCE, Homer describes the oldest known AI: “golden handmaidens” ...

Why Robots And AI Creep Us Out

Why Robots And AI Creep Us Out

Media influence is just one of the reasons why robots and AI creep us out. Read the article and learn why robots and AI make good "bad guys".

Increasingly human-like robots spark fascination and fear

Increasingly human-like robots spark fascination and fear

Sporting a trendy brown bob, a humanoid robot named Erica chats to a man in front of stunned audience members in Madrid.

Bullard: Touch-Screens in Cars Don’t Make Us Safer – Yet

Bullard: Touch-Screens in Cars Don’t Make Us Safer – Yet

Large, interactive touch-screens are becoming increasingly prevalent in passenger cars; in the case of Tesla, they’re the only control interface. They’re lovely to look at, but as the ...