Artificial Intelligence

AI in Robotics News

As costs come down and robot capabilities increase, small business is poised to benefit in several ways from adopting automation. Uncover the future of robotics, and discover how robots emerging from the labs, algorithms and AI are becoming a part of our everyday lives.

Prosthesis, Artificial organ, Cyborg, Artificial limb, Prosthetics, Medical equipment

@singularityu shared
On Jul 27, 2022
One startup is using 3D printing technology to make prosthetic arms more quickly and affordable for Ukrainians in need—building the bridge between technology and humanitarian aid.

A Startup Is 3D Printing Bionic Arms for Ukrainians Injured in Conflict

Getting custom, high-quality prosthetics to people in war zones would have been impossible just five or ten years ago.

@singularityu shared
On Jul 27, 2022
One startup is using 3D printing technology to make prosthetic arms more quickly and affordable for Ukrainians in need—building the bridge between technology and humanitarian aid.
A Startup Is 3D Printing Bionic Arms for Ukrainians Injured in Conflict

A Startup Is 3D Printing Bionic Arms for Ukrainians Injured in Conflict

Getting custom, high-quality prosthetics to people in war zones would have been impossible just five or ten years ago.

This Startup Is 3D Printing Custom Prosthetics for a Fraction of the Standard Cost

This Startup Is 3D Printing Custom Prosthetics for a Fraction of the Standard Cost

The technologies used for TrueLimb’s customization and manufacturing, like 3D printing, both cut costs and make the user’s experience a lot less stressful.

Unlimited Tomorrow Cracks The Code On Robotic Arm Prosthetics

Unlimited Tomorrow Cracks The Code On Robotic Arm Prosthetics

By employing strategic partnerships and breakthrough innovation, the startup is setting new standards in the functionality and affordability of prosthetic arms.

Pet Prosthetics Get a Boost From 3D Printing

Pet Prosthetics Get a Boost From 3D Printing

New modeling software is helping animal health experts develop more customizable prosthetics for pets with missing limbs. Still, not all legs are created equal.

This team of high schoolers is building accessibility with free, 3D-printed prosthetics

This team of high schoolers is building accessibility with free, 3D-printed prosthetics

For this first time in his life, Pete Peeks was able to use both hands to hang Christmas lights outside his house this year -- thanks to the help of a high school robotics team.

The Fast-Disappearing Barrier to Personalized Everything

The Fast-Disappearing Barrier to Personalized Everything

Virtual environments combined with 3D printing are breaking down barriers to personalized medicine, from surgical procedures to prosthetics with haptic feedback capabilities.

Born This Way: The Future of 3D Printing and Prosthetics

Born This Way: The Future of 3D Printing and Prosthetics

3D printing is quickly revolutionizing how entire industries operate. Aaron Westbrook is using it to make eco-friendly arms and hands.

Prosthetic Arms for Ukraine

Prosthetic Arms for Ukraine

Overview: In February of 2022, the world was brought to its knees… Unlimited Tomorrow Global Initiative needs your support for Prosthetic Arms for Ukraine

How 3D printing has changed the world of prosthetic limbs forever

How 3D printing has changed the world of prosthetic limbs forever

When he was 13 years old, Christophe Debard had his leg amputated. Jump forward to the present day, and his experiences have led him to create the startup Print My Leg. It offers ...