Biometrics, Privacy, Surveillance, Access control, Facial recognition system, Face perception

On Apr 1, 2019
@CNET shared
Sony’s robot dog, Aibo, is banned in Illinois. Here’s why ⤵️

What Sony's robot dog teaches us about biometric data privacy

Sony doesn't sell Aibo in Illinois because of the state's Biometric Information Privacy Act.

On Apr 1, 2019
@CNET shared
Sony’s robot dog, Aibo, is banned in Illinois. Here’s why ⤵️

What Sony's robot dog teaches us about biometric data privacy

Sony doesn't sell Aibo in Illinois because of the state's Biometric Information Privacy Act.

State senator sought to weaken biometric privacy protections he had championed

After championing it years before, state Sen. Terry Link of Vernon Hills sought to weaken Illinois' law safeguarding privacy of biometric identifiers such as facial features, fingerprints ...

Amazon’s Accent Recognition Technology Could Tell the Government Where You’re From

A new patent shows how Alexa could derive ethnic origin and emotion by analyzing speech. Experts think the government could come after the resulting data.

Smart home cameras bring facial recognition ethics to your front door

Commentary: Capturing biometric data is questionable and largely unregulated. We should think twice before adding it to our smart homes.

How Biometric Authentication Works

Here is a guest post from Rowena Bonnette  on How Biometric Authentication works -  Biometrics are the ultimate security protocol. Using security coding that i…

Face Recognition Principles are a Step Forward But Congress Needs to Act

There are very few things more personal than our faces.

Biometric Identification – Knowing Who (and Where) You Are

Privacy risks inherent in the use of biometric identification are extreme. In the event of a data breach, you cannot reissue an iris or a fingerprint. As technologies become more advanced ...

As facial-recognition technology grows, so does wariness about privacy. Use at a school in Seattle fuels debate.

RealNetworks is offering schools a new, free security tool: facial-recognition software. But as the technology moves further into public spaces, it's raising privacy concerns and calls for ...

Watch Out for Government Grant Scams, Warns FTC

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is warning the public to be on the lookout for scams that leverage fake government grants as lures.

Facebook's New Face Recognition Features: What We Do (and Don't) Know [Updated]

Editor’s Note: After this post was published, Facebook provided more specific details about how their face recognition system works. The following post has been updated to include the ...


Iris recognition or iris scanning is the process of using visible and near-infrared light to take a high-contrast photograph of a person’s iris. It is a form of biometric technology in the ...

A Failure to “Do No Harm” -- India’s Aadhaar biometric ID program and its inability to protect privacy in relation to measures in Europe and the U.S.

Many objected to the way the Aadhaar Bill was passed.49 The Aadhaar Act is now the current statutory backing for the Aadhaar identification system.50 The Act was updated in September, 2016 ...

People Should Be Allowed to Sue Facebook If It Violates Law on Face Recognition Privacy

Ten years ago, Illinois enacted a law that imposes important protections against companies collecting and storing our biometric information — including using facial recognition— without our ...