Donald Trump, Fred Trump, Border guards, Government, United States, Border Patrol

Palmer Luckey's startup will build a 'virtual' border wall

On Jul 2, 2020
@engadget shared
Palmer Luckey's startup will build a 'virtual' border wall

It's no secret that Palmer Luckey's Anduril Industries has been developing a "virtual wall" to heighten national security -- he's been at it for the better part of three years. According to a new report from the Washington Post, the Trump administration awarded Anduril a lucrative ...
On Jul 2, 2020
@engadget shared
Palmer Luckey's startup will build a 'virtual' border wall

Palmer Luckey's startup will build a 'virtual' border wall

Palmer Luckey's startup will build a 'virtual' border wall

It's no secret that Palmer Luckey's Anduril Industries has been developing a "virtual wall" to heighten national security -- he's been at it for the better part of three years. According ...

Trump administration pays Peter Thiel-backed startup hundreds of millions of dollars to build a virtual border wall

Trump administration pays Peter Thiel-backed startup hundreds of millions of dollars to build a virtual border wall

Palmer Luckey's Anduril, backed by a Trump adviser, struck a deal with CBP that's reportedly worth several hundred million dollars.

Tech Startup Wins Contract to Build 'Virtual Wall'

Tech Startup Wins Contract to Build 'Virtual Wall'

A California tech startup company is reportedly working on building a virtual wall to help with immigration enforcement along the U.S.-Mexico border, The Washington Post reports. The U.S. ...

Trump wants a border wall. Texas may want a smarter alternative

Trump wants a border wall. Texas may want a smarter alternative

President Trump says a physical wall needs to be the main line of defense in the south. But a visit to several border towns in Texas shows that isn’t necessarily the case.

Palmer Luckey Wants To Build A "Virtual" Border Wall

Palmer Luckey Wants To Build A "Virtual" Border Wall

Palmer Luckey became a multi-millionaire selling VR company Oculus to Facebook. Now, his latest startup is looking to improve security at the US border using...

All Eyes on the Border

All Eyes on the Border

Materialized in steel and concrete, patrolled and “performed” by state apparatuses and sensing technologies, the border is charged by the politics of recognition.

The U.S. Border Patrol and an Israeli Military Contractor Are Putting a Native American Reservation Under “Persistent Surveillance”

The U.S. Border Patrol and an Israeli Military Contractor Are Putting a Native American Reservation Under “Persistent Surveillance”

Elbit Systems, which touts its products as “field-proven” on Palestinians, was contracted to build a high-tech surveillance system on Tohono O’odham land.

The questions the new company vying for border dominance in the US needs to answer

The questions the new company vying for border dominance in the US needs to answer

As calls for a ‘secure southern border’ are amplified in the US by politicians and pundits, Silicon Valley techies are coming out in force to proffer swanky digital solutions in the place ...

A Barrier to Trump’s Border Wall: Landowners in Texas

A Barrier to Trump’s Border Wall: Landowners in Texas

Construction of President Trump’s border wall has been slow going, in part because the Texans who own the land have to be coaxed or coerced to sell it, whether they want to or not.

The “smarter” wall: how drones, sensors, and AI are patrolling the border

The “smarter” wall: how drones, sensors, and AI are patrolling the border

Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images But there is another kind of border wall increasingly being talked about — one that proponents pitch as being less costly, less disruptive, and less politically ...

Border Wall Builder Tries the Unorthodox To Win Work

Border Wall Builder Tries the Unorthodox To Win Work

DOD Inspector General will probe $400M Corps contract to Fisher Sand and Gravel, which builds private walls and airs TV pitches to President Trump; firm also faces suit in Texas.

Hackers stole a US Customs and Border Patrol facial recognition database

Hackers stole a US Customs and Border Patrol facial recognition database

Hackers stole a US Customs and Border Patrol facial recognition database

Why did a little Guatemalan girl die after crossing the US border?

Why did a little Guatemalan girl die after crossing the US border?

The circumstances of Jakelin Caal Maquin’s sorrowful death are being seized upon as evidence both for and against the Trump administration’s hardline approach to immigration