Mobile phone, Bluetooth, Epidemiology, Orders of magnitude, Privacy, Health care

We Need to Talk About Digital Contact Tracing

On May 2, 2020
@roboticwrestler shared
RT @katecrawford: Everyone is RTing this piece by @_alialkhatib on contract tracing for good reason. It lays out the most serious structural concerns. Read it if you want a primer on the underlying problems that many of the 'tech solutions' don't address.

Over the past few weeks, Apple & Google have floated the idea of developing and distributing a digital contact-tracing app that will inform people when they’ve been exposed to someone who’s contracted COVID-19, and communicate to people that they’ve been exposed to you if you later test ...
On May 2, 2020
@roboticwrestler shared
RT @katecrawford: Everyone is RTing this piece by @_alialkhatib on contract tracing for good reason. It lays out the most serious structural concerns. Read it if you want a primer on the underlying problems that many of the 'tech solutions' don't address.

We Need to Talk About Digital Contact Tracing

We Need to Talk About Digital Contact Tracing

Over the past few weeks, Apple & Google have floated the idea of developing and distributing a digital contact-tracing app that will inform people when they’ve been exposed to someone who’s ...

How COVID-19 is changing the way we think about privacy

How COVID-19 is changing the way we think about privacy

The founder of data privacy startup Immuta explores how advanced privacy techniques could be employed to automate contact-tracing without sacrificing privacy.

Coronavirus: Why are there doubts over contact-tracing apps?

Coronavirus: Why are there doubts over contact-tracing apps?

Experts raise concerns about Bluetooth technology and the risks of "mission creep".

What privacy-preserving coronavirus tracing apps need to succeed

What privacy-preserving coronavirus tracing apps need to succeed

Coronavirus contact tracing app makers in the U.S. and Europe say they can help return life to normal and keep privacy intact, but they need a lot of help.

As Apple and Google collaborate, governments weigh privacy balance of virus contact tracing

As Apple and Google collaborate, governments weigh privacy balance of virus contact tracing

With Apple & Google to collaborate on covid19 tracing smartphone technology, many of the world's governments are weighing the privacy implications of using mobiles.

Five things we need to do to make contact tracing really work

Five things we need to do to make contact tracing really work

Without federal leadership, the hard work of contact tracing is being left to a coalition of states, medics and technology companies like Google and Apple. They can make it happen, but it ...