Artificial Intelligence

AI in Robotics News

As costs come down and robot capabilities increase, small business is poised to benefit in several ways from adopting automation. Uncover the future of robotics, and discover how robots emerging from the labs, algorithms and AI are becoming a part of our everyday lives.

@IEEESpectrum shared
On Jul 29, 2022
So many kids grew up watching “The Jetsons” that the show has become a handy shortcut for talking about future tech.

Lotfi Zadeh and the Birth of Fuzzy Logic

Its space-age world featured flying cars, food replicators, and a 9-hour workweek

@IEEESpectrum shared
On Jul 29, 2022
So many kids grew up watching “The Jetsons” that the show has become a handy shortcut for talking about future tech.
Lotfi Zadeh and the Birth of Fuzzy Logic

Lotfi Zadeh and the Birth of Fuzzy Logic

Its space-age world featured flying cars, food replicators, and a 9-hour workweek