Artificial Intelligence

AI in Robotics News

As costs come down and robot capabilities increase, small business is poised to benefit in several ways from adopting automation. Uncover the future of robotics, and discover how robots emerging from the labs, algorithms and AI are becoming a part of our everyday lives.

Scientific method, Production system, Research, Artificial intelligence, Science, Google

@fchollet shared
On Jun 28, 2022
RT @TensorFlow: 🎉 We're thrilled to see that TensorFlow is the most used and wanted ML tool in the recent Stack Overflow Developer Survey! A huge thank you to the developer community. Learn how TensorFlow is used at Google and major companies for applied ML. →

Bringing Machine Learning to every developer’s toolbox

TensorFlow is now being downloaded over 18M times per month and has amassed 166k stars on GitHub – more than any other ML framework.

@fchollet shared
On Jun 28, 2022
RT @TensorFlow: 🎉 We're thrilled to see that TensorFlow is the most used and wanted ML tool in the recent Stack Overflow Developer Survey! A huge thank you to the developer community. Learn how TensorFlow is used at Google and major companies for applied ML. →
Bringing Machine Learning to every developer’s toolbox

Bringing Machine Learning to every developer’s toolbox

TensorFlow is now being downloaded over 18M times per month and has amassed 166k stars on GitHub – more than any other ML framework.

Expert Systems in Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Expert Systems in Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Expert systems are a domain in which Artificial Intelligence stimulates the behavior and judgement of a human. Read its functions, applications, uses & more

Machine Learning Engineering for Production (MLOps) Specialization

Machine Learning Engineering for Production (MLOps) Specialization

An event celebrating the launch of Machine Learning Engineering for Production (MLOps) Specialization featuring AI leaders in MLOps

Where Can You Learn About MLOps? The Best Books, Articles, Courses, and Podcasts to Learn MLOps

Where Can You Learn About MLOps? The Best Books, Articles, Courses, and Podcasts to Learn MLOps

MLOps is not a piece of cake. Especially in today’s changing environment. There are many challenges—construction, integrating, testing, releasing, deployment, and infrastructure management. ...

The science of assisting medical diagnosis: From Expert systems to Machine-learned models

The science of assisting medical diagnosis: From Expert systems to Machine-learned models

Curai’s mission is to scale the world’s best healthcare for every human being. We are building an augmented intelligence system to help…

Who Benefits From American AI Research in China?

Who Benefits From American AI Research in China?

Who benefits from the research breakthroughs made in the China-based research labs of American artificial intelligence (AI) companies? Just five years ago, that question hardly ever came ...

Global AI Talent Report 2018

Global AI Talent Report 2018

Global AI Talent Report 2018 Summary For further commentary beyond the report, see the accompanying blog post. For a table of the full list of countries and their numbers, or to submit ...

AI institute uses Google Cloud Platform to solve everyday challenges

AI institute uses Google Cloud Platform to solve everyday challenges

Using Kubernetes, the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence built Beaker, a platform to improve reproducibility in scientific research.

Where organizations are automating decisions

Where organizations are automating decisions

Decisions are at the heart of every organization and to automate, businesses use a coordinated collection of data, systems, and techniques.

AI research is a dumpster fire and Google’s holding the matches

AI research is a dumpster fire and Google’s holding the matches

The deep learning explosion has led to amazing advances in the world of artificial intelligence, but there's a dark side to success.

What do data scientists need to know that machine learning researchers don't?

What do data scientists need to know that machine learning researchers don't?

I’ve interned in both roles (currently a data scientist intern at Quora), and done some ML research at Berkeley. One big difference between the two roles is that data scientists need to ...

Thousands petition Google for more answers on departed researcher

Thousands petition Google for more answers on departed researcher

Google employees and industry people, alike, have signed a petition asking Google to explain its process with renown terminated AI researcher.

Detectron Q&A: The origins, evolution, and future of our pioneering computer vision library

Detectron Q&A: The origins, evolution, and future of our pioneering computer vision library

The researchers behind Meta AI’s open source Detectron computer vision library discuss how the project came about, how the OS community has contributed, and what comes next.

Technical AI Safety Researchers, Research Fellows, and Senior Research Fellows

Technical AI Safety Researchers, Research Fellows, and Senior Research Fellows

FHI is a multidisciplinary research institute at Oxford University studying big picture questions for human civilization.

Troubling Trends in Machine Learning Scholarship

Troubling Trends in Machine Learning Scholarship

Ideally, papers should accomplish the following: (1) provide intuition to aid the reader's understanding but clearly distinguish it from stronger conclusions supported by evidence; (2) ...

Crowdfund: $QUANTUM

Crowdfund: $QUANTUM

A new meta-experiment begins today: using crypto to crowdfund scientific research. 

Fashion-MNIST: Year In Review

Fashion-MNIST: Year In Review

It’s been one year since I released the Fashion-MNIST dataset in Aug. 2017. As I wrote in the, Fashion-MNIST is intended to serve as a drop- ... · Han Xiao

A 20-Year Community Roadmap for AI Research in the US is Released

A 20-Year Community Roadmap for AI Research in the US is Released

CCC Chair Mark D. Hill, CCC Vice-Chair Liz Bradley, and CCC Director Ann Schwartz Drobnis provided significant contributions to this post. The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is ...

Baidu Research Establishes an Advisory Board, Holds 1st Board Meeting in Silicon Valley

Baidu Research Establishes an Advisory Board, Holds 1st Board Meeting in Silicon Valley

The five distinguished scientists joining the Advisory Board are Dr. David Belanger, former Chief Scientist and Vice President at AT&T Labs; David Forsyth, Professor of Computer Science at ...

Research Scientist

Research Scientist

We’re looking for a Research Scientist to join our team in Wrocław. If you have a proven track record in research, and you want to develop new ML/AI algorithms for medical diagnosis, we’d ...