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Science, Scientific method, Research, National Science Foundation, Vannevar Bush, Theory

@michael_nielsen shared
On Oct 18, 2022
RT @kanjun: In 2020, @michael_nielsen & I began a 2-month project to write: "how would we fund science?" 2 years & 40,000 words later, it's become: "how can the culture & institutions of science actually change, and ultimately become self-improving?" Our answer:

A Vision of Metascience

We argue that: (1) metascience is an imaginative design practice, exploring an enormous design space for social processes; (2) that exploration aims to find new social processes which unlock latent potential for discovery; (3) decentralized change must be possible, so outsiders with ...

@michael_nielsen shared
On Oct 18, 2022
RT @kanjun: In 2020, @michael_nielsen & I began a 2-month project to write: "how would we fund science?" 2 years & 40,000 words later, it's become: "how can the culture & institutions of science actually change, and ultimately become self-improving?" Our answer:
A Vision of Metascience

A Vision of Metascience

We argue that: (1) metascience is an imaginative design practice, exploring an enormous design space for social processes; (2) that exploration aims to find new social processes which ...

Working in the Penumbra of Understanding

Working in the Penumbra of Understanding

An effective science and technology policy that works to solve society’s problems must fully incorporate engineering’s unique perspective.

The Transformative Effect of Science

The Transformative Effect of Science

ERC President Maria Leptin Keynote Address at the Berlin Science Week; joint ERC - Berlin University Alliance event, Berlin Check against delivery Dear Professor Kunst, Dear distinguished ...

Science and Congress

Science and Congress

Adam Keiper on science advice and the legacy of the Office of Technology Assessment

Four theories on the cryptography of Star Trek

Four theories on the cryptography of Star Trek

“I’m sorry Captain. They rotated by fourteen.” Over on ZDNet they’re asking why cybersecurity is like Star Trek. I think this is the wrong question. A better one is: why is …

Conquering the challenge of quantum optimization

Conquering the challenge of quantum optimization

Untrainable circuits, “barren plateaus” and deceptive local minimas may prevent the use of quantum-enhanced optimization, as Pradeep Niroula explains

2021 in Review: List of new developments in research assessment

2021 in Review: List of new developments in research assessment

The Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) recognizes the need to improve the ways in which the outputs of scholarly research are evaluated.

Small quake clusters can’t hide from AI

Small quake clusters can’t hide from AI

Researchers at Rice University's Brown School of Engineering are using data gathered before a deadly 2017 landslide in Greenland to show how deep...

After COVID-19 We Will Need a New Research System. We Need To Start Planning Now

After COVID-19 We Will Need a New Research System. We Need To Start Planning Now

The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of the journal or of ASM. The world after COVID-19 will be significantly different than the one we thought we knew ...

Click here to read the article

Click here to read the article

The discussion of progress includes diagonalization and circuit lower bounds; the relativization, algebrization, and natural proofs barriers; and the recent works of Ryan Williams and Ketan ...

Podcast: Covid-19 has exposed a US innovation system that is badly out of date

Podcast: Covid-19 has exposed a US innovation system that is badly out of date

Ilan Gur always wanted to build things. But after finishing his PhD in material science at UC Berkeley, he says he “bounced around, feeling like a misfit.” He left the publish-or-perish ...

IBM's research director on how tech can push science beyond the pandemic

IBM's research director on how tech can push science beyond the pandemic

Dario Gil, who's been nominated to the National Science Board, wants to create a "science readiness reserve" to use tech's power to solve future crises.

Piloting and Evaluating NSF Science Lottery Grants: A Roadmap to Improving Research Funding Efficiencies and Proposal Diversity

Piloting and Evaluating NSF Science Lottery Grants: A Roadmap to Improving Research Funding Efficiencies and Proposal Diversity

Summary The United States no longer leads the world in basic science. There is growing recognition of a gap in translational activities—the fruits of American research do not convert to ...

75 years on the endless frontier: a vision for the future rooted in the past

75 years on the endless frontier: a vision for the future rooted in the past

75 years ago, the White House made public Vannevar Bush’s vision for American prosperity that was based in government support for fundamental research. Making use of the largest federal ...

A Message from the Director of the National Science Foundation

A Message from the Director of the National Science Foundation

Although collaboration and interdisciplinary methods have long been part of how scientists and engineers work, convergence takes these collaborations in exciting new directions. As ...

Science Must Be for Everyone

Science Must Be for Everyone

Racism and sexism are obstacles to making the scientific enterprise worthy of its public funding

U.S. lawmakers unveil bold $100 billion plan to remake NSF

U.S. lawmakers unveil bold $100 billion plan to remake NSF

Agency would get a huge technology research arm and a new name