Vocoder, Haskins Laboratories, Speech synthesis, Human voice, Joe Rogan, Assistive technology

On May 16, 2019
@kastnerkyle shared
RT @dessa: 🔥📢 #RealTalk: You aren't going to believe this, but trust us, it's real. Major props to our ML Engineers Hash, Joe and Ray! Tell your friends, everyone. https://t.co/FVN35mpN1N

RealTalk: This Speech Synthesis Model Our Engineers Built Recreates a Human Voice Perfectly (Part I)

…and it’s the voice of Joe Rogan. Prepare to be amazed! Note: Part 2 of the blog will provide a technical overview, stay tuned.

On May 16, 2019
@kastnerkyle shared
RT @dessa: 🔥📢 #RealTalk: You aren't going to believe this, but trust us, it's real. Major props to our ML Engineers Hash, Joe and Ray! Tell your friends, everyone. https://t.co/FVN35mpN1N

RealTalk: This Speech Synthesis Model Our Engineers Built Recreates a Human Voice Perfectly (Part I)

…and it’s the voice of Joe Rogan. Prepare to be amazed! Note: Part 2 of the blog will provide a technical overview, stay tuned.

Assessments Become More Accessible With Speech Synthesis—and an Almost Human Voice

These are exciting times in the world of assistive learning technology. Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are ...

Teaching AI to learn speech the way children do

Facebook AI Research is working with the AI research community on the ZeroSpeech 2019 challenge to teach AI systems to learn speech the way children do.

Vocal Tract Simulator Translates a Person's Brain Activity Into Clear Sentences

By capturing brain signals associated with the mechanical aspects of speaking, such as movements of the jaw, lips, and tongue, researchers have created a virtual, computer-based vocal tract ...

Deep Voice 3: 2000-Speaker Neural Text-to-Speech

Today, we are excited to announce Deep Voice 3, the latest milestone of Baidu Research’s Deep Voice project. The Deep Voice 3 architecture (see Fig. A sequence-to-sequence model like Deep ...

Bad Speech Synthesis Made Simple

Speech synthesis is a core component of many modern products - turn by turn navigation, automatic personal assistants/search like Siri and Alexa, and even the voices of AI/robots/people in ...

WellSaid aims to make natural-sounding synthetic speech a credible alternative to real humans

Many things are better said than read, but the best voice tech out there seems to be reserved for virtual assistants, not screen readers or automatically generated audiobooks. WellSaid ...

Audio Sample from "FastSpeech: Fast, Robust and Controllable Text to Speech"

ArXiv: arXiv:1905.09263 Reddit Discussions: Click me Authors Yi Ren* (Zhejiang University) [email protected] Yangjun Ruan* (Zhejiang University) [email protected] Xu Tan (Microsoft ...