Artificial Intelligence

AI Research News

Discover the latest AI research & find out how AI, Machine Learning and advanced algorithms impact our lives, our jobs and the economy, all thanks to expert articles that include discussion on the potential, limits and consequences of AI.

Sentience, Computer vision, Intelligence, Artificial intelligence, Cognitive architecture, Chinese room

@stanfordnlp shared
On Jun 15, 2022
RT @etzioni: Oren Etzioni stepping down as CEO of Allen Institute for AI after nine years at research hub via @GeekWire

Oren Etzioni stepping down as CEO of Allen Institute for AI after nine years at research hub

Oren Etzioni, the founding CEO of Seattle’s Allen Institute for AI, is stepping down from the artificial intelligence research organization he helped launch nearly nine years ago. A renowned expert… Read More

@stanfordnlp shared
On Jun 15, 2022
RT @etzioni: Oren Etzioni stepping down as CEO of Allen Institute for AI after nine years at research hub via @GeekWire
Oren Etzioni stepping down as CEO of Allen Institute for AI after nine years at research hub

Oren Etzioni stepping down as CEO of Allen Institute for AI after nine years at research hub

Oren Etzioni, the founding CEO of Seattle’s Allen Institute for AI, is stepping down from the artificial intelligence research organization he helped launch nearly nine years ago. A ...

Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence’s new fund makes first investment, backing Panda AI

Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence’s new fund makes first investment, backing Panda AI

Panda AI announced an investment from the new fund out of Seattle’s Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2). GeekWire first reported about the stealthy Seattle startup back in ...

AI World to Showcase Practical Usage of AI for Enterprises

AI World to Showcase Practical Usage of AI for Enterprises

Artificial intelligence conference and expo hits Boston with three days of case studies, networking, and workshops to help enterprises adopting AI.

Types of AI You Should Know

Types of AI You Should Know

Look at the different types, stages, and branches of AI.

AI Hype is a Huge Problem, According to This PhD

AI Hype is a Huge Problem, According to This PhD

Dr. Neil Yager, Co-Founder and Chief Scientist at Phrasee, sat down with Marketing AI Institute to share some thoughts and predictions about AI.

4 key misunderstandings in AI

4 key misunderstandings in AI

Starting with Narrow AI and general AI are not on the same scale. Learn more about misunderstandings in AI in the blog post.

The AI Paradox: Bringing Common-sense Understanding to Machines

The AI Paradox: Bringing Common-sense Understanding to Machines

Artificial intelligence is rapidly transitioning from the realm of science fiction to the reality of our daily lives. Our devices understand what we say, speak to us, and translate between ...

10 AI Predictions For 2022

10 AI Predictions For 2022

2022 will be a huge year for the field of artificial intelligence.

On Artificial Intelligence and Society. Interview with Oren Etzioni

On Artificial Intelligence and Society. Interview with Oren Etzioni

“We have a profound ethical responsibility to design systems that have a positive impact on society, obey the law, and adhere to our highest ethical standards.”–Oren Etzioni. On the impact ...

Facial and emotional recognition; how one man is advancing artificial intelligence

Facial and emotional recognition; how one man is advancing artificial intelligence

Scott Pelley reports on the developments in artificial intelligence brought about by venture capitalist Kai-Fu Lee’s investments and China's effort to dominate the AI field

Microsoft teams up with OpenAI to exclusively license GPT-3 language model

Microsoft teams up with OpenAI to exclusively license GPT-3 language model

One of the most gratifying parts of my job at Microsoft is being able to witness and influence the intersection of technological progress and impact: harnessing the big trends in computing ...

How We Can Prepare Now for Catastrophically Dangerous AI—and Why We Can't Wait

How We Can Prepare Now for Catastrophically Dangerous AI—and Why We Can't Wait

Artificial intelligence in its current form is mostly harmless, but that’s not going to last. Machines are getting smarter and more capable by the minute, leading to concerns that AI will ...

The Role of Knowledge Graphs in Artificial Intelligence

The Role of Knowledge Graphs in Artificial Intelligence

How do knowledge graphs influence artificial intelligence? Here's how looking at the relat

Rebooting AI

Rebooting AI

Two leaders in the field offer a compelling analysis of the current state of the art and reveal the steps we must take to achieve a truly robust artificial intelligence. Despite the hype ...

Interview with Ben Goertzel Founder SingularityNet, OpenCog - Benevolent And Open AI, What Kind Of Evolutionary Mind Can We Engineer?

Interview with Ben Goertzel Founder SingularityNet, OpenCog - Benevolent And Open AI, What Kind Of Evolutionary Mind Can We Engineer?

Ben Goertzel is a leading world recognised artificial intelligence researcher, thinker, software engineer and serial entrepreneur. Ben is the founder and CEO of SingularityNET, the Chairman ...

Ben Goertzel Founder SingularityNet, OpenCog – Benevolent AI And Singularity, Engineering The Mind Of The Future

Ben Goertzel Founder SingularityNet, OpenCog – Benevolent AI And Singularity, Engineering The Mind Of The Future

Ben Goertzel is a leading world recognised artificial intelligence researcher, thinker, software engineer and serial entrepreneur. Ben is the founder and C

AI for Social Impact Seminar Series - Oren Etzioni

AI for Social Impact Seminar Series - Oren Etzioni

Join us from August 24 through December 14 at the AI for Social Impact Seminar Series. This seminar series will explore how artificial intelligence can contribute to solving social problems.

Why the left should worry more about AI

Why the left should worry more about AI

It’s not just a weird libertarian obsession. Corporate AI is already warping our lives and our governments.

The state of Artificial Intelligence

The state of Artificial Intelligence

It seems that a day doesn't go by without artificial intelligence (AI) making the headlines. On the one hand, we are being warned about the...