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Cache algorithms, Computer, CPU cache, Cache, Central processing unit, Web cache

@petewarden shared
On Jun 2, 2022
Thanks everyone for all the help! I've posted a summary of what I know at

Caches Considered Harmful for Machine Learning

Photo by the National Park Service I’ve been working on a new research paper, and a friend gave me the feedback that he was confused by the statement “memory accesses can be accurately …

@petewarden shared
On Jun 2, 2022
Thanks everyone for all the help! I've posted a summary of what I know at
Caches Considered Harmful for Machine Learning

Caches Considered Harmful for Machine Learning

Photo by the National Park Service I’ve been working on a new research paper, and a friend gave me the feedback that he was confused by the statement “memory accesses can be accurately …

All Change Please

All Change Please

Update: the DrTm results were for a 6-node cluster, not a 60-node cluster. Update: corrected the RAM Cloud tpmC number – previously missing a crucial ‘K’ ! The combined changes in…

Improve Application Performance with Four Storage Best Practices

Improve Application Performance with Four Storage Best Practices

Applications are one of the most mission-critical elements in today's digital economy, and poor performance results in bad user experiences leading to productivity and revenue losses for ...

NetSpectre: Read Arbitrary Memory over Network

NetSpectre: Read Arbitrary Memory over Network

NetSpectre: Read Arbitrary Memory over Network Michael Schwarz Graz University of Technology Martin Schwarzl Graz University of Technology Moritz Lipp Graz University of Technology Daniel ...

The Next New Memories

The Next New Memories

A new crop of memories in R&D could have a big impact on future compute architectures

Improving HPC Performance with the Roofline Model

Improving HPC Performance with the Roofline Model

"When we are optimizing our objective is to determine which hardware resource the code is exhausting (there must be one, otherwise it would run faster!), and then see how to modify the code ...

Did IBM Just Preview The Future of Caches?

Did IBM Just Preview The Future of Caches?

This means that from a singular core perspective, in a 256 core system, it has access to: 32 MB of private L2 cache (19-cycle latency) 256 MB of on-chip shared virtual L3 cache (+12ns ...

New Noise-Resilient Attack On Intel and AMD CPUs Makes Flush-based Attacks Effective

New Noise-Resilient Attack On Intel and AMD CPUs Makes Flush-based Attacks Effective

DABANGG: Indian IIT researchers demonstrate a new noise-resilient technique that makes Flush-based Cache attacks more effective against modern Intel and AMD processors.

AI Startup Cornami reveals details of neural net chip

AI Startup Cornami reveals details of neural net chip

Stealth startup Cornami on Thursday revealed some details of its novel approach to chip design to run neural networks. CTO Paul Masters says the chip will finally realize the best aspects ...