Human, Psychology, Morality, Value, Artificial intelligence, Social philosophy

Artificial Intelligence, Values and Alignment

On Jan 28, 2020
@weballergy shared
RT @DeepMind: In “Artificial Intelligence, Values and Alignment” DeepMind’s @IasonGabriel explores approaches to aligning AI with a wide range of human values:

This paper looks at philosophical questions that arise in the context of AI alignment.
On Jan 28, 2020
@weballergy shared
RT @DeepMind: In “Artificial Intelligence, Values and Alignment” DeepMind’s @IasonGabriel explores approaches to aligning AI with a wide range of human values:

Artificial Intelligence, Values and Alignment

This paper looks at philosophical questions that arise in the context of AI alignment.

AI Alignment Podcast: Inverse Reinforcement Learning and the State of AI Alignment with Rohin Shah

In this episode of the AI alignment series, Lucas interviews philosopher Peter Singer about moral realism, utilitarianism, and implications for AI.

Draft AI Ethics Guidelines For Trustworthy AI

Draft AI Ethics Guidelines For Trustworthy AI

Principles of AI Governance and Ethics Should Apply to All Technologies

IT vendors are increasingly defining principles to guide the development of artificial intelligence. It’s worth taking a look at what those principles actually say.


What it means is this: given a utility function (or reward function, or goal), maximize its expectation. In judging humans, we expect both the ability to learn predictive models of the ...

ACR-215 23 Asilomar AI Principles.(2017-2018)

WHEREAS, Over the last decade, artificial intelligence (AI) has demonstrated rapidly increasing competency across many fields, such as image recognition, speech recognition and translation, ...

AI Weekly: Meta analysis shows AI ethics principles emphasize human rights

A report found that among the dozens of existing sets of AI principles, eight core themes emerged -- with human rights featured prominently.

Ethical AI Principles

Artificial Intelligence can be a source of positive impact and good for society — if done right. As with all powerful technology, there…

2019 AI Alignment Literature Review and Charity Comparison

Cross-posted to the EA forum here [] . INTRODUCTION As in ...

Just Be Ethical: High Level Guidelines on AI Are Fine, But Offer Little Guidance

The European Commission’s High Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (HLEG) released its report, “Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI.” Overall, the report represents a good-faith ...

Call for papers

Machine Ethics: understanding, developing and evaluating ethical agency and reasoning abilities as part of the behaviour of artificial autonomous systems (such as artificial intelligence ...

AI Value Alignment isn’t a Problem if We Don’t Coexist

The AI value alignment argument goes something like this: As artificial intelligence will continue to approach human-level intelligence Artificial intelligence will generally be driven by a ...

Ethics, Qualia Research & AI Safety with Mike Johnson

What's the relationship between valence research and AI ethics? Hedonic valence is a measure of the quality of our felt sense of experience, the intrinsic goodness (positive valence) or ...