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AI Essentials publishes only the most insightful AI news article links selected by the most trusted experts in the AI & Machine Learning industry

Monthly report: July 2022

This month, The Essentials Report, has curated & analyzed the content published by 192 influencers like Kim Muro and ipfconline, discussing hashtags such as #ai , #MachineLearning and #fintech.
Read our monthly report or learn more about Essentials.

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What matters to our readers VS what matters to the rest of the world in July 2022

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Best articles in July 2022

@AutomatonBlog shared
On Jul 1, 2022
Video Friday: PoKeBo Cubes

Self-Driving Cars Work Better With Smart Roads

Your weekly selection of awesome robot videos

@AutomatonBlog shared
On Jul 1, 2022
Video Friday: PoKeBo Cubes
Self-Driving Cars Work Better With Smart Roads

Self-Driving Cars Work Better With Smart Roads

Your weekly selection of awesome robot videos

@nigewillson shared
On Jul 18, 2022
RT @HaleChris: Moving beyond mimicry in artificial intelligence. #ai #ml @nigewillson @andy_fitze @HeinzVHoenen

Moving Beyond Mimicry in Artificial Intelligence

What makes pre-trained AI models so impressive—and potentially harmful.

@nigewillson shared
On Jul 18, 2022
RT @HaleChris: Moving beyond mimicry in artificial intelligence. #ai #ml @nigewillson @andy_fitze @HeinzVHoenen
Moving Beyond Mimicry in Artificial Intelligence

Moving Beyond Mimicry in Artificial Intelligence

What makes pre-trained AI models so impressive—and potentially harmful.

@KirkDBorne shared
On Jul 1, 2022
Public Datasets — Curated lists of #OpenData for #BigData #DataScience #DataScientists #AI #MachineLearning #ResearchData ↓ 1 2 3 4 5 6

List of datasets for machine-learning research

Part of a series on Machine learning and data mining show Problems show Supervised learning (classification • regression) show Clustering show Dimensionality reduction show Structured prediction show Anomaly detection show Artificial neural network show Reinforcement learning show Theory ...

@KirkDBorne shared
On Jul 1, 2022
Public Datasets — Curated lists of #OpenData for #BigData #DataScience #DataScientists #AI #MachineLearning #ResearchData ↓ 1 2 3 4 5 6
List of datasets for machine-learning research

List of datasets for machine-learning research

Part of a series on Machine learning and data mining show Problems show Supervised learning (classification • regression) show Clustering show Dimensionality reduction show Structured ...

@Robohub shared
On Jul 1, 2022
ep.357: Origin Story of the OAK-D, with Brandon Gilles

Origin Story of the OAK-D with Brandon Gilles

So like switches, routers, wifi access point outdoor long, long distance stuff. You know, both the driver who accidentally clips and killed someone because they’re text messaging and the person who is on the bike who gets killed, that regarded it to be an embedded system, that had all ...

@Robohub shared
On Jul 1, 2022
ep.357: Origin Story of the OAK-D, with Brandon Gilles
Origin Story of the OAK-D with Brandon Gilles

Origin Story of the OAK-D with Brandon Gilles

So like switches, routers, wifi access point outdoor long, long distance stuff. You know, both the driver who accidentally clips and killed someone because they’re text messaging and the ...

@MIRIBerkeley shared
On Jul 7, 2022
RT @KeiranJHarris: In his 2017 book Life 3.0, @tegmark was pretty upbeat about our ability to safely develop powerful AI systems. But his optimism peaked while he was writing the last chapter, and he now says recent developments have put us in the “worst-case scenario”...

Max Tegmark on how a ‘put-up-or-shut-up’ resolution led him to work on AI and algorithmic news selection

In the 2010s he wrote two best-selling books, Our Mathematical Universe: My Quest for the Ultimate Nature of Reality, and Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, and in 2014 founded a non-profit, the Future of Life Institute, which works to reduce all sorts of threats ...

@MIRIBerkeley shared
On Jul 7, 2022
RT @KeiranJHarris: In his 2017 book Life 3.0, @tegmark was pretty upbeat about our ability to safely develop powerful AI systems. But his optimism peaked while he was writing the last chapter, and he now says recent developments have put us in the “worst-case scenario”...
Max Tegmark on how a ‘put-up-or-shut-up’ resolution led him to work on AI and algorithmic news selection

Max Tegmark on how a ‘put-up-or-shut-up’ resolution led him to work on AI and algorithmic news selection

In the 2010s he wrote two best-selling books, Our Mathematical Universe: My Quest for the Ultimate Nature of Reality, and Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, and in ...

@WorldTrendsInfo shared
On Jul 23, 2022
RT @hudson_chatbots: These 9 Research Papers are changing how I see Artificial Intelligence this year. @AntGrasso via @MikeQuindazzi #Robotics #AI #HealthTech #AR #VR

These 9 Research Papers are changing how I see Artificial Intelligence this year.

A list of Research papers can be a tool that helps you to foresee the future of AI

@WorldTrendsInfo shared
On Jul 23, 2022
RT @hudson_chatbots: These 9 Research Papers are changing how I see Artificial Intelligence this year. @AntGrasso via @MikeQuindazzi #Robotics #AI #HealthTech #AR #VR
These 9 Research Papers are changing how I see Artificial Intelligence this year.

These 9 Research Papers are changing how I see Artificial Intelligence this year.

A list of Research papers can be a tool that helps you to foresee the future of AI

@WorldTrendsInfo shared
On Jul 1, 2022
RT @Social_Molly: Artificial Intelligence Project Approach cc @MikeQuindazzi #EV #FutureofWork #AutonomousVehicles #AI

Artificial Intelligence Project Approach

83% of organizations believe that artificial intelligence holds power to propel their business operations to the next level [1]. As a…

@WorldTrendsInfo shared
On Jul 1, 2022
RT @Social_Molly: Artificial Intelligence Project Approach cc @MikeQuindazzi #EV #FutureofWork #AutonomousVehicles #AI
Artificial Intelligence Project Approach

Artificial Intelligence Project Approach

83% of organizations believe that artificial intelligence holds power to propel their business operations to the next level [1]. As a…

@dmonett shared
On Jul 8, 2022
RT @SchmidhuberAI: Lecun (@ylecun)’s 2022 paper on Autonomous Machine Intelligence rehashes but doesn’t cite essential work of 1990-2015. We’ve already published his “main original contributions:” learning subgoals, predictable abstract representations, multiple time scales…

LeCun's 2022 paper on autonomous machine intelligence rehashes but does not cite essential work of 1990-2015

I am referring the interested reader again to (I) our "cognitive architectures in which all modules are differentiable and many of them are trainable" [HAB][PHD][AC90][AC90b][AC][HRL0-2][PLAN2-5], (II) our "hierarchical architecture for predictive world models that learn representations ...

@dmonett shared
On Jul 8, 2022
RT @SchmidhuberAI: Lecun (@ylecun)’s 2022 paper on Autonomous Machine Intelligence rehashes but doesn’t cite essential work of 1990-2015. We’ve already published his “main original contributions:” learning subgoals, predictable abstract representations, multiple time scales…
LeCun's 2022 paper on autonomous machine intelligence rehashes but does not cite essential work of 1990-2015

LeCun's 2022 paper on autonomous machine intelligence rehashes but does not cite essential work of 1990-2015

I am referring the interested reader again to (I) our "cognitive architectures in which all modules are differentiable and many of them are trainable" ...

Top Influencers

Picture of @WorldTrendsInfo

#Innovation CIO • #BigData #Cloud #SaaS Leader • Future of #Digital #MobileFirst • Interested in #VR + #AR • #WomenInTech Building #IoT

Follow 33.2k Followers

Picture of @ipfconline1

Digital Transformation Consulting #AI #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #DataScience #AIEthics #EdgeComputing #Fintech #DigitalMarketing

Follow 125.6k Followers

Picture of @cybersecboardrm

Twitter Top10 #CyberSecurity #infosec #IoT #privacy #AI #ML #disrupt #blockchain #Industry40 #startups #Cloud #FutureOfWork #tech #KeynoteSpeaker RT != agree

Follow 46.2k Followers

Picture of @kdnuggets

KD stands for Knowledge Discovery. Covering #DataScience #MachineLearning #AI #Analytics. Edited by @mattmayo13. Founded by Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro.

Follow 213.1k Followers

Picture of @hardmaru

prompt engineer at google brain 🧠 in tokyo🗼 former fixed income ape at goldman sachs 🦧

Follow 146.7k Followers

Picture of @kastnerkyle

computers and music are fun

Follow 3.3k Followers

Picture of @FLIxrisk

We work on reducing extreme risks from transformative technologies. Press Enquiries - [email protected] RT /=/ endorsement

Follow 82.7k Followers

Picture of @Miles_Brundage

Policy stuff at @openai. I mostly tweet about AI, animals, and sci-fi. Views my own.

Follow 31.8k Followers

Picture of @MktgAi

Making #AI approachable & actionable for marketers. Join us for MAICON 2022 - Aug. 3-5 in Cleveland, OH. DM for discount!

Follow 3.0k Followers

Picture of @ChuckDBrooks

Thought Leadership: #cybersecurity, #emergingtech, #IoT, #AI #Gov FORBES Contributor, Georgetown U Professor, Named A Top Tech Person To Follow On LinkedIn.

Follow 17.8k Followers

Picture of @AutomatonBlog

@IEEESpectrum's award-winning coverage of robots, drones, AI, and more, led by robotics editor @botjunkie

Follow 21.9k Followers

Picture of @ericoguizzo

Writing, coding, building things at @IEEESpectrum. Co-creator of @RobotsApp. @MIT_Sciwrite alum. Engineer. Journalist. Husband. Dad. [email protected] 🇧🇷🎸🤖

Follow 8.1k Followers

Picture of @BotJunkie

Senior editor at @IEEESpectrum. I hug robots. [email protected]

Follow 14.4k Followers

Picture of @nigewillson

speaker, influencer & advisor on #artificialintelligence, #machinelearning #aiethics & #innovation, founder

Follow 60.5k Followers

Picture of @stanfordnlp

Computational Linguistics—Natural Language—Machine Learning @chrmanning @jurafsky @percyliang @ChrisGPotts @tatsu_hashimoto @MonicaSLam @StanfordAILab Stanford

Follow 116.6k Followers

Picture of @KirkDBorne

@dataprime_ai Data Scientist. Freelancer. Global Speaker. Founder/owner of @LeadershipData. Top #BigData #DataScience #AI #IoT #ML Influencer. PhD Astrophysics

Follow 343.8k Followers

Picture of @peteskomoroch

Investor. Past: Founder @SkipFlag. EIR @Accel. Data Science & ML @LinkedIn, @AOL & @MIT. I’m into AI, Fitness, Neuroscience, DadOps, Math, Physics, K-12 STEM.

Follow 52.0k Followers

Picture of @Robohub

Robohub is an online platform that brings together leading communicators in robotics research, start-ups, business, and education from around the world.

Follow 23.8k Followers

Picture of @MIRIBerkeley

MIRI exists to maximize the probability that the creation of smarter-than-human intelligence has a positive impact.

Follow 37.5k Followers

Picture of @dmonett

Prof. Dr. Computer Science —Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, AI ethics— Head of #CS Department, Co-Director

Follow 8.0k Followers