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Monthly report: January 2021

This month, The Essentials Report, has curated & analyzed the content published by 282 influencers like Bob Carver ✭ and Nige Willson, discussing hashtags such as #ai , #machinelearning and #artificialintelligence.
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Best articles in January 2021

@mariuskarma shared
On Jan 13, 2021
A new technique called ‘concept whitening’ promises to provide neural network interpretability via @VentureBeat

A new technique called ‘concept whitening’ promises to provide neural network interpretability

"Concept whitening" can help steer neural networks toward learning specific concepts without sacrificing performance.

@mariuskarma shared
On Jan 13, 2021
A new technique called ‘concept whitening’ promises to provide neural network interpretability via @VentureBeat
A new technique called ‘concept whitening’ promises to provide neural network interpretability

A new technique called ‘concept whitening’ promises to provide neural network interpretability

"Concept whitening" can help steer neural networks toward learning specific concepts without sacrificing performance.

@WIRED shared
On Jan 21, 2021
China produces as many artificial intelligence researchers as the US, but it lags in key fields like machine learning. The government hopes to make up ground.

This Chinese Lab Is Aiming for Big AI Breakthroughs

China produces as many artificial intelligence researchers as the US, but it lags in key fields like machine learning. The government hopes to make up ground.

@WIRED shared
On Jan 21, 2021
China produces as many artificial intelligence researchers as the US, but it lags in key fields like machine learning. The government hopes to make up ground.
This Chinese Lab Is Aiming for Big AI Breakthroughs

This Chinese Lab Is Aiming for Big AI Breakthroughs

China produces as many artificial intelligence researchers as the US, but it lags in key fields like machine learning. The government hopes to make up ground.

@singularityu shared
On Jan 22, 2021
New research shows that borrowing architectural principles from the brain can help AI get closer to our visual prowess.

How Mirroring the Architecture of the Human Brain Is Speeding Up AI Learning

The brain’s ability to learn so quickly depends on its ability to use prior knowledge to understand new concepts based on little data.

@singularityu shared
On Jan 22, 2021
New research shows that borrowing architectural principles from the brain can help AI get closer to our visual prowess.
How Mirroring the Architecture of the Human Brain Is Speeding Up AI Learning

How Mirroring the Architecture of the Human Brain Is Speeding Up AI Learning

The brain’s ability to learn so quickly depends on its ability to use prior knowledge to understand new concepts based on little data.

@cybersecboardrm shared
On Jan 15, 2021
What is Deep Learning? #ArtificialIntelligence #learning #machinelearning

What is Deep Learning?

Diving into “what is deep learning” while providing an exciting and straightforward introduction to deep learning, how it works, and some…

@cybersecboardrm shared
On Jan 15, 2021
What is Deep Learning? #ArtificialIntelligence #learning #machinelearning
What is Deep Learning?

What is Deep Learning?

Diving into “what is deep learning” while providing an exciting and straightforward introduction to deep learning, how it works, and some…

@nigewillson shared
On Jan 19, 2021
What is semi-supervised machine learning? #ai #artificialintelligence #machinelearning #deeplearning

What is semi-supervised machine learning?

Machine learning has proven to be very efficient at classifying images and other unstructured data, a task that is very difficult to handle with classic rule-based software. But before machine learning models can perform classification tasks, they need to be trained on a lot of annotated ...

@nigewillson shared
On Jan 19, 2021
What is semi-supervised machine learning? #ai #artificialintelligence #machinelearning #deeplearning
What is semi-supervised machine learning?

What is semi-supervised machine learning?

Machine learning has proven to be very efficient at classifying images and other unstructured data, a task that is very difficult to handle with classic rule-based software. But before ...

@cybersecboardrm shared
On Jan 13, 2021
The Future of Space Explorations is in the Hands of AI and Robotics #ArtificialIntelligence

The Future of Space Explorations is in the Hands of AI and Robotics

Artificial intelligence and robotics are influencing space exploration in many ways. Advanced technologies like machine learning and deep learning are also espoused with AI to help space missions.

@cybersecboardrm shared
On Jan 13, 2021
The Future of Space Explorations is in the Hands of AI and Robotics #ArtificialIntelligence
The Future of Space Explorations is in the Hands of AI and Robotics

The Future of Space Explorations is in the Hands of AI and Robotics

Artificial intelligence and robotics are influencing space exploration in many ways. Advanced technologies like machine learning and deep learning are also espoused with AI to help space ...

@VanRijmenam shared
On Jan 27, 2021
3 #tech #trends that #COVID-19 will accelerate in 2021: 1. #AI must become practical 2. Solutions become more #autonomous with deep learning 3. Promise of curing future #pandemics will accelerate research in #quantum computing

3 tech trends that COVID-19 will accelerate in 2021

These trends, driven by COVID, will have a long-lasting impact on our future.

@VanRijmenam shared
On Jan 27, 2021
3 #tech #trends that #COVID-19 will accelerate in 2021: 1. #AI must become practical 2. Solutions become more #autonomous with deep learning 3. Promise of curing future #pandemics will accelerate research in #quantum computing
3 tech trends that COVID-19 will accelerate in 2021

3 tech trends that COVID-19 will accelerate in 2021

These trends, driven by COVID, will have a long-lasting impact on our future.

@cybersecboardrm shared
On Jan 29, 2021
Top 5 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Trends for 2021 #CloudComputing

Top 5 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Trends for 2021

In 2020 we saw two big achievements in the race towards true artificial intelligence. OpenAI introduced GPT-3, and Google’s DeepMind released AlphaFold 2.

@cybersecboardrm shared
On Jan 29, 2021
Top 5 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Trends for 2021 #CloudComputing
Top 5 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Trends for 2021

Top 5 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Trends for 2021

In 2020 we saw two big achievements in the race towards true artificial intelligence. OpenAI introduced GPT-3, and Google’s DeepMind released AlphaFold 2.

Top Influencers

Picture of @cybersecboardrm

Twitter Top10 #CyberSecurity #infosec #IoT #privacy #AI #ML #disrupt #blockchain #Industry40 #startups #Cloud #FutureOfWork #technology #Speaker RT != agree

Follow 44.5k Followers

Picture of @nigewillson

speaker, influencer & advisor on #artificialintelligence, #machinelearning #aiethics & #innovation, co-founder @WeandAI founder

Follow 57.3k Followers

Picture of @willknight

Senior Writer @WIRED, covering AI, automation, China, and occasionally D&D. @techreview / @newscientist alum.

Follow 15.6k Followers

Picture of @ipfconline1

Digital Transformation Consulting #AI #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #5G #DataScience #AIEthics #CloudComputing #Fintech #DigitalMarketing

Follow 112.6k Followers

Picture of @kdnuggets

Covering #AI, #Analytics, #BigData, #DataMining, #DataScience #MachineLearning, #DeepLearning. Founded by Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro.

Follow 185.1k Followers

Picture of @VanRijmenam

I think about technology and the impact on business & society. Author of 3 mgt books. Founder of & fighting fake news, bots and trolls w/

Follow 45.4k Followers

Picture of @hardmaru

research scientist at google brain 🧠 香港人 🏴

Follow 96.6k Followers

Picture of @mariuskarma

Technology improve the world! Use efficiently #MachineLearning #BigData #Analytics #AI #BI #Raspberry_PI #Python #Ether #tensorflow #web #api

Follow 6.0k Followers

Picture of @RAlexJimenez

Chief Strategy Officer @Extractable #Fintech #Payments #InsurTech #DigitalMarketing #Innovation | @HofstraU #BSME @AdelphiU #MBA Views my own! 🇨🇴🇪🇸🇮🇱🇺🇸

Follow 14.4k Followers

Picture of @WIRED

WIRED is where tomorrow is realized.

Follow 10.4M Followers

Picture of @singularityu

Our global community empowers leaders to leverage exponential technologies to solve global grand challenges. For tech news: @SingularityHub

Follow 134.4k Followers

Picture of @johnchavens

E.D., IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of AI Systems. Founder and E.D., Council on Extended Intelligence. Tweets mine. Author, Heartificial Intelligence.

Follow 16.5k Followers

Picture of @Miles_Brundage

Head of Policy Research at OpenAI. Research Affiliate, Centre for the Governance of AI, University of Oxford. Views my own.

Follow 27.5k Followers

Picture of @jeremyphoward

🇦🇺 Distinguished research scientist: @usfca Deep learning R&D & education: Software: Book: Course:

Follow 116.1k Followers

Picture of @KirkDBorne

Principal Data Scientist @BoozAllen. Global Speaker. Top #BigData #DataScience #AI Influencer. PhD Astrophysicist. (Views = my own) 📊🔭

Follow 273.2k Followers

Picture of @cqchoi

I write about what happens at the edge between the unknown & the impossible. Science journalist for 20 years & sci-fi author @sciam, @Analog_SF & more. He/him.

Follow 4.2k Followers

Picture of @JohnNosta

I'm a technology theorist driving innovation at humanity's tipping point. Host of the TQ Podcast @Google Health Board @WHO Health Tech Expert

Follow 64.2k Followers

Picture of @ahier

Passionate about healthcare, technology, open data and government 2.0

Follow 56.4k Followers

Picture of @erikbryn

Director @DigEconLab; Jerry Yang and Akiko Yamazaki Professor @Stanford; Co-author @2MABook and @MPCBook.

Follow 188.9k Followers

Picture of @gleonhard

Humanist & Futurist, Author of bestselling book Top-rated Keynote Speaker & Virtual Presenter see + CEO @FuturesAgency

Follow 46.2k Followers