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Monthly report: December 2020

This month, The Essentials Report, has curated & analyzed the content published by 186 influencers like MIT Technology Review and News from Science, discussing hashtags such as #NeurIPS2020 , #AI and #NDAA.
Read our monthly report or learn more about Essentials.

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What matters to our readers VS what matters to the rest of the world in December 2020

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Best articles in December 2020

@NewsfromScience shared
On Dec 19, 2020
One day, this AI could even make its own AI. #LookBack2020

Artificial intelligence is evolving all by itself

Advance replicates decades of AI research in days

@NewsfromScience shared
On Dec 19, 2020
One day, this AI could even make its own AI. #LookBack2020
Artificial intelligence is evolving all by itself

Artificial intelligence is evolving all by itself

Advance replicates decades of AI research in days

@GaryMarcus shared
On Dec 23, 2020
RT @CACMmag: "Insights for AI from the Human Mind," by @GaryMarcus and Ernest Davis, says the #cognitive sciences offer clues on how to build better #AI systems. #artificialintelligence

Insights for AI from the Human Mind

How the cognitive sciences can inform the quest to build systems with the flexibility of the human mind.

@GaryMarcus shared
On Dec 23, 2020
RT @CACMmag: "Insights for AI from the Human Mind," by @GaryMarcus and Ernest Davis, says the #cognitive sciences offer clues on how to build better #AI systems. #artificialintelligence
Insights for AI from the Human Mind

Insights for AI from the Human Mind

How the cognitive sciences can inform the quest to build systems with the flexibility of the human mind.

@GaryMarcus shared
On Dec 30, 2020
RT @Montreal_AI: ‘The Debate of the Next Decade’ — AI Debate 2 Explores AGI and AI Ethics Synced: #AIDebate #AIDebate2 #MontrealAI

‘The Debate of the Next Decade’ — AI Debate 2 Explores AGI and AI Ethics

The four-hour event included three panel discussions: Architecture and Challenges, Insights from Neuroscience and Psychology, and Towards…

@GaryMarcus shared
On Dec 30, 2020
RT @Montreal_AI: ‘The Debate of the Next Decade’ — AI Debate 2 Explores AGI and AI Ethics Synced: #AIDebate #AIDebate2 #MontrealAI
‘The Debate of the Next Decade’ — AI Debate 2 Explores AGI and AI Ethics

‘The Debate of the Next Decade’ — AI Debate 2 Explores AGI and AI Ethics

The four-hour event included three panel discussions: Architecture and Challenges, Insights from Neuroscience and Psychology, and Towards…

@GaryMarcus shared
On Dec 24, 2020
RT @rcalo: Great (and fast! GPT-3?) write up of our #AIDebate2 event over @ZDNet cc: @GaryMarcus

AI Debate 2: Night of a thousand AI scholars

Gary Marcus, a frequent critic of deep learning forms of AI, and Vincent Boucher, president of Montreal.AI, hosted sixteen scholars to discuss what things AI needs to move forward, including Daniel Kahneman, Fei-Fei Li, and Judea Pearl.

@GaryMarcus shared
On Dec 24, 2020
RT @rcalo: Great (and fast! GPT-3?) write up of our #AIDebate2 event over @ZDNet cc: @GaryMarcus
AI Debate 2: Night of a thousand AI scholars

AI Debate 2: Night of a thousand AI scholars

Gary Marcus, a frequent critic of deep learning forms of AI, and Vincent Boucher, president of Montreal.AI, hosted sixteen scholars to discuss what things AI needs to move forward, ...

@pmddomingos shared
On Dec 24, 2020
Another example of the cancel crowd in action in AI:

Yann LeCun Quits Twitter Amid Acrimonious Exchanges on AI Bias

Turing Award Winner and Facebook Chief AI Scientist Yann LeCun has announced his exit from Twitter after getting involved in a long and often acrimonious dispute regarding racial biases in AI.

@pmddomingos shared
On Dec 24, 2020
Another example of the cancel crowd in action in AI:
Yann LeCun Quits Twitter Amid Acrimonious Exchanges on AI Bias

Yann LeCun Quits Twitter Amid Acrimonious Exchanges on AI Bias

Turing Award Winner and Facebook Chief AI Scientist Yann LeCun has announced his exit from Twitter after getting involved in a long and often acrimonious dispute regarding racial biases in ...

@AstroKatie shared
On Dec 12, 2020
@CyberSpaceGal Here’s an example: Original press release:

New computational method validates images without 'ground truth'

A realtor sends a prospective homebuyer a blurry photograph of a house taken from across the street. The homebuyer can compare it to the real thing—look at the picture, then look at the real house—and see that the bay window is actually two windows close together, the flowers out front ...

@AstroKatie shared
On Dec 12, 2020
@CyberSpaceGal Here’s an example: Original press release:
New computational method validates images without 'ground truth'

New computational method validates images without 'ground truth'

A realtor sends a prospective homebuyer a blurry photograph of a house taken from across the street. The homebuyer can compare it to the real thing—look at the picture, then look at the ...

@DiscoverMag shared
On Dec 8, 2020
Deep learning algorithms are prone to a previously unknown problem, say a team of computer scientists at Google.

Google Reveals Major Hidden Weakness In Machine Learning

Deep learning algorithms are prone to a previously unknown problem, say a team of computer scientists at Google.

@DiscoverMag shared
On Dec 8, 2020
Deep learning algorithms are prone to a previously unknown problem, say a team of computer scientists at Google.
Google Reveals Major Hidden Weakness In Machine Learning

Google Reveals Major Hidden Weakness In Machine Learning

Deep learning algorithms are prone to a previously unknown problem, say a team of computer scientists at Google.

@AnimaAnandkumar shared
On Dec 13, 2020
.@uwcse thank you for taking a decisive stance against hatred, misogyny and racism. I have one more request. Can you please remove his homepage from your server? If you are disowning him please make sure there is no ambiguity there


Professor Address: Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering University of Washington Box 352350 Seattle, WA 98195-2350 Telephone: (206) 543-4229 Fax: (206) 543-2969 Email: pedrod at cs dot washington dot edu Office: 648 Allen Center Twitter: @pmddomingos For speaking ...

@AnimaAnandkumar shared
On Dec 13, 2020
.@uwcse thank you for taking a decisive stance against hatred, misogyny and racism. I have one more request. Can you please remove his homepage from your server? If you are disowning him please make sure there is no ambiguity there


Professor Address: Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering University of Washington Box 352350 Seattle, WA 98195-2350 Telephone: (206) 543-4229 Fax: (206) 543-2969 Email: ...

Top Influencers

Picture of @techreview

A media company making technology a greater force for good. Get our journalism:

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Picture of @NewsfromScience

The latest stories in science, brought to you by the @ScienceMagazine news team.

Follow 297.3k Followers

Picture of @GaryMarcus

CEO and Founder of Author, with Ernie Davis of Professor Emeritus at NYU.

Follow 46.3k Followers

Picture of @DeepMind

We research and build safe artificial intelligence systems. Our goal is to solve intelligence and advance scientific discovery for all. More:

Follow 384.6k Followers

Picture of @DiscoverMag

Science that matters, for readers that matter.

Follow 1.2M Followers

Picture of @WIRED

WIRED is where tomorrow is realized.

Follow 10.4M Followers

Picture of @WIREDScience

Bringing the radiothermally generated heat. The team: @karaplatoni, @JetJocko, @MeganMolteni, @MrMattSimon, @dmoberhaus

Follow 2.1M Followers

Picture of @novapbs

The PBS documentary series demystifying the science and tech that shape and define our lives, our planet, and our universe.

Follow 177.0k Followers

Picture of @NandoDF

I research intelligence to understand what we are, and to harness it wisely. I work at DeepMind and with CIFAR. Before, I was a UBC and Oxford professor.

Follow 82.7k Followers

Picture of @hardmaru

research scientist at google brain 🧠 香港人 🏴

Follow 95.7k Followers

Picture of @aaas

Updates from AAAS, the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Open minds. Join us.

Follow 127.7k Followers

Picture of @Plinz

FOLLOWS YOU. Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Architectures, Computation. The goal is integrity, not conformity.

Follow 25.0k Followers

Picture of @FeryalMP

Senior Research Scientist @DeepMind & Board of Directors @WiMLworkshop. Previously Mentor at @OpenAI Scholars & Lead Research Scientist at Latent Logic Oxford

Follow 7.8k Followers

Picture of @pmddomingos

Professor of computer science at UW and author of 'The Master Algorithm'. Into machine learning, AI, data science, and anything that makes me curious.

Follow 37.4k Followers

Picture of @j2bryson

Prof of Ethics & Technology; Artificial & natural intelligence, culture, evolution, & governance. Vaguely professional tweets–for more @j2blather fewer @j2breve

Follow 26.4k Followers

Picture of @Miles_Brundage

Research Scientist (Policy) at OpenAI. Research Associate, Future of Humanity Institute, University of Oxford. Views my own.

Follow 27.3k Followers

Picture of @demishassabis

Founder & CEO @DeepMind - #AlphaFold, #AlphaGo, #AlphaZero & Atari DQN. Working on General AI. Trying to understand what is *really* going on in the universe

Follow 213.2k Followers

Picture of @drfeifei

Prof (CS @Stanford), Co-Director @StanfordHAI, CoFounder/Chair @ai4allorg, Researcher #AI #computervision #ML AI+healthcare

Follow 374.8k Followers

Picture of @DaniloJRezende

Senior Staff Research Scientist and Team Lead @ #DeepMind Working on generative models, ML for Science, RL agents and causal inference. All opinions my own.

Follow 34.0k Followers

Picture of @AstroKatie

Cosmologist, writer, connoisseur of cosmic catastrophes. @TEDFellow. Author: "The End of Everything (Astrophysically Speaking)". Personal account. She/her. Dr.

Follow 383.0k Followers