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AI Essentials publishes only the most insightful AI news article links selected by the most trusted experts in the AI & Machine Learning industry

Monthly report: August 2021

This month, The Essentials Report, has curated & analyzed the content published by 192 influencers like ipfconline and Bob Carver ✭, discussing hashtags such as #AI , #machinelearning and #deeplearning.
Read our monthly report or learn more about Essentials.

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Best articles in August 2021

@cybersecboardrm shared
On Aug 29, 2021
AI -ML-DEEP LEARNING #ArtificialIntelligence #deeplearning #learning


Web apps have grown increasingly social and interactive over the last few years, with multimedia, comments, information and other features…

@cybersecboardrm shared
On Aug 29, 2021
AI -ML-DEEP LEARNING #ArtificialIntelligence #deeplearning #learning


Web apps have grown increasingly social and interactive over the last few years, with multimedia, comments, information and other features…

@cybersecboardrm shared
On Aug 8, 2021
Introduction to Machine Learning with Python. #ArtificialIntelligence #learning #machinelearning

Introduction to Machine Learning with Python.

Machine learning is a type of Artificial Intelligence that extracts patterns out of raw data by using an algorithm or method.

@cybersecboardrm shared
On Aug 8, 2021
Introduction to Machine Learning with Python. #ArtificialIntelligence #learning #machinelearning
Introduction to Machine Learning with Python.

Introduction to Machine Learning with Python.

Machine learning is a type of Artificial Intelligence that extracts patterns out of raw data by using an algorithm or method.

@ahier shared
On Aug 24, 2021
RT @andi_staub: Why #MachineLearning is not #ArtificialIntelligence? #AI #datascience #bigdata #NLP #fintech #robotics @WSWMUC @KMcDTech @ImMBM @Paula_Piccard @ipfconline1 @MariaFariello1 @WhiteheartVic @Fabriziobustama @YvesMulkers @drruchibhatt @ahier @SpirosMargaris

Why Machine Learning is not Artificial Intelligence?

It is simple: because ML is only a contributing branch of AI. If we follow Norvig and Russell book -and other authors-, saying that…

@ahier shared
On Aug 24, 2021
RT @andi_staub: Why #MachineLearning is not #ArtificialIntelligence? #AI #datascience #bigdata #NLP #fintech #robotics @WSWMUC @KMcDTech @ImMBM @Paula_Piccard @ipfconline1 @MariaFariello1 @WhiteheartVic @Fabriziobustama @YvesMulkers @drruchibhatt @ahier @SpirosMargaris
Why Machine Learning is not Artificial Intelligence?

Why Machine Learning is not Artificial Intelligence?

It is simple: because ML is only a contributing branch of AI. If we follow Norvig and Russell book -and other authors-, saying that…

@schmarzo shared
On Aug 15, 2021
Watch out, GPT-3, here comes AI21's 'Jurassic' language model | ZDNet

Watch out, GPT-3, here comes AI21's 'Jurassic' language model

By optimizing the trade-off of depth and width, and expanding the vocabulary of the program, Tel Aviv startup AI21 aims for comparable or better results but with more open access for developers.

@schmarzo shared
On Aug 15, 2021
Watch out, GPT-3, here comes AI21's 'Jurassic' language model | ZDNet
Watch out, GPT-3, here comes AI21's 'Jurassic' language model

Watch out, GPT-3, here comes AI21's 'Jurassic' language model

By optimizing the trade-off of depth and width, and expanding the vocabulary of the program, Tel Aviv startup AI21 aims for comparable or better results but with more open access for ...

@DalithSteiger shared
On Aug 16, 2021
To understand something complex, take a step back and start at the very beginning and you will find out where it all started 😉 Happy reading 📰👀 #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #ML

To Understand The Future of AI, Study Its Past

Have you ever thought about that in order to Understand The Future of AI, Study Its Past? Learn more in the blog post.

@DalithSteiger shared
On Aug 16, 2021
To understand something complex, take a step back and start at the very beginning and you will find out where it all started 😉 Happy reading 📰👀 #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #ML
To Understand The Future of AI, Study Its Past

To Understand The Future of AI, Study Its Past

Have you ever thought about that in order to Understand The Future of AI, Study Its Past? Learn more in the blog post.

@davidtalby shared
On Aug 3, 2021
Top 10 #ArtificialIntelligence Books for Beginner in 2021 #AI

Top 10 Artificial Intelligence Books for Beginner

AI Books - Here we have listed a few basic and advanced Artificial Intelligence books, which will help you find your way around AI.

@davidtalby shared
On Aug 3, 2021
Top 10 #ArtificialIntelligence Books for Beginner in 2021 #AI
Top 10 Artificial Intelligence Books for Beginner

Top 10 Artificial Intelligence Books for Beginner

AI Books - Here we have listed a few basic and advanced Artificial Intelligence books, which will help you find your way around AI.

@ahier shared
On Aug 30, 2021
RT @andi_staub: Top 10 Applications of #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #NLP #socialmedia #robotics #health #insurtech #fintech #UX @ahier @efipm @floriansemle @MiriamAsensi @Paula_Piccard @ipfconline1 @KMcDTech @Xbond49 @jblefevre60 @SpirosMargaris @missdkingsbury

Top 10 Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Here is a quick refresher about artificial intelligence. AI refers to intelligence by machines that simulate human intelligence; basically…

@ahier shared
On Aug 30, 2021
RT @andi_staub: Top 10 Applications of #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #NLP #socialmedia #robotics #health #insurtech #fintech #UX @ahier @efipm @floriansemle @MiriamAsensi @Paula_Piccard @ipfconline1 @KMcDTech @Xbond49 @jblefevre60 @SpirosMargaris @missdkingsbury
Top 10 Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Top 10 Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Here is a quick refresher about artificial intelligence. AI refers to intelligence by machines that simulate human intelligence; basically…

@JimMarous shared
On Aug 2, 2021
RT @DeepLearn007: Is Google DeepMind’s New Reinforcement Learning A Step Toward AGI? #AI @SpirosMargaris @Xbond49 @sallyeaves @pierrepinna @nigewillson @Nicochan33 @jblefevre60 @Shi4Tech @gvalan @psb_dc @HaroldSinnott #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #DataScience #Fintech

Is DeepMind’s new reinforcement learning system a step toward general AI?

DeepMind has released a new paper that shows impressive advances in reinforcement learning. How far does it bring us toward general AI?

@JimMarous shared
On Aug 2, 2021
RT @DeepLearn007: Is Google DeepMind’s New Reinforcement Learning A Step Toward AGI? #AI @SpirosMargaris @Xbond49 @sallyeaves @pierrepinna @nigewillson @Nicochan33 @jblefevre60 @Shi4Tech @gvalan @psb_dc @HaroldSinnott #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #DataScience #Fintech
Is DeepMind’s new reinforcement learning system a step toward general AI?

Is DeepMind’s new reinforcement learning system a step toward general AI?

DeepMind has released a new paper that shows impressive advances in reinforcement learning. How far does it bring us toward general AI?

Top Influencers

Picture of @ipfconline1

Digital Transformation Consulting #AI #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #5G #DataScience #AIEthics #CloudComputing #Fintech #DigitalMarketing

Follow 112.7k Followers

Picture of @cybersecboardrm

Twitter Top10 #CyberSecurity #infosec #IoT #privacy #AI #ML #disrupt #blockchain #Industry40 #startups #Cloud #FutureOfWork #tech #KeynoteSpeaker RT != agree

Follow 45.4k Followers

Picture of @ahier

Passionate about healthcare, technology, open data and government 2.0

Follow 56.4k Followers

Picture of @nigewillson

speaker, influencer & advisor on #artificialintelligence, #machinelearning #aiethics & #innovation, co-founder @WeandAI founder

Follow 60.3k Followers

Picture of @Neurons_AI - The #AI Knowledge and Global Community Platform. Helps you learn more about #AI #intoAI

Follow 3.1k Followers

Picture of @JimMarous

Speaker, Publisher & Podcast Host, #banking #fintech #finserv | Co-Publisher, The Financial Brand | Owner, Digital Banking Report | Banking Transformed Podcast

Follow 91.2k Followers

Picture of @TechNative

Articles, webcasts and interviews on disruptive tech trends in your industry. Videos: #TechNativeTV • Follow us on LinkedIn:

Follow 86.1k Followers

Picture of @ChuckDBrooks

Thought Leadership: #cybersecurity, #emergingtech, #IoT, #AI #Gov FORBES Contributor, Georgetown U Professor, Named A Top Tech Person To Follow On LinkedIn.

Follow 16.0k Followers

Picture of @KirkDBorne

Data Scientist @DataPrime_ai Chief Science Officer. Global Speaker. Founder @LeadershipData. Top #BigData #DataScience #AI #IoT #ML Influencer. PhD Astrophysics

Follow 280.3k Followers

Picture of @digitalcloudgal

VP Cloud| IT Optimization and Strategic Sourcing #Cloud #Edge #Cybersecurity #CIO #CISO| Forbes Technology Council|Started @gocloudgirls|USAF Vet|

Follow 63.7k Followers

Picture of @DalithSteiger

Co-Founder of #swisscognitive #cognitivevalley - all #Switzerland companies using #AI and #cognitive #technologies united in one network – Why Wait? Act Now!

Follow 116.3k Followers

Picture of @RAlexJimenez

Chief Strategy Officer @finalytics_ai & @Extractable | Discussing #Fintech #Payments #AI #DigitalMarketing #Strategy | Views my own! 🇨🇴🇪🇸🇮🇱🇺🇸

Follow 15.2k Followers

Picture of @kdnuggets

Covering #AI, #Analytics, #BigData, #DataMining, #DataScience #MachineLearning, #DeepLearning. Founded by Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro.

Follow 194.3k Followers

Picture of @schmarzo

Teacher, Author, Chief #DataMonetization Officer, USF Executive Fellow, NUI Galway Honorary Professor #DataScience #BigData #DigitalTransformation #CDO

Follow 41.4k Followers

Picture of @davidtalby

PhD, MBA, CTO @JohnSnowLabs. Making #NLP, #AI, and #DataScience solve real-world problems in #Healthcare & #Pharma. Views are my own.

Follow 29.5k Followers

Picture of @SilverJacket

Contributing Writer at The New Yorker, freelance science & tech writer, fire dancer. Into cognition—animal and mineral (aka psych & AI).

Follow 3.2k Followers

Picture of @Fisher85M

Analyst, Tech Evangelist, #CyberSecurity, #DigitalTransformation, #IoT, #Fintech, #DataScience, #5G & #VR Influencer: @DZoneInc & @Onalytica. 100% Geek.

Follow 90.2k Followers

Picture of @reach2ratan

#Risk & #CyberSecurity Leader, Award-winning and accomplished #CISO helping organisations in #digitalinnovation, #digitalsecurity #cyberdefense #cloudsecurity

Follow 27.0k Followers

Picture of @ylecun

Professor at NYU. Chief AI Scientist at Facebook. Researcher in AI, Machine Learning, etc. ACM Turing Award Laureate.

Follow 273.2k Followers

Picture of @kchonyc

An Associate Professor at @nyuniversity & @CILVRatNYU. A Founder & Senior Director @PrescientDesign @genentech Research and Early Development (gRED)

Follow 30.4k Followers