Artificial Intelligence

AI Ethics News

AI Ethics explores the potential concern with the AI revolution. Our reliance on AI will inevitably cause many ethical issues — affecting everyone, from small businesses utilizing AI to entrepreneurs developing the latest tech, and even public citizens.

Monthly report: November 2020

This month, The Essentials Report, has curated & analyzed the content published by 168 influencers like Nikola Danaylov and Rob McCargow, discussing hashtags such as #AI , #AIethics and #GivingTuesday.
Read our monthly report or learn more about Essentials.

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What matters to our readers VS what matters to the rest of the world in November 2020

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Best articles in November 2020

@AdaLovelaceInst shared
On Nov 18, 2020
Tomorrow the @justainet hosts an evening online salon, 19:00-21:00 GMT. Join three authors, @IrenosenOkojie, @adammarek & @taniahershman to discuss how encounters with new and emergent technologies are shaping their fiction writing. Book your ticket👇

About this Event

AI is in our lives, but we don’t often have the chance to question how it works, or what our relationship with it might become

@AdaLovelaceInst shared
On Nov 18, 2020
Tomorrow the @justainet hosts an evening online salon, 19:00-21:00 GMT. Join three authors, @IrenosenOkojie, @adammarek & @taniahershman to discuss how encounters with new and emergent technologies are shaping their fiction writing. Book your ticket👇
About this Event

About this Event

AI is in our lives, but we don’t often have the chance to question how it works, or what our relationship with it might become

@drfeifei shared
On Nov 9, 2020
RT @StanfordHAI: Join us tomorrow for a two-part program harnessing design thinking, ethics, and AI to create programs and organizations with greater social impact – presented by six world-class experts from Stanford and the social sector. Register here.

Harnessing Design Thinking, Ethics, and the Power of AI for Social Innovation

This two-part e-certification program offers you insights and training on harnessing design thinking, ethics, and artificial intelligence (AI) to create programs and organizations that have greater social impact. ...

@drfeifei shared
On Nov 9, 2020
RT @StanfordHAI: Join us tomorrow for a two-part program harnessing design thinking, ethics, and AI to create programs and organizations with greater social impact – presented by six world-class experts from Stanford and the social sector. Register here.
Harnessing Design Thinking, Ethics, and the Power of AI for Social Innovation

Harnessing Design Thinking, Ethics, and the Power of AI for Social Innovation

This two-part e-certification program offers you insights and training on harnessing design thinking, ethics, and artificial intelligence (AI) to create programs and organizations that have ...

@nikitaljohnson shared
On Nov 5, 2020
RT @kdnuggets: Will there be another #AI winter soon? Experts Discuss @teamrework

AI Experts Discuss The Possibility of Another AI Winter

The term AI Winter, first appeared in 1984 having been discussed at the American Association of Artificial Intelligence. This discussion then saw a rise in pessimism and a reduction of funding. We ask AI Experts if there could be another on the way.

@nikitaljohnson shared
On Nov 5, 2020
RT @kdnuggets: Will there be another #AI winter soon? Experts Discuss @teamrework
AI Experts Discuss The Possibility of Another AI Winter

AI Experts Discuss The Possibility of Another AI Winter

The term AI Winter, first appeared in 1984 having been discussed at the American Association of Artificial Intelligence. This discussion then saw a rise in pessimism and a reduction of ...

@singularityblog shared
On Dec 1, 2020
RT @mariafarrell: Lads. In just 30 minutes I'm talking to @singularityblog for the Singularity podcast - on storytelling and how we imagine and build better futures. It's not every day you get to be ON one of your fave podcasts. And breathe . . . Will link as and when!

Singularity Podcast

Singularity.FM is the first and best known singularity podcast – the place where we interview the future. Singularity.FM is a series of singularity podcast interviews with the best scientists, writers, entrepreneurs, film-makers, philosophers and artists, debating issues such as the ...

@singularityblog shared
On Dec 1, 2020
RT @mariafarrell: Lads. In just 30 minutes I'm talking to @singularityblog for the Singularity podcast - on storytelling and how we imagine and build better futures. It's not every day you get to be ON one of your fave podcasts. And breathe . . . Will link as and when!
Singularity Podcast

Singularity Podcast

Singularity.FM is the first and best known singularity podcast – the place where we interview the future. Singularity.FM is a series of singularity podcast interviews with the best ...

@FrankPasquale shared
On Nov 26, 2020
RT @Dimitri_VdM: Tomorrow @AndrewDMurray is giving the Sixth Annual Lecture @TMCAsser. I had the chance to interview him for the occassion @opiniojuris. On the erosion of human agency in the age of AI, the limits of ethics and the mirage of the "human in the loop".

‘The Time has Come for International Regulation on Artificial Intelligence’ – An Interview with Andrew Murray

[Dimitri van den Meerssche is a Researcher in the Dispute Settlement and Adjudication strand at the T.M.C. Asser Institute.] On Thursday, 26 November, Prof. Andrew Murray, will deliver the Sixth T.…

@FrankPasquale shared
On Nov 26, 2020
RT @Dimitri_VdM: Tomorrow @AndrewDMurray is giving the Sixth Annual Lecture @TMCAsser. I had the chance to interview him for the occassion @opiniojuris. On the erosion of human agency in the age of AI, the limits of ethics and the mirage of the "human in the loop".
‘The Time has Come for International Regulation on Artificial Intelligence’ – An Interview with Andrew Murray

‘The Time has Come for International Regulation on Artificial Intelligence’ – An Interview with Andrew Murray

[Dimitri van den Meerssche is a Researcher in the Dispute Settlement and Adjudication strand at the T.M.C. Asser Institute.] On Thursday, 26 November, Prof. Andrew Murray, will deliver the ...

@nikitaljohnson shared
On Nov 17, 2020
Top 15 AI and Machine Learning Audiobooks #MachineLearning #AIBooks

Top 15 AI and Machine Learning Audiobooks

With more people than ever using audiobooks, we picked 15 AI listens that we think you need to hear!

@nikitaljohnson shared
On Nov 17, 2020
Top 15 AI and Machine Learning Audiobooks #MachineLearning #AIBooks
Top 15 AI and Machine Learning Audiobooks

Top 15 AI and Machine Learning Audiobooks

With more people than ever using audiobooks, we picked 15 AI listens that we think you need to hear!

@johnchavens shared
On Nov 17, 2020
Just sent the latest edition of The IEEE Global Initiative Newsletter: Features info on The Athens Roundtable for AI plus an invite from Rebekah Tweed to write for our blogger network.If you're not signed up yet: @IEEESA @_bekah_

The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems

The Importance of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) for AI The Forum on Philosophy, Engineering and Technology IEEE Global A/IS Ethics Initiative Blogging Network: Launch and Call for Submissions The 2020 Athens Roundtable (final day of the event - register asap today) All Tech is ...

@johnchavens shared
On Nov 17, 2020
Just sent the latest edition of The IEEE Global Initiative Newsletter: Features info on The Athens Roundtable for AI plus an invite from Rebekah Tweed to write for our blogger network.If you're not signed up yet: @IEEESA @_bekah_
The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems

The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems

The Importance of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) for AI The Forum on Philosophy, Engineering and Technology IEEE Global A/IS Ethics Initiative Blogging Network: Launch and Call for ...

@David_Gunkel shared
On Dec 2, 2020
@SantaClaus...please move this to the top of my list: @EileenHBotting's new book "Artificial Life After Frankenstein" @PennPress

Artificial Life After Frankenstein

"—Duncan Bell, author of Reordering the World: Essays on Liberalism and Empire Artificial Life After Frankenstein brings the insights born of Mary Shelley's legacy to bear upon the ethics and politics of making artificial life and intelligence in the twenty-first century. Shelley's novels ...

@David_Gunkel shared
On Dec 2, 2020
@SantaClaus...please move this to the top of my list: @EileenHBotting's new book "Artificial Life After Frankenstein" @PennPress
Artificial Life After Frankenstein

Artificial Life After Frankenstein

"—Duncan Bell, author of Reordering the World: Essays on Liberalism and Empire Artificial Life After Frankenstein brings the insights born of Mary Shelley's legacy to bear upon the ethics ...

Top Influencers

Picture of @singularityblog

Bestselling Author, Keynote Speaker, Vegan Futurist, Blogger & Podcaster on the Singularity, Transhumanism, AI & Ethics

Follow 8.4k Followers

Picture of @RobMcCargow

Director of #AI @PwC_UK • #ResponsibleAI #NewWorldNewSkills @PwC • Advisor @APPG_AI • @TEDx Speaker • Visiting Fellow @cassbusiness @theRSAorg • views my own

Follow 17.2k Followers

Picture of @mtlaiethics

International think tank helping people build AI ethically. Subscribe for AI ethics research/commentary/events:

Follow 2.7k Followers

Picture of @drfeifei

Prof (CS @Stanford), Co-Director Stanford Human-Centered AI Institute @StanfordHAI, CoFounder/Chair @ai4allorg, Researcher #AI #computervision #ML AI+healthcare

Follow 372.2k Followers

Picture of @nikitaljohnson

CEO and Founder of @teamrework. All things #DeepLearning #AI & #MachineLearning to solve challenges in industry & society. #reworkDL

Follow 4.7k Followers

Picture of @FrankPasquale

2015: The Black Box Society 2020: New Laws of Robotics: Substance: AI/health/tech Method: Law & Political Economy

Follow 33.9k Followers

Picture of @techreview

A media company making technology a greater force for good. Get our journalism:

Follow 1.1M Followers

Picture of @j2bryson

Prof of Ethics & Technology; Artificial & natural intelligence, culture, evolution, & governance. Vaguely professional tweets–for more @j2blather fewer @j2breve

Follow 26.3k Followers

Picture of @aiethicslab

A Lab for #AIethics consulting and research. We combine #ethics expertise with #innovation and domain-expertise for designing ethical #AI technologies

Follow 3.1k Followers

Picture of @math_rachel

Director of USF Center for Applied Data Ethics @DataInstituteSF + co-founder | deep learning, ethics, math PhD | she/her

Follow 74.5k Followers

Picture of @PKathrani

Director of Education and Training @CIArb; LawTech in Legal Education and Legal Practice; AI, Robotics and Law; Views my own

Follow 3.6k Followers

Picture of @LeverhulmeCFI

The Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence. Exploring the implications of AI, at the Universities of Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial and Berkeley.

Follow 8.4k Followers

Picture of @WIRED

WIRED is where tomorrow is realized.

Follow 10.4M Followers

Picture of @mer__edith

Studying big tech, power & AI + organizing w/tech workers. Faculty Director @ainowinstitute + Minderoo Research Prof NYU. @signalapp Board. Ex-Google. She/her

Follow 32.2k Followers

Picture of @Floridi

Oxford philosopher: digital ethics phil. of information, phil. of technology

Follow 35.1k Followers

Picture of @AdaLovelaceInst

Making data & AI work for people & society. With @NuffieldFound @RoyalSociety @TuringInst @BritishAcademy_ @wellcometrust @RoyalStatSoc @techUK @luminategroup

Follow 12.7k Followers

Picture of @teamrework

Supporter of #WomeninSTEM, #WomeninAI and #DiversityinSTEM We create events & produce industry-leading content surrounding #AppliedAI, #DeepLearning & more.

Follow 7.9k Followers

Picture of @johnchavens

E.D., IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of AI Systems. Founder and E.D., Council on Extended Intelligence. Tweets mine. Author, Heartificial Intelligence.

Follow 16.4k Followers

Picture of @David_Gunkel

Professor - Northern Illinois University (USA). Author of Thinking Otherwise, The Machine Question, Of Remixology, Gaming the System, and Robot Rights.

Follow 5.3k Followers

Picture of @IBMWatson

Watson is AI for professionals, designed for your business.

Follow 269.6k Followers