Artificial Intelligence

AI Ethics

AI Ethics explores the potential concern with the AI revolution. Our reliance on AI will inevitably cause many ethical issues — affecting everyone, from small businesses utilizing AI to entrepreneurs developing the latest tech, and even public citizens.

Monthly report: May 2022

This month, The Essentials Report, has curated & analyzed the content published by 138 influencers like Partnership on AI and Gerd Leonhard, discussing hashtags such as #AI , #AIEthics and #ethics.
Read our monthly report or learn more about Essentials.

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Best articles in May 2022

@j2bryson shared
On May 18, 2022
Maybe of interest to those thinking Certification will help with #DigitalGovernance #AIRegulation. From my colleague, Konstantinos @ieeesa.

Joanna Bryson’s Post

Maybe of interest to those thinking Certification will help with #DigitalGovernance #AIRegulation. From my colleague, Konstantinos. IEEE webinar on - ...

@j2bryson shared
On May 18, 2022
Maybe of interest to those thinking Certification will help with #DigitalGovernance #AIRegulation. From my colleague, Konstantinos @ieeesa.
Joanna Bryson’s Post

Joanna Bryson’s Post

Maybe of interest to those thinking Certification will help with #DigitalGovernance #AIRegulation. From my colleague, Konstantinos. IEEE webinar on - ...

@ylecun shared
On May 3, 2022
RT @schrep: Heard of advances in AI called Large Language models - e.g. GPT-2/3? Up till now only researchers at a handful of large companies could actually see what was behind the curtain. Now Meta AI has released a fully trained model for researchers...

Meta has built a massive new language AI—and it’s giving it away for free

Facebook’s parent company is inviting researchers to pore over and pick apart the flaws in its version of GPT-3

@ylecun shared
On May 3, 2022
RT @schrep: Heard of advances in AI called Large Language models - e.g. GPT-2/3? Up till now only researchers at a handful of large companies could actually see what was behind the curtain. Now Meta AI has released a fully trained model for researchers...
Meta has built a massive new language AI—and it’s giving it away for free

Meta has built a massive new language AI—and it’s giving it away for free

Facebook’s parent company is inviting researchers to pore over and pick apart the flaws in its version of GPT-3

@gleonhard shared
On May 15, 2022
The Metaverse will ‘become embroiled in future geopolitical conflict’ via @instapaper

The Metaverse will ‘become embroiled in future geopolitical conflict’

As technology drives a new ‘vertical world’, the evolution of the Metaverse is likely to be driven by geopolitical competition.

@gleonhard shared
On May 15, 2022
The Metaverse will ‘become embroiled in future geopolitical conflict’ via @instapaper
The Metaverse will ‘become embroiled in future geopolitical conflict’

The Metaverse will ‘become embroiled in future geopolitical conflict’

As technology drives a new ‘vertical world’, the evolution of the Metaverse is likely to be driven by geopolitical competition.

@math_rachel shared
On May 17, 2022
AI Harms are Societal, Not Just Individual, by @louisa_bartolo and me. Read our full essay for more. 11/ @AdmsCentre @QUTDataScience @qutdmrc

AI Harms are Societal, Not Just Individual

And while it’s intuitively appealing to think of large-scale systems as creating the greatest risk of societal harm, algorithmic systems can create societal harm because of the dynamics set off by their interconnection with other systems/ players, like advertisers, or commercially-driven ...

@math_rachel shared
On May 17, 2022
AI Harms are Societal, Not Just Individual, by @louisa_bartolo and me. Read our full essay for more. 11/ @AdmsCentre @QUTDataScience @qutdmrc
AI Harms are Societal, Not Just Individual

AI Harms are Societal, Not Just Individual

And while it’s intuitively appealing to think of large-scale systems as creating the greatest risk of societal harm, algorithmic systems can create societal harm because of the dynamics set ...

@drfeifei shared
On May 9, 2022
RT @reidhoffman: In the latest Daedelus edited by James Manyika, @kevin_scott, @ericschmidt, @drfeifei, @tobias_rees and an amazing lineup of other contributors ask big questions about AI and the opportunities and challenges it poses for society. Can't wait to dive in!

AI & Society

AI is transforming our relationships with technology and with others, our senses of self, as well as our approaches to health care, banking, democracy, and the courts. But while AI in its many forms has become ubiquitous and its benefits to society and the individual have grown, its ...

@drfeifei shared
On May 9, 2022
RT @reidhoffman: In the latest Daedelus edited by James Manyika, @kevin_scott, @ericschmidt, @drfeifei, @tobias_rees and an amazing lineup of other contributors ask big questions about AI and the opportunities and challenges it poses for society. Can't wait to dive in!
AI & Society

AI & Society

AI is transforming our relationships with technology and with others, our senses of self, as well as our approaches to health care, banking, democracy, and the courts. But while AI in its ...

@PartnershipAI shared
On May 18, 2022
RT @zehnzehen: Does it make sense to draft your own #AIEthics guidelines when so much is already around? A clear yes by @PartnershipAI's @CLeibowicz and myself during @PolisLSE's Community Workshop. Why? Bc you'll learn tons along the way. Practical insights here:

Fairness, accountability, explainability. Creating guidelines to use AI in the newsroom

How can you design guidelines for the responsible use of AI and automation in your news organisation? In our second JournalismAI Community Workshop, industry experts told us how to design clear gui…

@PartnershipAI shared
On May 18, 2022
RT @zehnzehen: Does it make sense to draft your own #AIEthics guidelines when so much is already around? A clear yes by @PartnershipAI's @CLeibowicz and myself during @PolisLSE's Community Workshop. Why? Bc you'll learn tons along the way. Practical insights here:
Fairness, accountability, explainability. Creating guidelines to use AI in the newsroom

Fairness, accountability, explainability. Creating guidelines to use AI in the newsroom

How can you design guidelines for the responsible use of AI and automation in your news organisation? In our second JournalismAI Community Workshop, industry experts told us how to design ...

@PartnershipAI shared
On May 25, 2022
Advancements in AI could improve and even save lives. But rolling out new technology without first building a responsible and accountable ecosystem could lead to harmful consequences. Read more from @kaifulee in @wef below.

AI’s trolley problem can lead us to surprising conclusions

Autonomous machines and decision-making can lead to potentially fatal errors but machine learning and increased deployment can lead to more lives saved.

@PartnershipAI shared
On May 25, 2022
Advancements in AI could improve and even save lives. But rolling out new technology without first building a responsible and accountable ecosystem could lead to harmful consequences. Read more from @kaifulee in @wef below.
AI’s trolley problem can lead us to surprising conclusions

AI’s trolley problem can lead us to surprising conclusions

Autonomous machines and decision-making can lead to potentially fatal errors but machine learning and increased deployment can lead to more lives saved.

@DeepMind shared
On May 18, 2022
RT @Business_AI: #AI Headliner! Colin Murdoch, Chief Business Officer, @DeepMind will be joining us this June to showcase his insights and knowledge. His session will focus on, 'Translating AI research and innovation into impact.' Make sure you don't miss this!


Explore the AI Summit conference agenda - specially curated content for the strategist, implementor, and practitioner.

@DeepMind shared
On May 18, 2022
RT @Business_AI: #AI Headliner! Colin Murdoch, Chief Business Officer, @DeepMind will be joining us this June to showcase his insights and knowledge. His session will focus on, 'Translating AI research and innovation into impact.' Make sure you don't miss this!


Explore the AI Summit conference agenda - specially curated content for the strategist, implementor, and practitioner.

Top Influencers

Picture of @PartnershipAI

A non-profit bringing together academic, civil society, industry, & media organizations to address the most important and difficult questions concerning AI.

Follow 28.0k Followers

Picture of @gleonhard

Futurist, Humanist & Keynote Speaker Author, FilmMaker #thegoodfuture CEO @FuturesAgency #gerdtalks

Follow 46.7k Followers

Picture of @j2bryson

Prof of Ethics & Technology; Artificial & natural intelligence, culture, evolution, & governance. Vaguely professional tweets—for more @j2blather fewer @j2breve

Follow 28.1k Followers

Picture of @mtlaiethics

International non-profit org democratizing AI ethics literacy. ✉️ Get the AI Ethics Brief every week:

Follow 5.2k Followers

Picture of @math_rachel

co-founder, professor of practice @QUTDataScience | machine learning, data, ethics, math PhD (she/her) | 🇺🇲 married to an 🇦🇺

Follow 101.1k Followers

Picture of @IEET

The Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies is an international nonprofit technoprogressive think tank.

Follow 10.0k Followers

Picture of @techreview

A media company making technology a greater force for good. Get our journalism:

Follow 1.2M Followers

Picture of @FLIxrisk

We work on reducing extreme risks from transformative technologies. Press Enquiries - [email protected] RT /=/ endorsement

Follow 79.0k Followers

Picture of @PKathrani

CEO at Legal Utopia | Strategic Advisor at the Mykolas Romeris University Law School and Legal Technology and Innovation Institute | LawTech and Legal Education

Follow 3.5k Followers

Picture of @DeepMind

We’re a team of scientists, engineers, ethicists and more, committed to solving intelligence, to advance science and benefit humanity.

Follow 600.0k Followers

Picture of @singularityu

Our global community empowers leaders to leverage exponential technologies to solve global grand challenges. For tech news: @SingularityHub

Follow 138.4k Followers

Picture of @demishassabis

Founder & CEO @DeepMind @IsomorphicLabs - working on General AI & modelling biology #AlphaGo #AlphaFold. Trying to understand the fundamental nature of reality

Follow 251.4k Followers

Picture of @David_Gunkel

Professor - Northern Illinois University (USA). Author of The Machine Question, Of Remixology, Gaming the System, Robot Rights and Deconstruction.

Follow 7.1k Followers

Picture of @Floridi

Philosopher (Oxford/Bologna), digital ethics, AI ethics, philosophy of information, philosophy of technology,

Follow 39.0k Followers

Picture of @ylecun

Professor at NYU. Chief AI Scientist at Meta. Researcher in AI, Machine Learning, Robotics, etc. ACM Turing Award Laureate.

Follow 327.4k Followers

Picture of @drfeifei

Prof (CS @Stanford), Co-Director @StanfordHAI, CoFounder/Chair @ai4allorg, Researcher #AI #computervision #ML AI+healthcare

Follow 400.6k Followers

Picture of @oiioxford

The Oxford Internet Institute (OII) is a multidisciplinary research and teaching dept at University of Oxford, dedicated to the social science of the Internet.

Follow 46.6k Followers

Picture of @guardiantech

News and comment from the @Guardian's technology team

Follow 2.4M Followers

Picture of @dw2

Chair of London Futurists. Author of "Vital Foresight". PDA/smartphone pioneer. Symbian co-founder. Formerly at Psion and Accenture. Active Transhumanist

Follow 8.5k Followers

Picture of @IBMWatson

Watson is AI for smarter business, built on language, automation, and trust.

Follow 269.3k Followers