Artificial Intelligence

AI Ethics

AI Ethics explores the potential concern with the AI revolution. Our reliance on AI will inevitably cause many ethical issues — affecting everyone, from small businesses utilizing AI to entrepreneurs developing the latest tech, and even public citizens.

Monthly report: March 2023

This month, The Essentials Report, has curated & analyzed the content published by 234 influencers like SwissCognitive, World-Leading AI Network and ipfconline, discussing hashtags such as #AI , #artificialintelligence and #GenerativeAI.
Read our monthly report or learn more about Essentials.

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What matters to our readers VS what matters to the rest of the world in March 2023

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Best articles in March 2023

@ipfconline1 shared
On Mar 4, 2023
RT @MargaretSiegien: Move over, artificial intelligence. Scientists announce a new ‘organoid intelligence’ field #HealthTech #Robotic #AI @PawlowskiMario @Nicochan33 @CurieuxExplorer @mvollmer1 @enricomolinari @Fabriziobustama @fogle_shane @FrRonconi

Move over, artificial intelligence. Scientists announce a new ‘organoid intelligence’ field

Biocomputers powered by human brain cells may be the futuristic result of a new field called "organoid intelligence." Scientists envision brain organoids, grown in labs using human cells, that could lead to advances in medicine and computing.

@ipfconline1 shared
On Mar 4, 2023
RT @MargaretSiegien: Move over, artificial intelligence. Scientists announce a new ‘organoid intelligence’ field #HealthTech #Robotic #AI @PawlowskiMario @Nicochan33 @CurieuxExplorer @mvollmer1 @enricomolinari @Fabriziobustama @fogle_shane @FrRonconi
Move over, artificial intelligence. Scientists announce a new ‘organoid intelligence’ field

Move over, artificial intelligence. Scientists announce a new ‘organoid intelligence’ field

Biocomputers powered by human brain cells may be the futuristic result of a new field called "organoid intelligence." Scientists envision brain organoids, grown in labs using human cells, ...

@GretchenMarina shared
On Mar 17, 2023
Concern about AI’s impacts is not particular to a small powerful elite. In fact, I often and increasingly find the opposite to be true.

Artificial Intelligence Use Prompts Concerns

Most expect ChatGPT will be used for cheating

@GretchenMarina shared
On Mar 17, 2023
Concern about AI’s impacts is not particular to a small powerful elite. In fact, I often and increasingly find the opposite to be true.
Artificial Intelligence Use Prompts Concerns

Artificial Intelligence Use Prompts Concerns

Most expect ChatGPT will be used for cheating

@SwissCognitive shared
On Mar 27, 2023
RT @SwissCognitive: Discover the 5 aspects to consider when implementing #GenerativeAI into #businesses🤖 Article by Jarrod Anderson, ADM, #SwissCognitive #Ambassador.👏 Conference on #GAI in business performance: 🔗

Five Key Areas That Managers Should Address When Implementing Generative AI in Their Organizations – Redefining Business Performance with Generative AI

Implementing Generative AI and AI systems into the workplace has become vital, holding the potential for boosting productivity and innovation

@SwissCognitive shared
On Mar 27, 2023
RT @SwissCognitive: Discover the 5 aspects to consider when implementing #GenerativeAI into #businesses🤖 Article by Jarrod Anderson, ADM, #SwissCognitive #Ambassador.👏 Conference on #GAI in business performance: 🔗
Five Key Areas That Managers Should Address When Implementing Generative AI in Their Organizations – Redefining Business Performance with Generative AI

Five Key Areas That Managers Should Address When Implementing Generative AI in Their Organizations – Redefining Business Performance with Generative AI

Implementing Generative AI and AI systems into the workplace has become vital, holding the potential for boosting productivity and innovation

@karinavold shared
On Mar 14, 2023
RT @DrZimmermann: Philosophers on Next-Gen LLMs! check out the contributions by @Abebab @Dr_Atoosa @luke_stark @rinireg @karinavold @eschwitz Fintan Malloy & myself 🤖 ✨ @DailyNousEditor #chatgpt #bing #llm #philosophyofAI

Philosophers on Next-Generation Large Language Models

Back in July of 2020, I published a group post entitled “Philosophers on GPT-3.” At the time, most readers of Daily Nous had not heard of GPT-3 and had no idea what a large language model (LLM) is. How times have changed. ...

@karinavold shared
On Mar 14, 2023
RT @DrZimmermann: Philosophers on Next-Gen LLMs! check out the contributions by @Abebab @Dr_Atoosa @luke_stark @rinireg @karinavold @eschwitz Fintan Malloy & myself 🤖 ✨ @DailyNousEditor #chatgpt #bing #llm #philosophyofAI
Philosophers on Next-Generation Large Language Models

Philosophers on Next-Generation Large Language Models

Back in July of 2020, I published a group post entitled “Philosophers on GPT-3.” At the time, most readers of Daily Nous had not heard of GPT-3 and had no idea what a large language model ...

@baxterkb shared
On Mar 8, 2023
RT @SalesforceNews: A new study from @Salesforce highlights the potential of #generativeAI & shows what IT leaders will need to prime their tech infrastructure, data strategy, security and ethical guidelines for the massive opportunities ahead. More here: #TDX23

IT Leaders Call Generative AI a ‘Game Changer’ but Seek Progress on Ethics and Trust

Quick take: Salesforce’s new Generative AI in IT Survey reveals that over half of senior IT leaders are either experimenting with or actively using generative AI in their business. The problem? Nearly all admit they must take measures to equip their company to use it successfully and ...

@baxterkb shared
On Mar 8, 2023
RT @SalesforceNews: A new study from @Salesforce highlights the potential of #generativeAI & shows what IT leaders will need to prime their tech infrastructure, data strategy, security and ethical guidelines for the massive opportunities ahead. More here: #TDX23
IT Leaders Call Generative AI a ‘Game Changer’ but Seek Progress on Ethics and Trust

IT Leaders Call Generative AI a ‘Game Changer’ but Seek Progress on Ethics and Trust

Quick take: Salesforce’s new Generative AI in IT Survey reveals that over half of senior IT leaders are either experimenting with or actively using generative AI in their business. The ...

@ShannonVallor shared
On Mar 6, 2023
RT @UoE_EFI: TONIGHT, 6 March, 6pm! Join us for ‘The Future of AI: Shaping Our AI Futures' at the Playfair Library. This #EdinburghFuturesConversations event kicks off our Love Machine: Spring 2023 season ❤️ Livestream ▶️ #challengecreatechange #EdinCSandAIat60

Edinburgh Futures Conversations – The Future of Artificial Intelligence: Shaping our AI Futures

Event Description  Given the enormous advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), many believe humanity is on the threshold of the most profound technological revolution it has ever witnessed. AI already affects our everyday lives, and our hopes and anxieties around AI run high. ...

@ShannonVallor shared
On Mar 6, 2023
RT @UoE_EFI: TONIGHT, 6 March, 6pm! Join us for ‘The Future of AI: Shaping Our AI Futures' at the Playfair Library. This #EdinburghFuturesConversations event kicks off our Love Machine: Spring 2023 season ❤️ Livestream ▶️ #challengecreatechange #EdinCSandAIat60
Edinburgh Futures Conversations – The Future of Artificial Intelligence: Shaping our AI Futures

Edinburgh Futures Conversations – The Future of Artificial Intelligence: Shaping our AI Futures

Event Description  Given the enormous advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), many believe humanity is on the threshold of the most profound technological revolution it has ever ...

@black_in_ai shared
On Mar 16, 2023
RT @INVENTUREScan: Dr. Timnit Gebru, an expert in the area of ethical artificial intelligence, will address attendees from the center stage as a keynote speaker at #Inventures2023, speaking about the convergence of ethics and artificial intelligence. LEARN MORE: #yyc

The Quest for Ethical Artificial Intelligence

Timnit Gebru, PhD is coming to INVENTURE$ 2023 in Calgary, May 31 – June 2. She will address attendees from the center stage as a keynote speaker on Thursday, June 1, speaking about the convergence of ethics and artificial intelligence.

@black_in_ai shared
On Mar 16, 2023
RT @INVENTUREScan: Dr. Timnit Gebru, an expert in the area of ethical artificial intelligence, will address attendees from the center stage as a keynote speaker at #Inventures2023, speaking about the convergence of ethics and artificial intelligence. LEARN MORE: #yyc
The Quest for Ethical Artificial Intelligence

The Quest for Ethical Artificial Intelligence

Timnit Gebru, PhD is coming to INVENTURE$ 2023 in Calgary, May 31 – June 2. She will address attendees from the center stage as a keynote speaker on Thursday, June 1, speaking about the ...

@MarielzaTalks shared
On Mar 3, 2023
RT @MoonshotTeam: Weapons of Mass Disruption: Artificial Intelligence and the Production of Extremist Propaganda by @the_siegster and another Moonshot Alum @mben3689 for @GNET_research

Artificial Intelligence

The Evolution of Digital Media in Extremist Propaganda In recent years, extremist organisations have experimented with the production of new forms of propaganda content, transitioning from outputting simple videos and magazines to creating video games, social media content, and even ...

@MarielzaTalks shared
On Mar 3, 2023
RT @MoonshotTeam: Weapons of Mass Disruption: Artificial Intelligence and the Production of Extremist Propaganda by @the_siegster and another Moonshot Alum @mben3689 for @GNET_research
Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

The Evolution of Digital Media in Extremist Propaganda In recent years, extremist organisations have experimented with the production of new forms of propaganda content, transitioning from ...

Top Influencers

Picture of @SwissCognitive

Cross-industry global community of business leaders & #AI experts unleashing the potentials of #ArtificialIntelligence

Follow 151.1k Followers

Picture of @ipfconline1

Digital Transformation Consulting #AI #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #DataScience #AIEthics #EdgeComputing #Fintech #DigitalMarketing

Follow 131.4k Followers

Picture of @psb_dc

Founder @UnconventionVc | 📚 Author — Beyond Good 🛒 | #OneVision Podcast | Advisor | Speaker | #Fintech | #AI | Longevity | #BeyondGood

Follow 62.2k Followers

Picture of @baxterkb

Co-author "Understanding Your Users," @Salesforce Ethical AI Principal Architect, @NIST Visiting AI Fellow, @ai_equal Board Member. MS HFES from @GeorgiaTech

Follow 4.1k Followers

Picture of @MarielzaTalks

@UNESCO Director for Digital Inclusion, Policies and Transformation. @WSIS @IGF @UNBBCom @IJurisdiction @GPAI @ICANN #SDGs

Follow 1.5k Followers

Picture of @karinavold

Philosopher of science & tech; Asst Prof @UofT_IHPST. Fellow @TorontoSRI @UofTethics @LeverhulmeCFI @VicCollege_UofT

Follow 4.5k Followers

Picture of @StanfordHAI

The official account of the @Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI, advancing AI research, education, policy, and practice to improve the human condition.

Follow 68.6k Followers

Picture of @drfeifei

Prof (CS @Stanford), Co-Director @StanfordHAI, CoFounder/Chair @ai4allorg, Researcher #AI #computervision #ML AI+healthcare

Follow 422.9k Followers

Picture of @tiffanycli

Tech Law Scholar • Law Professor @UNHLaw • Fellow @YaleISP • Columnist @MSNBC

Follow 19.3k Followers

Picture of @GretchenMarina

Policy Research @OpenAI. Past @ainowinstitute @nycedc. Views are yours, of my tweets. Views of my mastodons are @[email protected] She/Her

Follow 1.6k Followers

Picture of @DrZimmermann

Political philosopher of AI. Faculty @UWMadison & Fellow @harvard @CarrCenter. Past @Princeton @UniofOxford. Writing a 📚 titled "The Algorithmic is Political".

Follow 4.3k Followers

Picture of @ShannonVallor

Director, @CentreTMFutures at @UoE_EFI, Turing Fellow, philosopher @UoE_Philosophy and tech/AI ethicist. She/her. All views my own.

Follow 19.5k Followers

Picture of @aimeevanrobot

Alexander von Humboldt Professor for Applied Ethics of AI. Member @EU_Commission High Level Expert Group on #AI. Views are mine. #WomenInStem #sustainableai

Follow 7.5k Followers

Picture of @black_in_ai

a place for sharing ideas, fostering collaborations and discussing initiatives to increase the presence of Black people in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

Follow 44.0k Followers

Picture of @MCoeckelbergh

philosopher of technology | philosophy professor @univienna | guestprof Prague Uppsala | co-founder @UsingAIforGood | @EU_Commission high-level expert group #AI

Follow 11.2k Followers

Picture of @PartnershipAI

A non-profit bringing together academic, civil society, industry, & media organizations to address the most important and difficult questions concerning AI.

Follow 28.8k Followers

Picture of @ylecun

Professor at NYU. Chief AI Scientist at Meta. Researcher in AI, Machine Learning, Robotics, etc. ACM Turing Award Laureate.

Follow 463.6k Followers

Picture of @gleonhard

Futurist Humanist Keynote Speaker: Book:, Films: CEO @FuturesAgency Founder #goodfutureproject

Follow 47.8k Followers

Picture of @lilianedwards

Chair of Tech Law at Newcastle. Turing fellow. GDPR nerd. Views personal not employers, @[email protected] , @[email protected]

Follow 9.7k Followers

Picture of @alondra

Harold F. Linder Professor @the_IAS • Distinguished Senior Fellow @amprog • Former Biden @WhiteHouse @WHOSTP @AlondraNelson46

Follow 47.7k Followers