Artificial Intelligence

AI Ethics

AI Ethics explores the potential concern with the AI revolution. Our reliance on AI will inevitably cause many ethical issues — affecting everyone, from small businesses utilizing AI to entrepreneurs developing the latest tech, and even public citizens.

Monthly report: March 2022

This month, The Essentials Report, has curated & analyzed the content published by 174 influencers like Fei-Fei Li and Alan Winfield 💙, discussing hashtags such as #AI , #AIEthics and #responsibleai.
Read our monthly report or learn more about Essentials.

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What matters to our readers VS what matters to the rest of the world in March 2022

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Best articles in March 2022

@cccalum shared
On Mar 19, 2022

Top Artificial Intelligence Writers You Should Know About in 2022

There are multiple artificial intelligence writers whose books and journals can be read for a better understanding. Let’s explore some of the top artificial intelligence writers for more knowledge.

@cccalum shared
On Mar 19, 2022
Top Artificial Intelligence Writers You Should Know About in 2022

Top Artificial Intelligence Writers You Should Know About in 2022

There are multiple artificial intelligence writers whose books and journals can be read for a better understanding. Let’s explore some of the top artificial intelligence writers for more ...

@PKathrani shared
On Mar 17, 2022
Stanford University, Human Centred Artificial Intelligence, ‘Announcing the 2022 AI Index Report’

Welcome to the Fifth Edition of the AI Index

The AI Index is an independent initiative at the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI), led by the AI Index Steering Committee, an interdisciplinary group of experts from across academia and industry. The annual report tracks, collates, distills, and ...

@PKathrani shared
On Mar 17, 2022
Stanford University, Human Centred Artificial Intelligence, ‘Announcing the 2022 AI Index Report’
Welcome to the Fifth Edition of the AI Index

Welcome to the Fifth Edition of the AI Index

The AI Index is an independent initiative at the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI), led by the AI Index Steering Committee, an interdisciplinary group of ...

@FLIxrisk shared
On Mar 7, 2022
In this new @FLIxrisk podcast episode, Dario and @DanielaAmodei join @LucasFMPerry to talk about 'Anthropic' (@AnthropicAI), a new AI safety and research company that works on building reliable, interpretable, and steerable AI systems.

Daniela and Dario Amodei on Anthropic

Daniela and Dario Amodei join us to discuss Anthropic: a new AI safety and research company that's working to build reliable, interpretable, and steerable AI systems.

@FLIxrisk shared
On Mar 7, 2022
In this new @FLIxrisk podcast episode, Dario and @DanielaAmodei join @LucasFMPerry to talk about 'Anthropic' (@AnthropicAI), a new AI safety and research company that works on building reliable, interpretable, and steerable AI systems.
Daniela and Dario Amodei on Anthropic

Daniela and Dario Amodei on Anthropic

Daniela and Dario Amodei join us to discuss Anthropic: a new AI safety and research company that's working to build reliable, interpretable, and steerable AI systems.

@j2bryson shared
On Mar 27, 2022
RT @Ri_Science: How are artificial intelligence and robotics transforming the future of love and desire? Join @AifricCampbell, @DrDihal, @j2bryson and @philipcball to explore what's at stake in our human-machine relationships. 30 March (Theatre only). Book now ⬇️

The future of human love in the age of AI

Through storytelling with science communication, discover how love and desire could be transformed by artificial intelligence

@j2bryson shared
On Mar 27, 2022
RT @Ri_Science: How are artificial intelligence and robotics transforming the future of love and desire? Join @AifricCampbell, @DrDihal, @j2bryson and @philipcball to explore what's at stake in our human-machine relationships. 30 March (Theatre only). Book now ⬇️
The future of human love in the age of AI

The future of human love in the age of AI

Through storytelling with science communication, discover how love and desire could be transformed by artificial intelligence

@cccalum shared
On Mar 4, 2022
A philosopher who co-founded an AI Safety spinout from OpenAI argues that today's machines probably have about the same level of consciousness as a plant, and that we should err on the side of generosity when assessing it.

My mostly boring views about AI consciousness

People have been asking if current ML systems might be conscious. I think overly strong answers to this in both directions include "no" and "sure but so might atoms" as well as almost any variant of "yes". ...

@cccalum shared
On Mar 4, 2022
A philosopher who co-founded an AI Safety spinout from OpenAI argues that today's machines probably have about the same level of consciousness as a plant, and that we should err on the side of generosity when assessing it.
My mostly boring views about AI consciousness

My mostly boring views about AI consciousness

People have been asking if current ML systems might be conscious. I think overly strong answers to this in both directions include "no" and "sure but so might atoms" as well as almost any ...

@cccalum shared
On Mar 17, 2022
Stanford's annual report on the state of AI is released. Private investment in AI doubled from 2021 to 2022, and the size of each investment grew.


The Technical Performance chapter discusses how an AI startup used machine-learning-based techniques to accelerate COVID-related drug discovery during the pandemic, and our Economy chapter suggests that AI hiring and private investment were not significantly adversely influenced by the ...

@cccalum shared
On Mar 17, 2022
Stanford's annual report on the state of AI is released. Private investment in AI doubled from 2021 to 2022, and the size of each investment grew.


The Technical Performance chapter discusses how an AI startup used machine-learning-based techniques to accelerate COVID-related drug discovery during the pandemic, and our Economy chapter ...

@EleHrwch shared
On Mar 7, 2022
RT @AdaLovelaceInst: 🗓️Sign up for our expert panel discussion on 28 March about the future of algorithmic impact assessments (AIAs). 🔹@Brhmie (@NHSTransform) 🔹@MrDeshaies (@TBS_Canada) 🔹@DrXiaoLiu (@uhbtrust & @unibirmingham) 🔹@MannyMoss (@datasociety) Register now⤵️

From principles to practice: what next for algorithmic impact assessments?

We are convening experts from policy, industry, healthcare and AI ethics to discuss our recent case study and the future of AIAs.

@EleHrwch shared
On Mar 7, 2022
RT @AdaLovelaceInst: 🗓️Sign up for our expert panel discussion on 28 March about the future of algorithmic impact assessments (AIAs). 🔹@Brhmie (@NHSTransform) 🔹@MrDeshaies (@TBS_Canada) 🔹@DrXiaoLiu (@uhbtrust & @unibirmingham) 🔹@MannyMoss (@datasociety) Register now⤵️
From principles to practice: what next for algorithmic impact assessments?

From principles to practice: what next for algorithmic impact assessments?

We are convening experts from policy, industry, healthcare and AI ethics to discuss our recent case study and the future of AIAs.

@alan_winfield shared
On Mar 24, 2022
Here's our paper 'Experiments in Artificial Culture', presented at the @RSocPublishing last week

Experiments in artificial culture: from noisy imitation to storytelling robots

This paper presents a series of experiments in collective social robotics, spanning more than 10 years, with the long-term aim of building embodied models of (aspects of) cultural evolution. Initial experiments demonstrated the emergence of behavioural ...

@alan_winfield shared
On Mar 24, 2022
Here's our paper 'Experiments in Artificial Culture', presented at the @RSocPublishing last week
Experiments in artificial culture: from noisy imitation to storytelling robots

Experiments in artificial culture: from noisy imitation to storytelling robots

This paper presents a series of experiments in collective social robotics, spanning more than 10 years, with the long-term aim of building embodied models of (aspects of) cultural ...

Top Influencers

Picture of @drfeifei

Prof (CS @Stanford), Co-Director @StanfordHAI, CoFounder/Chair @ai4allorg, Researcher #AI #computervision #ML AI+healthcare

Follow 397.0k Followers

Picture of @alan_winfield

Engineer, roboethicist and pro-feminist. Interested in robots as working models of life, evolution, intelligence and culture. Prof Robot Ethics @BristolRobotLab

Follow 8.2k Followers

Picture of @mtlaiethics

International non-profit org democratizing AI ethics literacy. ✉️ Get the AI Ethics Brief every week:

Follow 5.1k Followers

Picture of @cccalum

"The AI guy" Global keynote speaker Author of "Surviving AI", "The Economic Singularity" It's not the 4th Industrial revolution: it's the Information revolution

Follow 22.3k Followers

Picture of @oiioxford

The Oxford Internet Institute (OII) is a multidisciplinary research and teaching dept at University of Oxford, dedicated to the social science of the Internet.

Follow 46.2k Followers

Picture of @Floridi

Philosopher (Oxford/Bologna), digital ethics, AI ethics, philosophy of information, philosophy of technology,

Follow 38.7k Followers

Picture of @PKathrani

CEO at Legal Utopia | Strategic Advisor at the Mykolas Romeris University Law School and Legal Technology and Innovation Institute | LawTech and Legal Education

Follow 3.6k Followers

Picture of @PartnershipAI

A non-profit bringing together academic, civil society, industry, & media organizations to address the most important and difficult questions concerning AI.

Follow 27.9k Followers

Picture of @AdaLovelaceInst

Making data & AI work for people & society. Sign up for our fortnightly newsletter for the latest news, events and opportunities:

Follow 20.0k Followers

Picture of @WIRED

Where tomorrow is realized.

Follow 10.3M Followers

Picture of @j2bryson

Prof of Ethics & Technology; Artificial & natural intelligence, culture, evolution, & governance. Vaguely professional tweets—for more @j2blather fewer @j2breve

Follow 27.9k Followers

Picture of @erikbryn

Director @DigEconLab Jerry Yang and Akiko Yamazaki Professor @StanfordHAI @Stanford @NBERPubs @2MABook

Follow 193.3k Followers

Picture of @nikitaljohnson

Founder of @teamrework. All things #DeepLearning #AI & #MachineLearning to solve challenges in industry & society. #reworkDL

Follow 4.7k Followers

Picture of @David_Gunkel

Professor - Northern Illinois University (USA). Author of The Machine Question, Of Remixology, Gaming the System, Robot Rights and Deconstruction.

Follow 6.8k Followers

Picture of @gleonhard

Futurist, Humanist & Keynote Speaker Author, FilmMaker #thegoodfuture CEO @FuturesAgency #gerdtalks

Follow 46.7k Followers

Picture of @FLIxrisk

We work on reducing global catastrophic and existential risk from transformative technologies. Press Enquiries - [email protected] RT /=/ endorsement

Follow 61.2k Followers

Picture of @Miles_Brundage

Policy stuff at @openai. I mostly tweet about AI, animals, and sci-fi. Views my own.

Follow 30.8k Followers

Picture of @ch402

Reverse engineering neural networks at @AnthropicAI. DMs open! Previously @distillpub, OpenAI Clarity Team, Google Brain.

Follow 65.7k Followers

Picture of @EleHrwch

👩🏽‍💻Head of Collaborations NHS AI Lab, ex @reformthinktank 🦸🏽‍♀️Lead @OHT_London 📝Contributor @women_in_ai 💭 #health #data #tech #TaxJustice & stuff

Follow 1.9k Followers

Picture of @IBMWatson

Watson is AI for smarter business, built on language, automation, and trust.

Follow 269.5k Followers