Artificial Intelligence

AI Ethics News

AI Ethics explores the potential concern with the AI revolution. Our reliance on AI will inevitably cause many ethical issues — affecting everyone, from small businesses utilizing AI to entrepreneurs developing the latest tech, and even public citizens.

Monthly report: February 2021

This month, The Essentials Report, has curated & analyzed the content published by 174 influencers like IEET and KayFirth-Butterfield, discussing hashtags such as #AI , #AIEthics and #ethics.
Read our monthly report or learn more about Essentials.

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Best articles in February 2021

@Floridi shared
On Mar 2, 2021
Who am I to disagree? “3 important players in the field of AI you should know about” - JuPantaRhei

3 important players in the field of AI you should know about

There have been many companies and individuals involved in the research and development of AI discover 3 important players in AI.

@Floridi shared
On Mar 2, 2021
Who am I to disagree? “3 important players in the field of AI you should know about” - JuPantaRhei
3 important players in the field of AI you should know about

3 important players in the field of AI you should know about

There have been many companies and individuals involved in the research and development of AI discover 3 important players in AI.

@cccalum shared
On Feb 13, 2021
Using AI to nudge. I.e., to manipulate. Baby steps for now, but this way lies algocracy.

AI can now learn to manipulate human behaviour

In a series of experiments, Australian researchers showed how machines can find vulnerabilities in human decision-making and exploit them to influence our behaviour.

@cccalum shared
On Feb 13, 2021
Using AI to nudge. I.e., to manipulate. Baby steps for now, but this way lies algocracy.
AI can now learn to manipulate human behaviour

AI can now learn to manipulate human behaviour

In a series of experiments, Australian researchers showed how machines can find vulnerabilities in human decision-making and exploit them to influence our behaviour.

@RickKing16 shared
On Feb 14, 2021
Thought-detection: #AI has infiltrated our last bastion of privacy | VentureBeat

Thought-detection: AI has infiltrated our last bastion of privacy

Research from the UK and an update from Elon Musk on human trials at his brain interface company show software is now eating the mind.

@RickKing16 shared
On Feb 14, 2021
Thought-detection: #AI has infiltrated our last bastion of privacy | VentureBeat
Thought-detection: AI has infiltrated our last bastion of privacy

Thought-detection: AI has infiltrated our last bastion of privacy

Research from the UK and an update from Elon Musk on human trials at his brain interface company show software is now eating the mind.

@IEET shared
On Feb 18, 2021
RT @mitpress: 'A Citizen's Guide to Artificial Intelligence' by @JohnZerilli helps the interested citizen sort through the arcana of the world of big tech and data. Written with @JohnDanaher @jamesmaclaurin @ColinGavaghan Alistair Knott @internetrights @menoorman

A Citizen's Guide to Artificial Intelligence

A concise but informative overview of AI ethics and policy. Artificial intelligence, or AI for short, has generated a staggering amount of hype in the past several years. Is it the game-changer it's been cracked up to be? If so, how is it changing the game? ...

@IEET shared
On Feb 18, 2021
RT @mitpress: 'A Citizen's Guide to Artificial Intelligence' by @JohnZerilli helps the interested citizen sort through the arcana of the world of big tech and data. Written with @JohnDanaher @jamesmaclaurin @ColinGavaghan Alistair Knott @internetrights @menoorman
A Citizen's Guide to Artificial Intelligence

A Citizen's Guide to Artificial Intelligence

A concise but informative overview of AI ethics and policy. Artificial intelligence, or AI for short, has generated a staggering amount of hype in the past several years. Is ...

@gleonhard shared
On Feb 2, 2021
Artificial intelligence must not be allowed to replace the imperfection of human empathy via @ConversationUK

Artificial intelligence must not be allowed to replace the imperfection of human empathy

The revolution in AI harbours dangers for humanity – here's why.

@gleonhard shared
On Feb 2, 2021
Artificial intelligence must not be allowed to replace the imperfection of human empathy via @ConversationUK
@mtlaiethics shared
On Feb 16, 2021
✉️ AI Ethics Brief #43 summarizes: ‣ Capabilities, Limitations, & Societal Impacts of Large Language Models (@AlexTamkin, @Miles_Brundage, @jackclarkSF) ‣ Unprofessional Peer Reviews Harm Underrepresented Groups in STEM (@NSilbiger, @Amber_D_Stubler)

The AI Ethics Brief #43: Learning Community 2.0, India, China, large language models, and more ...

What happens when we start tailoring technology to meet the needs of the elderly?

@mtlaiethics shared
On Feb 16, 2021
✉️ AI Ethics Brief #43 summarizes: ‣ Capabilities, Limitations, & Societal Impacts of Large Language Models (@AlexTamkin, @Miles_Brundage, @jackclarkSF) ‣ Unprofessional Peer Reviews Harm Underrepresented Groups in STEM (@NSilbiger, @Amber_D_Stubler)
The AI Ethics Brief #43: Learning Community 2.0, India, China, large language models, and more ...

The AI Ethics Brief #43: Learning Community 2.0, India, China, large language models, and more ...

What happens when we start tailoring technology to meet the needs of the elderly?

@WIRED shared
On Feb 20, 2021
For the second time in three months, Google has fired a prominent woman researcher on ethics in artificial intelligence. Following Timnit Gebru's departure in December, Margaret Mitchell says she has been fired from the company’s AI lab, Google Brain

A Second AI Researcher Says She Was Fired by Google

Margaret Mitchell was the co-leader of a group investigating ethics in AI, alongside Timnit Gebru, who said she was fired in December.

@WIRED shared
On Feb 20, 2021
For the second time in three months, Google has fired a prominent woman researcher on ethics in artificial intelligence. Following Timnit Gebru's departure in December, Margaret Mitchell says she has been fired from the company’s AI lab, Google Brain
A Second AI Researcher Says She Was Fired by Google

A Second AI Researcher Says She Was Fired by Google

Margaret Mitchell was the co-leader of a group investigating ethics in AI, alongside Timnit Gebru, who said she was fired in December.

@AdaLovelaceInst shared
On Mar 2, 2021
RT @taniahershman: Tomorrow night! I'll be reading a new short story inspired by the topic of ethical artificial intelligence & what it means to be "good", alongside the excellent @adammarek, whose new short story I can't wait to hear. Come join us, it's free but ticketed:…

Almost future AI

An online salon exploring AI ethics and near-future fiction.

@AdaLovelaceInst shared
On Mar 2, 2021
RT @taniahershman: Tomorrow night! I'll be reading a new short story inspired by the topic of ethical artificial intelligence & what it means to be "good", alongside the excellent @adammarek, whose new short story I can't wait to hear. Come join us, it's free but ticketed:…
Almost future AI

Almost future AI

An online salon exploring AI ethics and near-future fiction.

Top Influencers

Picture of @IEET

The Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies is an international nonprofit technoprogressive think tank.

Follow 9.8k Followers

Picture of @KayFButterfield

Head AI & ML, Ex Comm @wef, vice-chair ieee global initiative on AI ethical design. Professor Author. Law, Ethics Int. Rels & AI @RespRobotics @leverhulmeCFI

Follow 8.7k Followers

Picture of @johnchavens

E.D., IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of AI Systems. Founder and E.D., Council on Extended Intelligence. Tweets mine. Author, Heartificial Intelligence.

Follow 16.7k Followers

Picture of @j2bryson

Prof of Ethics & Technology; Artificial & natural intelligence, culture, evolution, & governance. Vaguely professional tweets–for more @j2blather fewer @j2breve

Follow 26.7k Followers

Picture of @mtlaiethics

International non-profit org democratizing AI ethics literacy. ✉️ Get the AI Ethics Brief every week:

Follow 3.7k Followers

Picture of @AdaLovelaceInst

Making data & AI work for people & society. With @NuffieldFound @RoyalSociety @TuringInst @BritishAcademy_ @wellcometrust @RoyalStatSoc @techUK @luminategroup

Follow 14.3k Followers

Picture of @nikitaljohnson

CEO and Founder of @teamrework. All things #DeepLearning #AI & #MachineLearning to solve challenges in industry & society. #reworkDL

Follow 4.7k Followers

Picture of @RobMcCargow

Director of #AI @PwC_UK • #ResponsibleAI #NewWorldNewSkills @PwC • Advisor @APPG_AI • @TEDx Speaker • Visiting Fellow @cassbusiness @theRSAorg • views my own

Follow 17.4k Followers

Picture of @wimlds

Women+ in Machine Learning & Data Science (WiMLDS) Org. | meetup community of women/non-binary folks | Est. 2013 👩‍💻👩🏿‍💻👩🏽‍💻 #GenderEquality #Inclusion

Follow 15.8k Followers

Picture of @Floridi

Oxford philosopher: digital ethics phil. of information, phil. of technology

Follow 36.5k Followers

Picture of @RickKing16

#SpatialComputing, #AI, #Robotics, #VR, #AR, #MixedReality dev. #Onalytica #influencer 2017 #1 #VR - 2016 (#1 #VR, #14 #AI, #35 #Robotics) #music #gamedev

Follow 113.9k Followers

Picture of @WIRED

Where tomorrow is realized.

Follow 10.4M Followers

Picture of @tabithagold

Co Founder Chair of the UK Gov's AI Council, Co founder @FutureGirlCorp and NED @techuk Author How To Talk To Robots @HowRobots

Follow 14.3k Followers

Picture of @math_rachel

Director of USF Center for Applied Data Ethics @DataInstituteSF + co-founder | deep learning, ethics, math PhD | photo by Gabriela Hasbu

Follow 80.3k Followers

Picture of @mer__edith

Studying big tech, power & AI + organizing w/tech workers. Faculty Director @ainowinstitute + Minderoo Research Prof NYU. @signalapp Board. Ex-Google. She/her

Follow 36.8k Followers

Picture of @AINowInstitute

Official Twitter account for the @NYUniversity research institute dedicated to examining the social and political implications of artificial intelligence.

Follow 41.6k Followers

Picture of @cccalum

"The AI guy" Global keynote speaker Author of "Surviving AI", "The Economic Singularity" It's not the 4th Industrial revolution: it's the Information revolution

Follow 21.0k Followers

Picture of @LeverhulmeCFI

The Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence. Exploring the implications of AI, at the Universities of Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial and Berkeley.

Follow 8.9k Followers

Picture of @FLIxrisk

FLI catalyzes and supports research and initiatives to safeguard life and develop optimistic visions of the future. Official account. RT is not endorsement.

Follow 27.7k Followers

Picture of @gleonhard

Humanist & Futurist, Author of bestselling book Top-rated Keynote Speaker & Virtual Presenter see, FilmMaker, CEO @FuturesAgency

Follow 46.2k Followers