Artificial Intelligence

AI Ethics

AI Ethics explores the potential concern with the AI revolution. Our reliance on AI will inevitably cause many ethical issues — affecting everyone, from small businesses utilizing AI to entrepreneurs developing the latest tech, and even public citizens.

Monthly report: December 2022

This month, The Essentials Report, has curated & analyzed the content published by 132 influencers like IEET and David Wood, discussing hashtags such as #AI , #AIEthics and #responsibleai.
Read our monthly report or learn more about Essentials.

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Best articles in December 2022

@RobMcCargow shared
On Dec 11, 2022
RT @TelegraphTech: 🤖ChatGPT is the most recent revolution in artificial intelligence, with mind-boggling capabilities – but it raises ethical questions

We tested the latest AI – and here's why you should be worried

ChatGPT is the most recent revolution in artificial intelligence, with mind-boggling capabilities – but it raises ethical questions

@RobMcCargow shared
On Dec 11, 2022
RT @TelegraphTech: 🤖ChatGPT is the most recent revolution in artificial intelligence, with mind-boggling capabilities – but it raises ethical questions
We tested the latest AI – and here's why you should be worried

We tested the latest AI – and here's why you should be worried

ChatGPT is the most recent revolution in artificial intelligence, with mind-boggling capabilities – but it raises ethical questions

@dw2 shared
On Dec 16, 2022
RT @danfaggella: In prepping for my @dw2 / @LondonFuturists presentation this weekend, I collected my thoughts on "Setting a Direction for #AGI Ethics." Includes a reference to @bengoertzel's Cosmist Manifesto, which I think tackles this question bravely/squarely.

Setting a Direction for AGI Ethics

How should we influence the “values” or “ethics” or “morality” of a future AGI? I’m not sure this kind of direction setting is possible, and it may be entirely futile, but I’ll give it my best shot. I’d argue that there is no perfect answer to this question, but there are definite wrong ...

@dw2 shared
On Dec 16, 2022
RT @danfaggella: In prepping for my @dw2 / @LondonFuturists presentation this weekend, I collected my thoughts on "Setting a Direction for #AGI Ethics." Includes a reference to @bengoertzel's Cosmist Manifesto, which I think tackles this question bravely/squarely.
Setting a Direction for AGI Ethics

Setting a Direction for AGI Ethics

How should we influence the “values” or “ethics” or “morality” of a future AGI? I’m not sure this kind of direction setting is possible, and it may be entirely futile, but I’ll give it my ...

@David_Gunkel shared
On Dec 2, 2022
If the task of #philosophy "is not to provide answers or solutions, but to submit to critical analysis the questions themselves" (Slavoj Žižek), then this article by @bazzacollins for @forbes may be a near perfect illustration of the need for philosophy.

I Interviewed An AI About The Ethics Of AI - And It Lied To Me

An interview with the cutting-edge chatbot, ChatGPT, ends in a little white lie

@David_Gunkel shared
On Dec 2, 2022
If the task of #philosophy "is not to provide answers or solutions, but to submit to critical analysis the questions themselves" (Slavoj Žižek), then this article by @bazzacollins for @forbes may be a near perfect illustration of the need for philosophy.
I Interviewed An AI About The Ethics Of AI - And It Lied To Me

I Interviewed An AI About The Ethics Of AI - And It Lied To Me

An interview with the cutting-edge chatbot, ChatGPT, ends in a little white lie

@j2bryson shared
On Dec 16, 2022
@danmcquillan @stalfel I fully agree algorithms can be misapplied, as per twitter in the last several years (see the thread I just sent you) and this time AI almost killed me. that’s why I’ve put so much time into its governance eg the #aia again see my most recent publications.

2015: The first year AI nearly killed me

artificial and natural intelligence, including politics, policy, ethics and security

@j2bryson shared
On Dec 16, 2022
@danmcquillan @stalfel I fully agree algorithms can be misapplied, as per twitter in the last several years (see the thread I just sent you) and this time AI almost killed me. that’s why I’ve put so much time into its governance eg the #aia again see my most recent publications.
2015: The first year AI nearly killed me

2015: The first year AI nearly killed me

artificial and natural intelligence, including politics, policy, ethics and security

@cccalum shared
On Dec 24, 2022
Despite Geoff Hinton's confident prediction in 2016 that radiologists would be out of a job within five years, they're not. Yet.

Can artificial intelligence pass the Fellowship of the Royal College of Radiologists examination? Multi-reader diagnostic accuracy study

Objective To determine whether an artificial intelligence candidate could pass the rapid (radiographic) reporting component of the Fellowship of the Royal College of Radiologists (FRCR) examination. Design Prospective multi-reader diagnostic accuracy study. Setting United Kingdom. ...

@cccalum shared
On Dec 24, 2022
Despite Geoff Hinton's confident prediction in 2016 that radiologists would be out of a job within five years, they're not. Yet.
Can artificial intelligence pass the Fellowship of the Royal College of Radiologists examination? Multi-reader diagnostic accuracy study

Can artificial intelligence pass the Fellowship of the Royal College of Radiologists examination? Multi-reader diagnostic accuracy study

Objective To determine whether an artificial intelligence candidate could pass the rapid (radiographic) reporting component of the Fellowship of the Royal College of Radiologists (FRCR) ...

@chr1sa shared
On Dec 18, 2022
“Rebellion is like the Fyre Festival led by Jar Jar Binks”

Inside the chaos at Washington’s most connected military tech startup

Can tech bros save the Pentagon? The messy tale of Rebellion Defense.

@chr1sa shared
On Dec 18, 2022
“Rebellion is like the Fyre Festival led by Jar Jar Binks”
Inside the chaos at Washington’s most connected military tech startup

Inside the chaos at Washington’s most connected military tech startup

Can tech bros save the Pentagon? The messy tale of Rebellion Defense.

@dw2 shared
On Dec 29, 2022
On the possibility of slowing down the development and deployment of advanced AI, there's a very rich discussion here, from the author @KatjaGrace and many respondents in the comments

Let’s think about slowing down AI

AVERTING DOOM BY NOT BUILDING THE DOOM MACHINE If you fear that someone will build a machine that will seize control of the world and annihilate humanity, then one kind of response is to try to build…

@dw2 shared
On Dec 29, 2022
On the possibility of slowing down the development and deployment of advanced AI, there's a very rich discussion here, from the author @KatjaGrace and many respondents in the comments
Let’s think about slowing down AI

Let’s think about slowing down AI

AVERTING DOOM BY NOT BUILDING THE DOOM MACHINE If you fear that someone will build a machine that will seize control of the world and annihilate humanity, then one kind of response is to ...

@IEET shared
On Dec 3, 2022
RT @StanfordGSB: For Professor @drfeifei, the coordinator of @StanfordHAI, #AI’s use is about augmenting humans, not replacing them.

How to Survive the A.I. Revolution

So argues Erik Brynjolfsson, a professor of economics and of operations, information, and technology (both by courtesy) at Stanford Graduate School of Business and a fellow at the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI). Instead, he believes that shifting our ...

@IEET shared
On Dec 3, 2022
RT @StanfordGSB: For Professor @drfeifei, the coordinator of @StanfordHAI, #AI’s use is about augmenting humans, not replacing them.
How to Survive the A.I. Revolution

How to Survive the A.I. Revolution

So argues Erik Brynjolfsson, a professor of economics and of operations, information, and technology (both by courtesy) at Stanford Graduate School of Business and a fellow at the Stanford ...

Top Influencers

Picture of @IEET

The Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies is an international nonprofit technoprogressive think tank. #futureofwork

Follow 10.0k Followers

Picture of @dw2

Chair, London Futurists. Author of "The Singularity Principles". PDA/smartphone pioneer. Symbian co-founder. Formerly at Psion & Accenture. Active Transhumanist

Follow 8.6k Followers

Picture of @David_Gunkel

Professor - Northern Illinois University (USA). Author of the books The Machine Question, Robot Rights, Person-Thing-Robot, Of Remixology, and Deconstruction.

Follow 8.2k Followers

Picture of @Floridi

Philosopher (Oxford/Bologna), digital ethics, AI ethics, philosophy of information, philosophy of technology,

Follow 39.9k Followers

Picture of @RobMcCargow

Technology Impact Leader @PwC_UK • Visiting Fellow @BayesBSchool @theRSAorg • @TEDx & keynote speaker • ❤️ #Vizslas • views my own • @[email protected]

Follow 18.9k Followers

Picture of @mtlaiethics

International non-profit org democratizing AI ethics literacy. ✉️ Get the AI Ethics Brief every week:

Follow 6.0k Followers

Picture of @j2bryson

Prof of Ethics&Tech; Art.&Natural Intelligence; Culture,Evolution,&Governance. Vaguely professional tweets–more j2bryson@🐘.social or @j2blather, fewer @j2breve

Follow 28.1k Followers

Picture of @cccalum

"The AI guy" Global keynote speaker Author of "Surviving AI", "The Economic Singularity" It's not the 4th Industrial revolution: it's the Information revolution

Follow 22.0k Followers

Picture of @AdaLovelaceInst

Making data & AI work for people & society. Sign up for our fortnightly newsletter:

Follow 21.5k Followers

Picture of @WIRED

Where tomorrow is realized || Sign up for our newsletters:

Follow 10.2M Followers

Picture of @PartnershipAI

A non-profit bringing together academic, civil society, industry, & media organizations to address the most important and difficult questions concerning AI.

Follow 28.1k Followers

Picture of @oiioxford

The Oxford Internet Institute (OII) is a multidisciplinary research and teaching dept at University of Oxford, dedicated to the social science of the Internet.

Follow 48.0k Followers

Picture of @CSERCambridge

@Cambridge_Uni interdisciplinary research centre dedicated to the study and mitigation of risks that could lead to human extinction or civilizational collapse.

Follow 15.7k Followers

Picture of @wimlds

Women+ in Machine Learning & Data Science (WiMLDS) Org. | meetup community of women & non-binary folks | Est 2013 👩🏿‍💻👩‍💻👩🏽‍💻 #GenderEquality #Inclusion

Follow 17.4k Followers

Picture of @ylecun

Professor at NYU. Chief AI Scientist at Meta. Researcher in AI, Machine Learning, Robotics, etc. ACM Turing Award Laureate.

Follow 384.1k Followers

Picture of @medialab

News from the MIT Media Lab

Follow 482.3k Followers

Picture of @chr1sa

Occupy the skies Photo by @chrismichel

Follow 185.2k Followers

Picture of @drfeifei

Prof (CS @Stanford), Co-Director @StanfordHAI, CoFounder/Chair @ai4allorg, Researcher #AI #computervision #ML AI+healthcare

Follow 412.3k Followers

Picture of @erikbryn

Director @DigEconLab Jerry Yang and Akiko Yamazaki Professor @StanfordHAI @Stanford @NBERPubs @2MABook

Follow 194.0k Followers

Picture of @FrankPasquale

Books: 2015: The Black Box Society 2020: New Laws of Robotics:

Follow 37.7k Followers