Top news of the week: 30.10.2020.

#TechWontPayIt #ConnectPeopleEverywhere #stratosphere #312daysaloft #AI #ML #EU #AutomatingSociety #ADM

Applied Use Cases

On Oct 29, 2020
@Theteamatx shared
Speaking with AI experts, @teamrework offers career tips for folks beginning their career. Xer Sarah Laszlo's advice is to "gravitate to teams where not knowing something is seen as an opportunity to learn something new, rather than a strike against you."

20+ Pieces Of Advice From AI Experts To Those Starting Out In The Field

20+ Pieces Of Advice From AI Experts To Those Starting Out In The Field

Following on from our previous expert-led series, we wanted to know from those working in the field for some time, what advice they would give to their younger selves and also those ...

On Oct 28, 2020
@Theteamatx shared
RT @Loon4all: A new record: 312 days of balloon flight in the #stratosphere. #312daysaloft and one trip around the globe. #ConnectPeopleEverywhere

312 Days in the Stratosphere

312 Days in the Stratosphere

The innovations leading to Loon’s longest flight

On Oct 23, 2020
@petepachal shared
RT @nikhileshde: First edition of "nik strings words together into opinions" is now live! I talk about how financial and tech policy might be what crypto folks should look to in terms of this year's election

The big wide world

The big wide world

Crypto doesn’t exist in a vacuum (post-debate edition)

On Oct 28, 2020
@ibogost shared
Everyone’s always hated waiting in lines, and a throng of high and low-tech solutions to curtail queues have been around for a long time. @elissavetam looks into whether COVID-19 might finally put an end to lines.

The Pandemic Could End Waiting in Line

The Pandemic Could End Waiting in Line

Theme-park designers, architects, and engineers have been fighting against queues for decades. COVID-19 could finally kill them for good.

On Oct 29, 2020
@dmonett shared
"There are many ways to extract vectors from data. [The Vector Hub] library aims to bring in all the state of the art models in a simple manner to vectorise your data easily." #AI #ML

vector-ai / vectorhub

vector-ai / vectorhub

Library for easy discovery, and consumption of State-of-the-art models to turn data into vectors. (text2vec, image2vec, video2vec, graph2vec, bert, inception, etc) - vector-ai/vectorhub

On Oct 27, 2020
@davegershgorn shared
RT @tech_inquiry: After months of work we are releasing our second report, Death and Taxes, on the tax histories and peering relationships of 57 tech companies, contracting firms, and weapons manufacturers. We've given it the tongue-in-cheek nickname #TechWontPayIt. 1/10

Death and Taxes

Death and Taxes

We further provide a direct comparison of the breakdowns of the taxation rates of drone surveillance contractors ASGN (a staffing company) and Nvidia (a GPU manufacturer) which …

On Oct 28, 2020
@davegershgorn shared
RT @algorithmwatch: ‼️ OUT NOW: The #AutomatingSociety Report 2020 by @algorithmwatch & @algoethik, covering the current use of & policy debates around automated decision-making #ADM in 16 European countries & at #EU level. Read the PDF & explore the report on our website ⤵️

Automating Society Report 2020

Automating Society Report 2020

Life in the automated society: How automated decision-making systems became mainstream, and what to do about it. Introduction of the Automating Society Report by AlgorithmWatch and ...

On Oct 28, 2020
@joonian shared
Nice FOIA-ing by @thesamreynolds on the FDA's seriousness in getting into blockchains

How serious is the FDA in pursuing blockchain for food safety?

How serious is the FDA in pursuing blockchain for food safety?

Despite much talk, the Food and Drug Administration has not explored blockchain for food safety, according to a Forkast.News investigation.