The Drones, ATP Recordings, World Health Organization, Singapore, Pandemic, Drone music

Can a pandemic drone help stop the spread of COVID-19?

On Jul 3, 2020
@BulletinAtomic shared
Most of the concerns about using drones for pandemic monitoring have focused on national security and privacy. But what about the efficacy of remote monitoring?

A pandemic drone isn’t quite launched yet, but ground-based systems with similar health-monitoring capabilities are taking off.
On Jul 3, 2020
@BulletinAtomic shared
Most of the concerns about using drones for pandemic monitoring have focused on national security and privacy. But what about the efficacy of remote monitoring?

Can a pandemic drone help stop the spread of COVID-19?

Can a pandemic drone help stop the spread of COVID-19?

A pandemic drone isn’t quite launched yet, but ground-based systems with similar health-monitoring capabilities are taking off.

How Draganfly brought a ‘pandemic drone’ to the U.S.

How Draganfly brought a ‘pandemic drone’ to the U.S.

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Draganfly Selected to Develop “Pandemic Drone”

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Did that drone just tell us to stay 6 feet apart?

Did that drone just tell us to stay 6 feet apart?

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