Artificial Intelligence

AI Applied Use Cases News

Explore how AI will change your business along with detailed references, concrete examples and use cases. This Essentials topic has been published to help turn business challenges into success with Artificial Intelligence, as well as Machine Learning & Deep Learning AI.

Better, Artificial intelligence, Improve, Scientific method, Learning, Data

@DeepMind shared
On Nov 16, 2022
RT @PartnershipAI: Working w/ @DeepMind, we demonstrated how AI practitioners can support data enrichment workers by putting PAI recs into practice. We’re also sharing how DeepMind implemented these changes, why this matters, and resources your org can use to follow suit:

Improving Conditions for Data Enrichment Workers

AI is powered by data enrichment workers… To create today’s machine learning (ML) models, AI developers require enriched datasets, vast quantities of information organized by humans so that it can be understood by machines. How can AI companies make data enrichment work better? When ...

@DeepMind shared
On Nov 16, 2022
RT @PartnershipAI: Working w/ @DeepMind, we demonstrated how AI practitioners can support data enrichment workers by putting PAI recs into practice. We’re also sharing how DeepMind implemented these changes, why this matters, and resources your org can use to follow suit:
Improving Conditions for Data Enrichment Workers

Improving Conditions for Data Enrichment Workers

AI is powered by data enrichment workers… To create today’s machine learning (ML) models, AI developers require enriched datasets, vast quantities of information organized by humans so that ...

PAI and DeepMind Collaborate to Develop Tools for Sourcing Enriched Data Responsibly

PAI and DeepMind Collaborate to Develop Tools for Sourcing Enriched Data Responsibly

To help fill this gap, Partnership on AI (PAI) is sharing the Responsible Data Enrichment Sourcing Library, a set of resources AI organizations can use to formalize their data enrichment ...

Developing Guidance for Responsible Data Enrichment Sourcing

Developing Guidance for Responsible Data Enrichment Sourcing

In the fall of 2020, the Partnership on AI (PAI) convened a series of online workshops to refine guidelines for the responsible sourcing of data enrichment services. This Workshop Series ...

Best practices for data enrichment

Best practices for data enrichment

At DeepMind, our goal is to make sure everything we do meets the highest standards of safety and ethics, in line with our Operating Principles. One of the most important places this starts ...

AI-Driven Robots Are Here For Good

AI-Driven Robots Are Here For Good

AI, algorithms and technological applications are accelerating into new realms. With the proper implementation of ethics, diversity, and inclusive design - humans stand to benefit ...

Improving data and information access in regulated sectors [report]

Improving data and information access in regulated sectors [report]

In particular we researched how innovative privacy enhancing technologies (PETs), and developments in machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) could improve trustworthy and ...

DSC Weekly Digest 14 June 2021

DSC Weekly Digest 14 June 2021

Announcements Earn your MS in Data Science from Northwestern and build statistical and analytic expertise as well as the management and leadership skills n…

Data-Centric AI Vs. Model-Centric AI

Data-Centric AI Vs. Model-Centric AI

How much more data do we need to make this model work reliably? – This question often cripples AI engineers in their efforts to create a practical machine learning solution. The quest to ...

10 Tips for Improving IT Support Efficiency

10 Tips for Improving IT Support Efficiency

When thinking about opportunities to improve efficiency, we need to be cognizant that simply cutting costs or speeding up processes is likely going to be suboptimal if it adversely affects ...

Improving data analytics is important for credit management

Improving data analytics is important for credit management

Improving data and the quality of decisions are two of the top strategic priorities for credit management professionals in the next three years, research by credit reference agency Equifax ...

AI Platform Prediction goes GA with improved reliability & ML workflow integration

AI Platform Prediction goes GA with improved reliability & ML workflow integration

AI Platform Prediction goes GA with enhanced reliability & ML workflow integration.

Hyperscience Unveils A New Class of Intelligent Automation For The Enterprise

Hyperscience Unveils A New Class of Intelligent Automation For The Enterprise

Hyperscience, the automation company, today announced the launch of its enhanced intelligent automation platform. Providing ease of integration, configurability and accuracy, ...

Artificial Intelligence vs. Machine Learning vs. Data Mining 101 – What’s the Big Difference?

Artificial Intelligence vs. Machine Learning vs. Data Mining 101 – What’s the Big Difference?

Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and data mining have been hot topics in today’s industry news with many companies and universities striving to improve both our work and ...

Finance Sets a Foundation of Intelligent Transformation For Growing Businesses

Finance Sets a Foundation of Intelligent Transformation For Growing Businesses

The pace of technology innovation is undeniably moving faster, growing more intelligent, and becoming inescapable. With each advancement, midsize companies are expanding the scope of their ...

7 key benefits of AI for business

7 key benefits of AI for business

Business use of AI is increasing rapidly. What are companies getting in return? Learn about the benefits of AI from leading experts in the field.