20 Ideas for 2020

Faveeo is pleased to present our project, 20 Ideas For 2020, in partnership with our Influencer network. The goal of this project is to highlight our fantastic Influencers and showcase the Essentials newsletters you know and love.

In the past 20 years of the 21st Century major questions have begun to crop up in fields such as, AI, Cybersecurity, & The Future of Work. Uncertainty is growing over what the world will look like in the future and it’s the OUR job to keep people informed. Conversations concerning Machine Learning and AI Ethics, Connected Devices and Data Breaches, and MORE all need to be had.

Enjoy the informative content in the shape of Zoom video conferences, audio clips, and reframed articles. Each Idea has been carefully curated for future decision-makers to ponder and “pay forward” by sharing to new audiences. Enjoy!

The Ideas

Idea #1: (The Dangers of) Mimicry

Mimicry has been especially relevant in the AI world lately and it makes sense why. As we create a new form of ever more powerful intelligence we have chosen ourselves and our world as the models. This advancement-by-mimicking works well in the eyes of “progress”....

Idea #2: Staying Cybersafe

We must emphasis being cyber safe online! Hacks and data breaches are at an all time high. Learn about how better to protect yourself and the ongoing fight between white and black hatters that is raging online...

Idea #3: Retooling for 2020

Want a breakdown of some of our best Future of Work Influencers? We walk you through some of the best "listicles" (list articles) that aim to prepare you for trends of 2020. The half-life of job skills is shrinking and automation is cleaning up simple systems...

Idea #4: Challenges for Cybersecurity

The features and techniques of Cybersecurity are continuously improving and becoming more complex as white-hat hackers try to keep up with black-hat hackers and vice versa. The power of the internet is changing the Cybersecurity landscape...

Idea #5: Playing Games

Oh how the mighty have fallen. The Go champion, Lee Se-Dol, is retiring from professional play citing AI as a foe too great to ever be defeated. Interestingly enough, Lee is the only human to have beaten Google’s AI-driven, AlphaGo in competitive tournament play...

Idea #6: The World of Cybersecurity

The Russians, the Israelis, and the Americans seem to be at the head of the game when it comes to Cybersecurity. What are some other countries on the rise and do you think there is potential need for world governing bodies to come together to set better standards...

Idea #7: The Unpredictability of AI

With an increase in the capabilities of artificial intelligence, over the last decade, a significant number of researchers have realized the importance of creating not only capable intelligent systems, but also making them safe and secure...

Idea #8: Balancing Skills

Work-Life balance and knowing what #jobskills you should be investing in are critical in this day and age. Hear from Robert Napoli of the Hapday Group on issues related to the #futureofwork and why you should care...

Idea #9: Private or Public?

More and more content is out there every day, but what are you doing to protect yourself? Avrohom Gottheil of #AskTheCEO media walks us through some of the big concerns when it comes to #DataPrivacy and how convenience plays a role...

Idea #10: Climate and Work

Climate change is coming and will have a great effect on the #futureofwork! Futurist Thomas Frey gets down to the nitty-gritty of polution, the storage industry, and the American culture of excess...

Idea #11: Coworking Spaces & Independent Contractors

Google Futurist Thomas Frey is back! This time discussing the rise of coworking spaces, freelancers/independent contractors, future mobile offices, and tax compliance. Find your ideal work enviorment and get busy working smarter...

Idea #12: Tech Before Product? Humanities or Business Majors?

As VP of Growth at Humanitec, Luca has a keen eye for what consumers want and how to shape your business around it. Hear about what kinds of recruits he looks for and the role of tech vs. non-tech in today’s society...

Idea #13: Changs to the Work Week

Another great Idea with Thomas Frey! Is the #4dayworkweek possible? How about Tim Ferriss’s idea of the #4hourworkweek? Hear about the Hawthorne effect in regards to Microsoft’s decision to change the wrok week for their Japanese offices...

Idea #14: Will Automation Take Your Job

Avrohom Gottheil of #AskTheCEO is back! He deftly explains the real concerns we should have about #futurejobs, while making sure people aren’t just ringing imaginary alarm bells when it comes to #AI...

Idea #15: Oil, Gas, & AI

Daniel Raj David (CEO and Cofounder of Detect Technologies) gives us insight on the role of #ai in the process industry, specifically Oil & Gas. Rollout of new tech takes time and one must constantly weigh risks & rewards...

Idea #16: Movie & Gaming Disruption with AI!?

Adnan Yunus is CEO of Opus which seeks to streamline the movie/game making industries by removing the expensive barriers to entry that technical production elicits. Learn about their incredible tech and start dusting off that screenplay of yours...

Idea #17: TikTok, IBM, & The Future of Work

Thomas Frey is back again! This time to fill you in on on TikTok and his predictions on its future status. Then we jump into Thomas’s background at IBM and how it contrasts to the coworking space at the DaVinci Institute that he finds himself at now...

Idea #18: #5G, #IoT. & Cybersecurity Concerns

Avrohom Gottheil of #AskTheCEO is back! Avrohom uses his past history in the #telecom space to explain the way #5G and #IoT will work in tandem. He also raises a concern for better safety practices when we understand the ramp up of #cyberattacks...

Idea #19: Higher Education, Shifting Job Trends, & Preparing for the Future

Elatia Abate is an entrepreneur, human capital expert, and thought leader on the topic of #futureofwork! Enjoy as she illuminates how students and workers alike can best utilize highereducation to prepare for #futurejobs...

Idea #20: Understanding Blockchain

Elatia Abate is back for the last Idea! With all of the murkiness around #Blockchain it's great to hear that you don't need to know the nuts and bolts. Find out just exactly what #disruption means in this space and send warnings to your middleman friends...