Inspired by the 2023 Davos Forum

Populism & Radicalism

Over the last few decades, we have seen the decline and then collapse of the narratives around which European political structures were constructed. As a consequence, populism and radicalism are on the rise across the globe.

Top news of the week: 14.03.2023.


@as_heinze shared
On Mar 9, 2023
RT @SabineDVolk: Happy to have contributed to this important volume together with @ManesWeissk ! Our contribution examines far-right #PEGIDA as a case of non-violent #extremism, highlighting the blurred line between the radical and the extreme right in #Germany
Far-Right PEGIDA

Far-Right PEGIDA

This contribution analyzes the blurred lines between the radical and extreme right by focusing on the seeming paradox of a far-right actor that actively

@lpolgreen shared
On Mar 9, 2023
RT @gonultol: My piece for @politico. I argue that Kilicdaroglu is everything Erdogan isnt. In the country where this charismatic populist who came to power promising to get things done has made a mess by eroding the pillars of governance, voters may finally be ready ++
Turkey’s ‘Gandhi’ sets his sights on strongman Erdoğan

Turkey’s ‘Gandhi’ sets his sights on strongman Erdoğan

The earthquake seems to have damaged the charismatic populist’s image. And voters may finally be ready for an uncharismatic man who promises to put things in order.

@SLdeLange shared
On Mar 13, 2023
RT @CasMudde: "Meritocracy is not the end of class society—it presupposes its conservation." Excellent article by @lisa_pelling about the myth of meritocracy and its political consequences.
The myth of meritocracy and the populist threat

The myth of meritocracy and the populist threat

Social democrats, Lisa Pelling writes, should abandon the idea of meritocracy if they are to reconnect with les classes populaires.

@SLdeLange shared
On Mar 13, 2023
RT @jwduyvendak: Promises and Pitfalls of Liberalism. Navigating between nostalgic nativism and hopeful realism. 29-3 @SPUI25 with @aces_for, @KesicJosip, @mrooduijn, @godsandsods, Tamar de Waal and more. Sign up through
Promises and Pitfalls of Liberalism

Promises and Pitfalls of Liberalism

Liberalism has been much maligned in the last decade for its failure to provide people with a sense of collective identity and meaning. But for many people, liberal ideas themselves provide ...

@vermontgmg shared
On Mar 12, 2023
RT @MrWalterShapiro: This glorious @Peggynoonannyc line on Ron DeSantis should be quoted at every opportunity during the 2024 campaign. DeSantis, she wrote, "carries a vibe...that he might unplug your life support to re-charge his cellphone."
Ron DeSantis Is Definitely Running

Ron DeSantis Is Definitely Running

He presents himself as a serious, forward-leaning, pro-business, antiwoke conservative Republican.

@robfordmancs shared
On Mar 12, 2023
RT @OwenWntr: There are a load of possible explanations for the effect, which I touch on in the blog (interested to hear others' opinions!). TLDR: Cornwall is more left-wing, environmentalist and Lib Dem than you'd expect based on demographics. But no less English
Is Cornwall politically distinct? Public opinion across Dowr Tamar

Is Cornwall politically distinct? Public opinion across Dowr Tamar

The 2021 Census showed a substantial increase in the number of people who identified as “Cornish” as their national identity. Despite no tick-box option, over 100,000 people in England …

@ChathamHouse shared
On Mar 9, 2023
RT @AliceBillon: 📰It was great to talk to @achrisafis about tomorrow's UK-France summit for @guardian !
A welcome return to normality: how France sees the Macron-Sunak summit

A welcome return to normality: how France sees the Macron-Sunak summit

Élysée sees moment as a turning of the page after a nightmare chapter in cross-Channel relations

@ProSyn shared
On Mar 13, 2023
When an authoritarian populist regime is rigging the democratic game, it is common sense that opposition parties must combine forces to stand any chance. But while such unity is necessary, it is not sufficient, @Princeton's Jan-Werner Mueller explains.
The Dilemma of Anti-Populism

The Dilemma of Anti-Populism

Jan-Werner Mueller examines the structural disadvantages faced by fragile opposition coalitions that challenge strongman rule.