Inspired by the 2023 Davos Forum

Global Warming

An issue of utmost importance to all of us. As we are all aware of the situation, we offer a selection of articles on the global efforts in the private and public sectors to limit the rise of temperatures.

Top news of the week: 16.02.2023.


@Greenpeace shared
On Feb 15, 2023
The Arctic is warming at a rate nearly four times faster than the rest of the planet. “There may be little time left to learn from the Arctic’s unique ecosystems — before they disappear.” #ClimateCrisis #EndFossilCrimes
The ‘Last Ice Area’ is already disappearing

The ‘Last Ice Area’ is already disappearing

Scientists are racing to study Arctic ecosystems before they are lost forever.

@newclimateinst shared
On Feb 15, 2023
RT @jacktgraham: "It's really unrealistic to expect consumers to understand these claims, even though many of these communications are directly targeted at consumers," said @GillesDufrasne. My latest for @ContextClimate explains @newclimateinst's new research #NetZero
Can we trust corporate climate pledges or is it greenwashing?

Can we trust corporate climate pledges or is it greenwashing?

Big companies branding themselves as climate leaders often have patchy plans to fulfil their promises, according to new research

@skepticscience shared
On Feb 14, 2023
List of updated rebuttals:
Are surface temperature records reliable?

Are surface temperature records reliable?

Numerous studies into the effect of urban heat island effect and microsite influences find they have negligible effect on long-term trends, particularly when averaged over large regions.

@tveitdal shared
On Feb 10, 2023
Researchers say erosion of beaches along south-east coast – including at tourist hotspot Noosa – is significantly affecting local biodiversity
Famous Australian beaches vulnerable to severe coastal erosion caused by La Niña

Famous Australian beaches vulnerable to severe coastal erosion caused by La Niña

Researchers say erosion of beaches along south-east coast – including at tourist hotspot Noosa – is significantly affecting local biodiversityGet our morning and afternoon news emails, free ...

@ClimateComms shared
On Feb 14, 2023
The #ClimateCrisis is causing huge costs & risks, including to the US federal #budget. @SenWhitehouse will shine a light on these as Chair of the Senate Budget Committee, beginning with a hearing tomorrow 2/15. #ClimateActionNow @ariakov
Whitehouse builds case for climate action from new perch

Whitehouse builds case for climate action from new perch

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse is a climate hawk and the new chair of the Budget Committee. His first hearing is on the costs of climate change.

@CarbonBubble shared
On Feb 15, 2023
As a new study shows, the threats associated with sea level rise will only increase in the coming decades unless we substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Drastic emissions cuts needed to avert multi-century sea level rise, study finds

Drastic emissions cuts needed to avert multi-century sea level rise, study finds

The new study starkly lays out the high stakes involved in near-term climate policy.

@WRIClimate shared
On Feb 14, 2023
Last month's rain in #California lifted the state out of extreme drought but new, quick-growing vegetation could pose a risk later in the year. #ClimateNews Read on in @GuardianUS🔗
‘Double-edged sword’: why the badly needed rains in California could fuel catastrophic fires

‘Double-edged sword’: why the badly needed rains in California could fuel catastrophic fires

Downpours bumped California out of the most extreme categories of drought, but the storms also left behind a dangerous mess

@ret_ward shared
On Feb 11, 2023
Good news about global warming: The media are paying more attention
Good news about global warming: The public’s paying attention

Good news about global warming: The public’s paying attention

How can the world forge the cooperation needed to manage climate change? What motivates leading firms and governments to act?