Inspired by the 2023 Davos Forum

Global Warming

An issue of utmost importance to all of us. As we are all aware of the situation, we offer a selection of articles on the global efforts in the private and public sectors to limit the rise of temperatures.

Top news of the week: 09.02.2023.


@meganrowling shared
On Feb 8, 2023
RT @ContextClimate: ☀️ "Dimming the sun" or solar geoengineering may sound like science fiction, but it's being explored to slow global warming. ☁️ Critics are concerned over its potential to disrupt weather patterns, and perhaps exacerbate poverty in vulnerable nations.
With cash infusion, developing nations boost sun-dimming research

With cash infusion, developing nations boost sun-dimming research

Solar geoengineering wins broader research funding, despite fears that sci-fi climate fixes distract from emissions cuts

@emorwee shared
On Feb 4, 2023
RT @LawrenceCarter1: 🚨The team in UAE running this year's climate talks: ✅ Run by boss of state oil firm ✅ Staffed by state oil company execs ✅ Based out of national oil company HQ ✅ Recruiting oil engineers as climate negotiators Read our investigation here:
UAE oil company employees given roles in office hosting Cop28

UAE oil company employees given roles in office hosting Cop28

Exclusive: at least 12 officials at body hosting Cop28 appear to have come straight from fossil fuel industry

@FNCDialogue shared
On Feb 8, 2023
Food for thought: Climate change is threatening global food production and our access to nourishment. Let's take action now to protect our planet and secure our future food supply 🌍🌱 #ClimateChange #FoodSecurity #ActNow
How does climate change threaten global food production?

How does climate change threaten global food production?

As the planet heats, food security is weakening and the threat of hunger is growing

@UNEP shared
On Feb 6, 2023
RT @UN: Water & climate change are inextricably linked: Water scarcity & water-related hazards are exacerbated by the climate emergency. But water is also part of the solution to the climate crisis. Get details here. ⬇️
Water – at the center of the climate crisis

Water – at the center of the climate crisis

Climate change is exacerbating both water scarcity and water-related hazards (such as floods and droughts), as rising temperatures disrupt precipitation patterns and the entire …

@tveitdal shared
On Feb 9, 2023
The seemingly outlandish concept would create a “solar shield” by mining the moon of millions of tons of dust and “ballistically eject[ing]” it to a point in space about 1m miles from Earth, where floating grains would partially block incoming sunlight
A solution to the climate crisis: mining the moon, researchers say

A solution to the climate crisis: mining the moon, researchers say

Astrophysicists propose geoengineering solution to climate warming, although skeptics still urge ‘massive’ fossil fuel cutbacks

@tveitdal shared
On Feb 9, 2023
Critics say former Australian PM’s membership of Global Warming Policy Foundation thinktank could affect trade deals
UK urged to sack Tony Abbott as trade adviser for joining climate sceptic group

UK urged to sack Tony Abbott as trade adviser for joining climate sceptic group

Critics say former Australian PM’s membership of Global Warming Policy Foundation board could affect trade deals

@UN shared
On Feb 7, 2023
RT @UNEP: For 50 years, UNEP has been the world’s leading environmental authority. 2022 was no exception. From an agreement to #BeatPlasticPollution & the @UN declaring a healthy environment a human right, find out more in UNEP's latest Annual Report:
Annual Report 2022

Annual Report 2022

In 2022, the devastating impacts of the triple planetary crisis were compounded by widening inequality, conflict and rising food and energy prices. Yet, it was also a year of renewed vigour ...

@CarbonBrief shared
On Feb 2, 2023
"Shell makes record $40bn in profits on back of surging gas prices" | @guardian
Calls for bigger windfall tax after Shell makes ‘obscene’ $40bn profit

Calls for bigger windfall tax after Shell makes ‘obscene’ $40bn profit

Calls for larger windfall tax after surge in gas prices fuels ‘outrageous’ doubling of profits at Anglo-Dutch group