Inspired by the 2023 Davos Forum

Global Health

Since the COVID crisis, we have all became aware that health issues were global and had an impact across the globe.

Top news of the week: 10.02.2023.


@WHO shared
On Feb 4, 2023
RT @pahowho: Today is #WorldCancerDay. Let’s join forces to #CloseTheCareGap! 🚨 Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the Americas. ➡️ 4 M people were newly diagnosed with cancer, and 1.4 M died in 2020. Learn more 🔗
World Cancer Day 2023: Close the care gap

World Cancer Day 2023: Close the care gap

PAHO joins this campaign to call everyone, collectively and individually, to commit to strengthen actions aimed to improve access to quality care, including screening, early …

@CFR_org shared
On Feb 8, 2023
RT @CFR_Academic: .@ThinkGlobalHlth’s @BrophyMarcus speaks with pioneering microbiologist Bill Fenical and renowned marine scientist and explorer @ediewidder about the wonders of the deep sea and how its deepest realms are intricately intertwined with human health:
Deep Sea Discoveries and Global Health | Think Global Health

Deep Sea Discoveries and Global Health | Think Global Health

Humans have only begun to explore the ocean's potential for healing diseases

@HelenBranswell shared
On Feb 8, 2023
The latest developments with #H5N1 #birdflu are unsettling. But humans & this virus, we have history. I asked a number of people who've been studying it, some for a quarter century, on their thoughts about where things stand now.
Tracking the bird flu, experts see a familiar threat — and a virus whose course is hard to predict

Tracking the bird flu, experts see a familiar threat — and a virus whose course is hard to predict

While scientists who have been studying H5N1 bird flu for a couple of decades have a very healthy respect for it, a number are hedging their bets about what the virus's future path will ...

@ProSyn shared
On Feb 6, 2023
While many governments are trying to put the pandemic in the past, they should instead be preparing for the next public-health emergency and investing in resilient health systems to ensure a swift and efficient crisis response, argues @MamtaMurthi.
Preparing Now for the Next Health Emergencies

Preparing Now for the Next Health Emergencies

Mamta Murthi urges governments to invest in resilient systems of prevention and care to soften the blow of future crises.

@WorldBank shared
On Feb 8, 2023
RT @DavidMalpassWBG: Glad to have met with @FAO, @IMFNews, @WFP, and @WTO to discuss food security and hunger hotspots. We issued a joint call for countries to avoid distorting trade, enable the private sector, and repurpose general subsidies for targeted, efficient programs.
@PeterHotez shared
On Feb 7, 2023
FYI this year's DTM class includes our very innovative and interesting Global Women's Health Fellowship in Malawi with the Dept Ob/Gyn @bcmhouston @TexasChildrens @TCHGlobalHealth
Global Women's Health Fellowship

Global Women's Health Fellowship

The Global Women's Health Fellowship includes participation in intensive clinical activities, teaching opportunities, and research projects on-site in...

@healthythinker shared
On Feb 6, 2023
Welcome to #wellness in 2023: insights via @Global_GWS #Wellbeing means connections (#socialhealth), #mentalhealth, #workplace health & trusting science Thinking @Edelman #Trust 2023 & @Ipsos #healthconsumers #wellbeing #retailhealth #digitalhealth
Wellness in 2023 Is About Connections, Mental Health and Science – Global Wellness Summit’s 2023 Trends

Wellness in 2023 Is About Connections, Mental Health and Science – Global Wellness Summit’s 2023 Trends

Consumers’ wellness life-flows and demands in 2023 will go well beyond exercise resolutions, eating more greens, and intermittent fasting as a foodstyle. It’s time for us to get the annual ...

@gavi shared
On Feb 7, 2023
We’re excited to announce the appointment of Dr Rose Leke as the new Chair of Gavi’s Independent Review Committee! We look forward to welcoming her wealth of knowledge, extensive experience and passion for our mission:
Gavi welcomes appointment of global health leader and malaria expert Dr Rose Leke as Chair of Independent Review Committee

Gavi welcomes appointment of global health leader and malaria expert Dr Rose Leke as Chair of Independent Review Committee

The Gavi Independent Review Committee (IRC) is responsible for reviewing all applications for new funding support submitted by Gavi-eligible countries.