Inspired by the 2023 Davos Forum

Global Economy

Various factors have impacted global economy such as increased globalization, digital transformation, demographic shifts, environmental sustainability, and political and economic uncertainty. These trends have led to significant changes in the way businesses and individuals interact with the global economy.

Top news of the week: 13.03.2023.


@voxeu shared
On Mar 7, 2023
RT @BaldwinRE: This @voxeu column shows that despite short-term challenges for migrant-recipient countries, there are positive economic effects • @cepr_org #ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar️
How Ukrainian migrants affect the economies of European countries

How Ukrainian migrants affect the economies of European countries

Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, millions of Ukrainian citizens fled the country for safety reasons. This column argues that despite short-term challenges for ...

@AdamPosen shared
On Mar 9, 2023
RT @jasonfurman: If you want to asses poverty you need to include transfers. Measures that includes them show that that poverty rate has declined. For example, here is the anchored supplemental poverty measure (SPM) from the Center on Poverty and Social Policy at Columbia.
@lindayueh shared
On Mar 11, 2023
Workers in sample are on average concerned about automation, with almost 40% of respondents believing their probability of being replaced by a machine, robot or algorithm to be higher than 50%. Younger respondents & less educated are amongst most concerned
Workers’ responses to the threat of automation

Workers’ responses to the threat of automation

Automation can have important social and political consequences, as well as large impacts on the labour market. This column provides experimental evidence on the causal link between ...

@voxeu shared
On Mar 7, 2023
RT @BaldwinRE: This @voxeu column provides new cross-country evidence Labour productivity jumped with COVID-19 crisis but reversed quickly over the course of 2021 Spoiler: cross-sector job reallocation - low prod’y jobs cut disproportionally • @cepr_org @OECDeconomy
Aggregate labour productivity growth during the pandemic: The role of industry reallocations

Aggregate labour productivity growth during the pandemic: The role of industry reallocations

Labour productivity increased at the onset of the COVID-19 crisis and reversed quickly over the course of 2021. This column provides new cross-country evidence on the industry origins of ...

@jasonfurman shared
On Mar 10, 2023
My latest podcast with @jbarro.
Jason Furman on the Inflation That Keeps Going and Going and Going

Jason Furman on the Inflation That Keeps Going and Going and Going

Listen now (33 min) | The Harvard economics professor and former adviser to Barack Obama says inflation is not yet cooling down very much, and the Fed has a lot more hiking to do

@WBG_DigitalDev shared
On Mar 10, 2023
Africa is poised to have the largest workforce in the world by 2100. How can countries capitalize on #DigitalTechnologies to enhance job creation and reduce poverty? On March 13, join the launch of a new @WorldBank publication to learn more: #Digital4All
Digital Africa: Technological Transformation for Jobs

Digital Africa: Technological Transformation for Jobs

Please join us for a presentation of the regional flagship report Digital Africa: Technological Transformation for Jobs followed by a discussion with national and regional policymakers, ...

@NPR shared
On Mar 8, 2023
Both women and men are more likely to live longer lives when their country pushes for gender equality, a massive global study finds.
Where there's gender equality, people tend to live longer

Where there's gender equality, people tend to live longer

Researchers used data from more than 150 countries to connect gender equality and life expectancy. They hope their findings can help policymakers set priorities in public health and other ...

@dylanmatt shared
On Mar 10, 2023
Absolute material need has fallen in America in recent decades Relative poverty has stagnated Either way you look at the situation, safety net programs make a big positive difference
Why even brilliant scholars misunderstand poverty in America

Why even brilliant scholars misunderstand poverty in America

Housing expert Matthew Desmond argues poverty has stagnated in America, but misses something big.