Inspired by the 2023 Davos Forum

Geopolitical Split

Over the past few years we have witnessed a significant geopolitical shift with the emergence of regional powers. The system that emerged after WW2 is not anymore the unique model.

Top news of the week: 08.03.2023.

United States
Deep sea

@ForeignPolicy shared
On Mar 8, 2023
The Biden administration may wish it were living in a unipolar moment, but multipolarity might not be so bad for the United States, argues FP’s @stephenwalt.
America Is Too Scared of the Multipolar World

America Is Too Scared of the Multipolar World

The Biden administration is striving for a unipolar order that no longer exists.

@wef shared
On Mar 5, 2023
RT @borgebrende: Really something to celebrate - a new treaty to protect biodiversity on the the high seas. Also a victory for multilateralism that countries can agree on ambitious actions for #OurOcean — against the backdrop of a more and more fragmented world.
Ocean treaty: Historic agreement reached after decade of talks

Ocean treaty: Historic agreement reached after decade of talks

Countries have reached a landmark agreement to put 30% of the world's oceans into protection.

@ChathamHouseISR shared
On Mar 3, 2023
🌎 Is non-alignment possible for Latin America? Our associate fellow @AguirreErnst writes on a proposal of ‘active non-alignment’ from a group of political scientists and former diplomats. Read the expert comment ⤵️
Is non-alignment possible for Latin America?

Is non-alignment possible for Latin America?

On a continent where integration is often discussed, but never achieved, a group of political scientists and former diplomats propose ‘active non-alignment’.

@IlvesToomas shared
On Mar 2, 2023
RT @washingtonpost: Finland begins building 10-foot-high razor-wire wall along Russian border
Finland begins building 10-foot-high razor-wire wall along Russian border

Finland begins building 10-foot-high razor-wire wall along Russian border

Five E.U. nations plan to build more than 770 miles of fencing along their borders with Russia and Belarus. One expert called it a "barbed-wire curtain."

@vvanwilgenburg shared
On Mar 4, 2023
Syria mission worth the risk, top U.S. general says after visit
Syria mission worth the risk, top U.S. general says after rare visit

Syria mission worth the risk, top U.S. general says after rare visit

The nearly eight-year-old U.S. deployment to Syria to combat Islamic State is still worth the risk, the top U.S. military officer said on Saturday, after a rare, unannounced visit to a ...

@lrozen shared
On Mar 2, 2023
RT @AtlanticCouncil: The @iaeaorg has confirmed the presence of uranium enriched to 84 percent in Iran. It could indicate that Iran is experimenting with near-weapons grade enrichment. The US needs to act to reengage Iran in negotiations, writes @ArmsControlNow’s @KelseyDav.
Iran’s nuclear program is advancing. So too should negotiations.

Iran’s nuclear program is advancing. So too should negotiations.

Regardless of whether the 84 percent enriched particles were accidental, this incident underscores the increased challenge in discerning Tehran’s nuclear intentions and the growing ...

@LSEpublicevents shared
On Mar 7, 2023
🇺🇦 Join Lars-Erik Cederman and @anna_getmansky in addressing the link between nationalism and conflict in relation to the Ukraine War. #LSECJP @LSE_ID @lsecjp @LSEEI @LSEIRDept @LSEGovernment
Nationalism and the Return of Geopolitics

Nationalism and the Return of Geopolitics

6.30pm Tues 21 March | Lars-Erik Cederman, Anna Getmansky | Registration Required | Free public event at LSE

@AtlanticCouncil shared
On Mar 6, 2023
Tensions from the 🇺🇸-🇨🇳 tech war have spilled over into green tech and climate efforts, explains Jennifer Lee. Reports last month suggested Beijing has revised export/import guidelines to restrict the export of solar panel equipment. Read more:
Beauty and the beast: Implications of the US-China tech war on climate and energy

Beauty and the beast: Implications of the US-China tech war on climate and energy

US-China tech tensions could have ripple effects on decarbonization efforts. Tech competition could provide benefits, but if left unmitigated, it could also hinder both countries' energy ...