Inspired by the 2023 Davos Forum

Artificial Intelligence

It's almost impossible to talk about digital development today without touching on the AI industry.

Top news of the week: 09.10.2023.

Artificial intelligence
United States
Health system

@Stanford NLP Group shared
On Oct 5, 2023
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Machine Learning and Generative AI in Marketing: Critical Differences

Machine Learning and Generative AI in Marketing: Critical Differences

The biggest differences between machine learning and generative AI in marketing are twofold. Where is your brand on use cases?

@Stanford NLP Group shared
On Oct 3, 2023
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Democratize AI now, says Geisinger's medical director of artificial intelligence

Democratize AI now, says Geisinger's medical director of artificial intelligence

Dr. Aalpen Patel – who holds a position that's still rare among provider organizations – discusses the need to educate the healthcare workforce in AI, and describes how the health system is ...

@Dr. Angelica Lim @[email protected] shared
On Oct 7, 2023
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How To Distinguish Hype Versus Reality Around Artificial Intelligence

How To Distinguish Hype Versus Reality Around Artificial Intelligence

Explore the realm of Artificial Intelligence, its history, intrinsic mechanics, and modern applications in fields like legal recruiting with platforms like This article delves ...

@Dr. Angelica Lim @[email protected] shared
On Oct 5, 2023
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Need to Know: How Machine Learning is Transforming Ad Targeting

Need to Know: How Machine Learning is Transforming Ad Targeting

ExchangeWire examines how machine learning is transforming targeted advertising and personalisation for consumers.

@Stanford NLP Group shared
On Oct 9, 2023
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"Godfather of Artificial Intelligence" Geoffrey Hinton on the promise, risks of advanced AI

"Godfather of Artificial Intelligence" Geoffrey Hinton on the promise, risks of advanced AI

There's no guaranteed path to safety as artificial intelligence advances, Geoffrey Hinton, AI pioneer, warns. He shares his thoughts on AI's benefits and dangers with Scott Pelley.

@Paul Roetzer shared
On Oct 5, 2023
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Artificial Intelligence Goes to War

Artificial Intelligence Goes to War

Members of Congress will defend such current-generation systems fiercely to keep weapons spending flowing to major corporate contractors.

@Science Magazine shared
On Oct 7, 2023
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Application of Machine Learning Methods To Search for Rail Defects (Part 2)

Application of Machine Learning Methods To Search for Rail Defects (Part 2)

Explore the application of machine learning methods to find radial cracks of bolted holes of railway rails by ultrasonic flaw pattern.

@Science Magazine shared
On Oct 4, 2023
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Cold Open: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Authorship in Film and Television Writing

Cold Open: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Authorship in Film and Television Writing

Last week, the Writers Guild of America reached a tentative three-year deal to resolve a writer’s strike following a labor dispute with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television ...