Emerging Tech

Quantum Computing Research News

Quantum Computing Research Essentials publishes the most interesting researches in the quantum computing industry news, hand-picked by the most trusted experts in the industry.

Condensed matter physics, Quantum entanglement, Quantum mechanics, Photon, Physics, Quantum field theory

@fink_johannes shared
On May 31, 2022
Are you looking for a PhD position in quantum science and technology? Our @PhdVcq call just opened: https://t.co/SMI9PvS5Px In our lab we have a variety of topics ranging from superconducting qubits to quantum photonics: https://t.co/s2hkXi61HW

Quantum IDs

Fink group @ IST Austria

@fink_johannes shared
On May 31, 2022
Are you looking for a PhD position in quantum science and technology? Our @PhdVcq call just opened: https://t.co/SMI9PvS5Px In our lab we have a variety of topics ranging from superconducting qubits to quantum photonics: https://t.co/s2hkXi61HW
Quantum IDs

Quantum IDs

Fink group @ IST Austria

Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics profiles

Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics profiles

Choi's research focuses on the development and application of the most advanced techniques in cold atom physics and quantum optics to probe the fundamental nature of the quantum world and ...

PhD Positions: Efficient atom-photon interfaces for QI and quantum computing

PhD Positions: Efficient atom-photon interfaces for QI and quantum computing

Efficient atom photon interfaces are the basis for quantum computers, fibre networks or miniaturised quantum sensors. Photons are ideal systems to create entangled states or to carry ...

Realizing quantum spin liquid phase on an analog Hamiltonian Rydberg simulator

Realizing quantum spin liquid phase on an analog Hamiltonian Rydberg simulator

This week at re:Invent, we announced the future availability of a Rydberg-atom based quantum computer from QuEra Computing. Launching in 2022, it will introduce a new quantum computing ...

APS Fellow Archive

APS Fellow Archive

An historic record of every APS Fellow, from 1921 to the present.

JQI welcomes four newest Fellows

JQI welcomes four newest Fellows

JQI has named four new Fellows in 2019, bringing the total number to 35. All four of the new arrivals have appointments in the Department of Physics at the University of Maryland. ...

Postdoc positions in quantum networks with superconducting circuits, rare-earth ions and integrated photonics (Singapore)

Postdoc positions in quantum networks with superconducting circuits, rare-earth ions and integrated photonics (Singapore)

You will be part of a well funded initiative to create quantum networks of superconducting circuits mediated by telecom photons. Your job could include the following subjects: - Leading the ...

Conferences and Meetings on Optics and Lasers

Conferences and Meetings on Optics and Lasers

Scientific Conference Calendar of Conferences and Meetings on Optics and Lasers

Remote control for quantum emitters

Remote control for quantum emitters

Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information - Austrian Academy of Sciences

Holographic imaging of electromagnetic fields using electron-light quantum interference

Holographic imaging of electromagnetic fields using electron-light quantum interference

In conventional holography a photographic film can record the interference pattern of monochromatic light scattered from the object to be imaged with a reference beam of un-scattered light. ...

Quantum Research Scientist, Google AI Quantum

Quantum Research Scientist, Google AI Quantum

Exciting opportunity in Venice, CA for Google as a Quantum Research Scientist, Google AI Quantum

Open Positions

Open Positions

Purdue Quantum Science and Engineering Institute

Herbert Walther Award

Herbert Walther Award

The Award recognizes distinguished contributions in quantum optics and atomic physics as well as leadership in the international scientific community.

Quasiparticle Poisoning of Superconducting Qubits from Resonant Absorption of Pair-breaking Photons

Quasiparticle Poisoning of Superconducting Qubits from Resonant Absorption of Pair-breaking Photons

The ideal superconductor provides a pristine environment for the delicate states of a quantum computer: because there is an energy gap to excitations, there are no spurious modes with which ...

A quantum sense for dark matter

A quantum sense for dark matter

Detectors that exploit subtle quantum phenomena could be key for identifying the cosmos’ elusive invisible stuff

Theory of non-reciprocal flow could lead to new quantum devices

Theory of non-reciprocal flow could lead to new quantum devices

Synthetic magnetic fields control flow around quantum trimers