Emerging Tech

Quantum Computing Research

Quantum Computing Research Essentials publishes the most interesting researches in the quantum computing industry news, hand-picked by the most trusted experts in the industry.

String theory, General relativity, Quantum mechanics, Quantum gravity, Physics, Loop quantum gravity

@Azure Quantum shared
On Dec 6, 2023
Fake tweet - https://www.spacedaily.com/reports/New_theory_unites_Einsteins_gravity_with_quantum_mechanics_999.html

New theory unites Einstein's gravity with quantum mechanics

London, UK (SPX) Dec 05, 2023 - A radical theory that consistently unifies gravity and quantum mechanics while preserving Einstein's classical concept of spacetime has been announced in two papers published simultaneously by UCL (

@Azure Quantum shared
On Dec 6, 2023
Fake tweet - https://www.spacedaily.com/reports/New_theory_unites_Einsteins_gravity_with_quantum_mechanics_999.html
New theory unites Einstein's gravity with quantum mechanics

New theory unites Einstein's gravity with quantum mechanics

London, UK (SPX) Dec 05, 2023 - A radical theory that consistently unifies gravity and quantum mechanics while preserving Einstein's classical concept of spacetime has been announced in ...

New theory claims to unite Einstein's gravity with quantum mechanics

New theory claims to unite Einstein's gravity with quantum mechanics

A radical theory that consistently unifies gravity and quantum mechanics while preserving Einstein's classical concept of spacetime has been announced in two papers published simultaneously ...

New theory unites Einstein's gravity with quantum mechanics

New theory unites Einstein's gravity with quantum mechanics

The prevailing assumption has been that Einstein's theory of gravity must be modified, or 'quantized', in order to fit within quantum theory. This is the approach of two leading candidates ...

Physicists Challenge 'Fundamental Nature of Gravity' With Wild New Theory

Physicists Challenge 'Fundamental Nature of Gravity' With Wild New Theory

A new theory claims to solve one of the biggest problems in modern physics, but not everyone is convinced.

The Physicist Who’s Challenging the Quantum Orthodoxy

The Physicist Who’s Challenging the Quantum Orthodoxy

For decades, physicists have struggled to develop a quantum theory of gravity. But what if gravity — and space-time — are fundamentally classical?

Hunting spacetime fluctuations could unite Einstein and quantum physics

Hunting spacetime fluctuations could unite Einstein and quantum physics

A unified Theory Of Everything is the holy grail of physics, but gravity refuses to play ball. Now, a newly proposed theory attempts to unify Einstein’s theory of gravity with quantum ...

What Quantum Gravity Needs Is More Experiments

What Quantum Gravity Needs Is More Experiments

Math won’t solve quantum gravity. Experimentation will.

222 | Andrew Strominger on Quantum Gravity and the Real World

222 | Andrew Strominger on Quantum Gravity and the Real World

Andrew was there at the beginning of string theory, not the very, very beginning, the ideas behind string theory stretch back to the ’60s and ’70s, but what is called the First Super String ...

Might There Be No Quantum Gravity After All?

Might There Be No Quantum Gravity After All?

A proposed model unites quantum theory with classical gravity by assuming that states evolve in a probabilistic way, like a game of chance.

Could Quantum Gravity Allow Us To Time Travel?

Could Quantum Gravity Allow Us To Time Travel?

Some of the leading theories of quantum gravity prohibit it, while in others, time travel happens all the time.

New Theory Unites Gravity and Quantum Mechanics

New Theory Unites Gravity and Quantum Mechanics

One of the greatest mysteries of modern science is how to unite the two overarching theories of physics - quantum mechanics and general relativity. If physicists could somehow unite these ...

Will Scientists Ever Find a Theory of Everything?

Will Scientists Ever Find a Theory of Everything?

Physicists are on an ever urgent quest to find a fuller understanding of what makes the cosmos tick, which they call a theory of everything

Quantum Mischief Rewrites the Laws of Cause and Effect

Quantum Mischief Rewrites the Laws of Cause and Effect

Spurred on by experiments that scramble the ordering of causes and their effects, some physicists are figuring out how to abandon causality altogether.

The Planck era: Imagining our infant universe

The Planck era: Imagining our infant universe

During the Planck era, the universe was so small that our laws of physics break down. To dive deeper back in time, we’ll need new scientific language.

Black hole behavior suggests Dr. Who's 'bigger on the inside' Tardis trick is theoretically possible

Black hole behavior suggests Dr. Who's 'bigger on the inside' Tardis trick is theoretically possible

Do black holes, like dying old soldiers, simply fade away? Do they pop like universe-spawning balloons?

Can we craft a theory in which space and time aren’t assumed to exist?

Can we craft a theory in which space and time aren’t assumed to exist?

In some versions of quantum gravity, time itself condenses into existence.

Where Do Black Holes Lead?

Where Do Black Holes Lead?

If you travel through a black hole, where do you go?