What the Blog? is an Essentials video series discussing what’s next for emerging tech, the latest technology developments, space tech news, and cars of the future. Editors Isabella Moulton and Martin Jacobsz bring you a snappy summary of articles directly from our expertly curated Emerging Tech Essentials Newsletters.

Our first pick on the latest future car news, highlights how cars of the future will help us keep cool in all sorts of ways. These days we’re experiencing a heatwave in many parts of the world, and while we’re aware of the immediate dangers this has on our health, heat creates other dangers as well: everyday objects like car handles become so hot they can burn you. You can even get a sunburn while riding in a closed, air-conditioned car. The idea here is that self-driving cars will likely be equipped with Natural Language Processing (NLP), which can warn us about all kinds of things like extremely hot handles and interior car temperatures, so we can take precautions to stay safe. Want to take a deeper look at other emerging tech trends? Read our blog here.

Our second article examining the latest emerging tech news, highlights some of the recent developments in the autonomous driving space; from Tesla’s new supercomputer to Amazon’s self-driving trucks and even Ford’s interaction test between delivery vans and humans-- the autonomous driving world is picking up some serious speed. Whether you’re getting a delivery or riding in a taxi, tech companies are quickly building designs and the infrastructure needed to remove humans from the driving equation. Tesla’s using a new supercomputer, which will help bring their vision of autonomous vehicles to life, while Amazon recently commissioned 1,000 autonomous vehicle systems for long distance trucks. And Ford? As they’ve already been developing the technology needed to automate deliveries, they are now focusing on how humans can interact with driverless delivery vans. Want more *emerging tech trends? Read the article here.