Human space exploration: NASA takes a giant leap

Between 2011 and 2021 astronauts were largely grounded- off the back of NASA’s retired space shuttle. Things are looking up though, as NASA set their sights on getting humans back to the Moon and onto Mars. Focus has shifted from ‘how’ to get them there to ‘what’ they can achieve once they touch down. With decades of development, and billions of dollars spent, the Orion and Space Launch System rocket should be ready for their test flight early in 2022.

SpaceX marks the spot

This April NASA selected SpaceX for its Human Landing contract, which came with a whopping $2.89 billion of funding. This sky-rocketed SpaceX’s Starship program, allows NASA to consider not just fleeting ventures on the Moon but much longer stints. We’re not light years away from concepts such as mining, manufacturing, space tourism and even establishing societies on other planets.

The sky is not the limit

Space policy decision makers shift their focus to all-important sustainable space exploration. This includes complex transport systems and spaceflight hardware, to get astronauts into deep space. These expeditions mean digging deeper into NASA’s pockets, which are not infinite. On the up side, with SpaceX’s fixed-price award, NASA saved billions. This saving means NASA can include a Moon program into their existing budget with no additional cash required. Talk about the stars aligning!

Read the full findings here.

Exploring the surface of 5G capabilities

5G technology has both its active proponents and naysayers. But, whatever the conspiracy theorists make of it, 5G is here to stay. It alleviates huge strains on existing 4G networks and allows mobile providers to cope with increased data traffic, which is just the tip of the 5G capabilities iceberg. The capabilities it provides are eye-widening: think remote surgery, driverless vehicles and more.

When technology and military join forces

The immense potential of 5G technology is inspiring The Department of Defence (DOD) to lead the charge when it comes to utilizing 5G tech within its inner-workings. Imagine the possibilities of dropping a 5G unit in a remote location, which then provides full network access within a certain geographic location - even areas with little to no bandwidth.

A sound strategy for cyber-attacks?

5G tech is no stranger to controversy, and as with most things, there are pros and cons. Does 100 times the bandwidth and an increased footprint make 5G less secure and open to cyber- invaders? Quite the opposite. It’s proven to be much safer than 4G or 802.11 technology. This level of security creates options for the DOD to pursue innovations such as autonomous military vehicles, augmented reality navigation and real-time 3D imaging, all forms of technological ammunition!

Arm yourself with knowledge and read the full article here.

Autonomous vehicles are becoming a reality, and fast.

Next generation parents could be sighing in collective relief, as the stresses of teaching kids to drive take a back seat. Not to mention no longer having to play Mom’s taxi. Why? Self-driving vehicle technology is getting more sophisticated by the day. With five levels of land vehicle automation, we can take our feet off the pedals (literally), and eventually, our minds too. Say goodbye to the frustrations of parallel parking!

The personal transport industry is changing lanes

The end goal for the industry is fully automated transportation, with zero human intervention. This once seemed a far-fetched concept, but in reality, it’s not that far off. Robot shuttles and taxis are being designed with the intention to replace conventional cars and taxis. These driverless vehicles have perks: they are cheaper, more compact and zero-emission. On top of this, they solve other issues such as congestion caused by private car ownership and increase road safety.

Taking it to the skies

Why stop here? Like something from a futuristic movie, flying cars are now on the cards. As far back as the 1940s, helicopters have been used for taking passengers from A to B, but at great cost. Air taxis could alleviate the lack of on-the-ground transport infrastructure between cities and the latest battery technology and electric motors are turning this high-end concept into a reality.

It appears the sky really isn’t the limit.

Read the original article here.

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