
PlankthonChallenge is the Emerging Tech Essentials Hashtag of the Week. Why?

French transnational water and waste management company, Veolia, partnered with the Tara Ocean Foundation, to organize this innovative “ecological hackathon” over the weekend of June 25 -27, 2021.

Students from all over the world were invited to spend 48 hours using coding, AI, and data to imagine a low-power solution to facilitate the work of teams of scientists studying the oceans and the consequences of climate change on ocean life biotopes.

The caveat? The solution must be low power (to be used on a Raspberry Pi for example). Specific request: imagine the best way to visualize the ocean data (data viz). The 8 best teams pitch their solution on July 1st to a jury of experts from Veolia, Tara, and the Villefranche/Sorbonne University Oceanography Laboratory. We can’t wait to hear the outcome of this awesome initiative that combines tech innovation and ecology!

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