While a lot has been discussed about edge computing and the ease of having data collected and analyzed at site, this ability is now convincing people it may be the long-awaited answer to how we can save the environment.

While saving the environment is no easy feat, Mike Mattera, director of corporate sustainability for Akamai Technologies, weighs in on why edge computing might be the answer we’ve been searching for all along. When considering the amount of energy needed to power the internet, content being closer to the edge automatically makes the process more efficient, as data doesn’t have to be moved from one location to another. It really is about keeping data close to those looking to access it, as it means lower carbon emissions and lower waste.

Energy considerations become more paramount when considering the growing number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices online, which translates to substantial amounts of power needed to send and receive the necessary content. Without edge computing, appliances like thermostats or security systems must take in data, send it to another device to be analyzed, and then receive the data back again—which is understandably, very energy consuming. Having a sustainable edge means devices are able to collect and analyze the data at site, which greatly lowers the overall energy consumption.

Sustainable way- edge computing just might be the answer

With new technological developments emerging almost daily, we are certainly living in an exciting time. With this being said, it’s important for us to consider how all of these devices will be powered and how to do this in a more sustainable way- edge computing just might be the answer we’ve been searching for.

Read the full article here.

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