Despite the sometimes controversial nature of artificial intelligence in healthcare-related technology is proving to be incredibly beneficial in the medical sector. Launched in 2020, California - based startup, HealthTensor, has raised $5 million for its artificial intelligence driven software, which improves medical diagnoses. So far, “it’s gone live in three hospitals, with plans for 70 additional locations. To date, HealthTensor claims it has helped write more than 2,000 notes and identified overlooked medical conditions in 95% of cases.”

Medical artificial intelligence solutions have the power to take off a lot of pressure from physicians, allowing them to better focus their time on being “human” -- the emotional side of medicine, while the technology is left to take care of the data-driven aspects. Without so many pressures, things like missed diagnoses, patient dissatisfaction, and physician burnout, improve drastically. Though a wonderful development, HealthTensor is not the first technology of its kind; other medical platforms exist to reduce medical errors and improve diagnoses.

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare.

HealthTensor was founded by three longtime friends who despite all starting off in medical school, soon realized technology was the future of health care, and decided to move towards tech. To put things in perspective, Allied Market Research recently published a report which valued the global health care market for big data analytics at $16.87 billion in 2017. By 2025, this is projected to reach $67.82 billion.

The good news is that it is very possible that healthcare organizations who implement big data analytics will achieve more than a 25% reduction in their annual costs in the years ahead. This would be achieved through better diagnoses and improved disease predictions, which are all made possible through artificial intelligence and analytics.

HealthTensor has admirable ambitions, and aims to provide various artificial intelligence powered healthcare solutions to the market. They’re starting with diagnostic algorithms, which analyze doctors’ notes and lab results to provide better diagnoses. It also allows for a retrospective analysis of historic patient data, which points out where data surrounding diagnoses and documentation could be missing. The sky's the limit with this technology - the algorithms can also help automate diagnoses for chronic conditions, by continuously monitoring patients and then feeding data into physicians’ notes.

CEO Ben-Joseph stated: “HealthTensor works with a team of physicians from leading institutions to ensure that bias is not introduced into any algorithms… Any algorithm that is in production has hit an accuracy level of at least 90%.” Regardless of the controversy surrounding artificial intelligence, if this technology can allow doctors to focus on what’s really important - being human and prioritizing the emotional side of medicine, then it’s something we should embrace with open arms.

Read the full article here.

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