Emerging Tech

Applied Quantum Computing News

Applied Quantum Computing Essentials publishes the most interesting applied-use-cases in the quantum computing industry news, hand-picked by the most trusted experts in the industry.

Bra-ket notation, Quantum entanglement, Condensed matter physics, Quantum field theory, Quantum mechanics, Photon

@quantumjournal shared
On Feb 1, 2022
A new publication in Quantum: Real time evolution with neural-network quantum states by Irene López Gutiérrez and Christian B. Mendl https://t.co/2497FrZFbh https://t.co/nKK1v0plxt

Real time evolution with neural-network quantum states

Irene López Gutiérrez and Christian B. Mendl, Quantum 6, 627 (2022). A promising application of neural-network quantum states is to describe the time dynamics of many-body quantum systems. To realize this idea, we employ neural-network quantum states to appro…

@quantumjournal shared
On Feb 1, 2022
A new publication in Quantum: Real time evolution with neural-network quantum states by Irene López Gutiérrez and Christian B. Mendl https://t.co/2497FrZFbh https://t.co/nKK1v0plxt
Real time evolution with neural-network quantum states

Real time evolution with neural-network quantum states

Irene López Gutiérrez and Christian B. Mendl, Quantum 6, 627 (2022). A promising application of neural-network quantum states is to describe the time dynamics of many-body quantum systems. ...

“Sky Is The Limit”: Aiming For A Theory Of Everything

“Sky Is The Limit”: Aiming For A Theory Of Everything

These developments – extension of artificial intelligence, machine learning and neural networks are of prime importance for advancement of research in frontier Physics.

Living bibliography for the problem of defining wavefunction branches

Living bibliography for the problem of defining wavefunction branches

This post is (a seed of) a bibliography covering the primordial research area that goes by some of the following names: The “preferred-factorization problem”, aka “quantum mereology”, in ...

Alibaba Quantum Laboratory

Alibaba Quantum Laboratory

Our results are motivated by, and directly relevant to, recent experiments with Rydberg-dressed atoms in optical lattices, where ladder dynamics has already been demonstrated, and emphasize ...

QuantumCumulants.jl: A Julia framework for generalized mean-field equations in open quantum systems

QuantumCumulants.jl: A Julia framework for generalized mean-field equations in open quantum systems

David Plankensteiner, Christoph Hotter, and Helmut Ritsch, Quantum 6, 617 (2022). A full quantum mechanical treatment of open quantum systems via a Master equation is often limited by the ...

Neural Quantum States

Neural Quantum States

Picture by By Tatiana Shepeleva/shutterstock.com One of the most challenging problems in modern theoretical physics is the so-called many-body problem. Typic…

Machine Learning in the Quantum Era

Machine Learning in the Quantum Era

Machine Learning unlocks the potential of emerging Quantum Computers

Click here to read the article

Click here to read the article

Particularly successful are approaches based on Matrix Product States (MPS) [31–33], allowing to efficiently simulate the Quantum Fourier Transform of initial states of manageable bond ...

Machine learning for quantum matter

Machine learning for quantum matter

(2020). Machine learning for quantum matter. Advances in Physics: X: Vol. 5, No. 1, 1797528.

Coherent Ising machines—Quantum optics and neural network Perspectives

Coherent Ising machines—Quantum optics and neural network Perspectives

A coherent Ising machine (CIM) is a network of optical parametric oscillators (OPOs), in which the “strongest” collective mode of oscillation at well above threshold corresponds to an ...