
Sustainable Food

Food Essentials publishes only the most insightful links selected by the most trusted experts in the Food & Agriculture industry. Explore all the latest news and reports related to sustainable foods, as well as the trends leading the industry.

Top news of the week: 16.03.2023.

Intensive animal farming
Intensive farming
Dairy farming
Dairy product

@the_ecologist shared
On Mar 13, 2023
"Insects provide high-quality complete protein - up to 69 per cent depending on how they are prepared, far surpassing that of meat or fish. They are complete as they contain all nine essential amino acids and are rich in fibre, iron and calcium."
Insects as food: benefits and barriers

Insects as food: benefits and barriers

It has taken the plant-based food movement decades to get to where it is now - could the edible insect industry be next?

@SusFoodTrust shared
On Mar 14, 2023
On Thursday, 16th March, dairy farmers will come together for the @FoodEthicsNews workshop to explore how we can create a thriving, attractive and sustainable dairy farming system for future generations. Join the discussion and book your space here:
Dairy Innovation Workshop: A dairy legacy - from surviving to thriving

Dairy Innovation Workshop: A dairy legacy - from surviving to thriving

Join fellow dairy farmers to explore how we can create a thriving, attractive and sustainable dairy farming system for future generations